Title: ARCSS Data Coordination Center
1ARCSS Data Coordination Center
Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Data Coordination
- Data Management and Long Term Archive
- An NSF funded data center
- Presenter Rudolph J. Dichtl
- ADCC Manager
- 5-7 March 2002
2Funding and Organizational Chart
National Science Foundation (NSF)
University of Colorado
Cooperative Institute for Research in
Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
3Data Flow
Freshwater Initiative
Field Supporting Data
JOSS Web site
Near Real Time field data
ADCC Long Term Archive
Final Data with complete Metadata
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
4The 18-Wheeler has arrived with the data, but
where is the VW beetle with the metadata?
JOSS Data Delivery
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
- Universal Principle of Sharing Integral Data
Expeditiously - any scientist should have ready access to the
data and materials to verify or replicate a
published claim.
NAS, see 14 Feb 03, SCIENCE, Vol. 299, p. 990
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
6What is Metadata?
- It is the what, when, where, why, and how the
dataset was collected. It includes the name of
the PI. (search-metadata) - It is also the explanation of the details and
background of the dataset, such as, coordinates,
time/date, definition of parameters, and data
column headings. - (use-metadata)
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
7Metadata Discovery
- Metadata creation is time-consuming and
expensive (1) and that is why it does not
get done! - Some data servers provide only a modicum of
discovery assistance and no analysis tools
whereas others offer a Web interface to a
database for data discovery but only thumbnail
views of parts of preliminary data for
visualization e.g., the CODIAC server for SBI
data. (2)
(1) http//www.sas.com/rnd/eai/openmeta/v9/getstar
ted/metmgnt.html (2) http//www.unidata.ucar.edu/p
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
8Sometimes just getting started on your
Metadata seems hard, let alone waking up in the
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
9Peer-reviewed Journals
- One of the underlying principles of scientific
publication in peer-reviewed journals has been
the requirement that the authors make available
the data and materials necessary for a reader to
reproduce the experiment or analysis and to
determine whether the data support the authors
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
10Data Deposition
- this has evolved into the requirement that the
data underlying each published report be
deposited in an appropriate international
database. (3) - (i.e., international users)
(3) C. Ball, G Sherlock, H. Parkinson, P
Rocca-Sera, Science, vol. 298, 18 October 2002,
p. 539, Letters
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
11The Value of your data!
- It should go without stating that this
information is only of value as long as it is
available, so every effort should be made to
provide stable access to published data until
such time as it is available from a public
database. (3)
(3) C. Ball, G Sherlock, H. Parkinson, P
Rocca-Sera, Science, vol. 298, 18 October 2002,
p. 539, Letters
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
12Data Synthesis
- to facilitate the development of novel methods
of data analysis by providing access to necessary
primary data. (3)
(3) C. Ball, G Sherlock, H. Parkinson, P
Rocca-Sera, Science, vol. 298, 18 October 2002,
p. 539, Letters
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
13Data Management
- What is data management?
- Collecting data and making it available long term
- Act as a data repository curator
- Setting standards for data integrity and accuracy
(i.e., QA, QC is done by the PI) - Address intellectual property issues
- Attend to citations, security and privacy issues
related to the datasets
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
14A Look to the Future
- The need exists for making data not only
physically accessible, but also intellectually
accessible - (data information knowledge)
- Thus the need for complete and thorough metadata
to make metadata available to future
cyberinfrastructure machine-to-machine search,
and comprehensive analysis tools.
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
15The Arctic System Science Data Coordination
CenterArchiving, managing and integrating
Arctic science data
Our Home Page
- ARCSS investigator contact information is
available via our Address Book. - Browse the available ARCSS funded data sets by
- Subject, Investigator, or Project.
- Let us know what you think of our web site
design. - A Note from the Program Director of ARCSS,
- Dr. Neil Swanberg.
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
16Sample Data Web page with graphics
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
17Things that make us unique
- Support data from time of initial funding and in
a long term archive (full life cycle) - Data are distributed with detailed and complete
metadata - Provide long-term support for data to all
potential data users, this includes general
public, policy makers and K-12, ARCSS and
non-ARCSS scientists - Prepare DIFs on behalf of all SBI PIs
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
18Major Issues the SBI PIs should consider
- Importance of long-term data management to all
Arctic System research (present and future) - Importance of meta-data in a long-term archive
- The ARCSS program's push towards synthesis and
the role of long-term data management (synthesis
beyond ARCSS and synthesis in the future)
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
- ADCC -
- is the single Long Term Archive for all ARCSS
related data (e.g., SBI) - looks forward to providing the user community
access to ARCSS data sets as long as the ARCSS
Program exists
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
20Contact Information Rudy Dichtl (303) 492-5532
Thank you for your attention! Questions please.
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami
SBI-2 PI Meeting, Miami