Title: Implementing Collaboration through Flexible Access
1Implementing Collaboration through Flexible
3Learning for the 21st Century
- www.21stcenturyskills.org
4Information and Communication Skills
- Information and Media Literacy
- Communication Skills
5Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
- Critical thinking and systems thinking
- Problem identification, formulation, and solution
- Creativity and intellectual curiosity
6Interpersonal and Self-Directional Skills
- Interpersonal and collaborative skills
- Self-direction
- Accountability and adaptability
- Social responsibility
7State Board of Education
- "The guiding mission of the North Carolina State
Board of Education is that every public school
student will graduate from high school, globally
competitive for work and postsecondary education
and prepared for life in the 21st century."
8SBE Redefined Goals
- NC public schools will produce globally
competitive students. - NC public schools will be led by 21st century
professionals. - NC public school students will be healthy and
responsible. - Leadership will guide innovation in NC public
schools. - Goal NC public schools will be governed and
supported by 21st century systems.
9How Can these Skills Be Taught Effectively?
10Flexible scheduling was found to be an essential
ingredient facilitating collaborative
partnerships between teachers and
teacher-librarians. The principals expectations
for team planning among teachers was a key
ingredient for encouraging involvement of
teacher-librarians. Grade planning meetings
involving the teacher-librarian allowed for the
integration of content areas in a holistic way,
and could help shape a whole school commitment to
information literacy. Julie Tallman. Curriculum
consultation Strengthening Activity through
Multiple-content Area Units. School Library
Media Quarterly. Fall, 1995
11The IMPACT Model
12What Is This Idea Called Flexible Access?
13Flexible Access
- Enables students and teachers to use the media
center and computer lab throughout the day - And to have the services of the media coordinator
and technology facilitator at point of need.
14What are the barriers?
15Addressing Teacher Release Time
- Extra classes for resource teachers
- Increasing class size to create an additional
half-time/full-time resource position - Classes come to media center to use centers/check
out books (supervised by TA or media assistant)
16In a student-centered library media program,
learning needs to take precedence over class
schedules, school hours, student categorizations,
and other logistical concerns. Information
Power, 1998
17It is easier to put the puzzle pieces together if
you have the whole picture from the box
top. Dr. Milt Daugherty, Superintendent USD
444 - Little River, Kansas SRTTC April 2005
18What should it look like?
19Flexible access should
- Accommodate individual students at all times.
- Facilitate whole class and small group
instruction. - Include planning sessions, meetings, etc.
- Allow time for circulation, browsing, and
research. - Include time for special programs
20Why Is Flexible Access Better for Teaching and
21Advantages of Flexible Access
- Enriches teaching and learning through the
integration of information skills and technology
skills with classroom instruction (just in time
vs. just in case) - Facilitates teaching The Balanced Curriculum
22What is a Balanced Curriculum?
- Includes Entire Standard Course of Study (SCS)
- Educates the Whole Child (BEP)
- Includes a Challenging and Common Curriculum
(CCSSO) - Is Based on Best Knowledge of How Children
Develop and Learn (NASBE)
23What is a Balanced Curriculum?
- Prepares Students for Success in School and in
Life (NCLB/NCDPI) - Is Inclusive of All Subjects versus Only Those
Subjects Tested (NCLRC) - Promotes Brain Growth and Development through an
Enriched Environment (Diamond Hopson)
24Advantages of Flexible Access
- Provides authentic, active learning experiences
for 21st Century Learning skills - Information and communication skills
- Thinking and problem solving skills
- Interpersonal and self-directional skills
- Learning for the 21st Century
- www. 21stcenturyskills.org
2521st Century Context for Learning
- Making content relevant to students lives
- Bringing the world into the classroom
- Taking students out into the world
- Creating opportunities for students to interact
in authentic learning experiences
26Advantages of Flexible Access
- Increases access to resources
- Provides adequate time for the use of resources
- Facilitates collaborative planning between the
SLMC and classroom teachers
27Who Came Up with This Idea Anyway?
28Look to the Research
29Library Research Service
- Impact Studies
- www.lrs.org/impact.asp
30What the Research Says
- Wherever possible, schools should adopt policies
of flexibly scheduled access to the LMC.
Available evidence indicates that LMCs that are
reasonably accessible to students contribute more
to academic achievement. - Proof of the Power A First Look at the Results
of the Colorado StudyAnd More! Fast Facts No.
165, November, 1999
31Predictors of Academic Achievement Alaska Study
- Time spent by librarians delivering information
literacy instruction to students - Time spent by librarians planning cooperatively
with teachers
32What the Research Says
- Elementary school students with the most
collaborative teacher librarians scored 20
higher on the Colorado Student Assessment Program
(CSAP) for reading than students with the least
collaborative teacher librarians. - Lance, 2000
33Elementary schools with more flexibly scheduled
libraries performed 10 percent better in reading
and 11 percent better in writing on the ISAT
tests of fifth-graders than schools with less
flexibly scheduled libraries.
Powerful Libraries Make Powerful Learners The
Illinois Study. Illinois School Library Media
Association, 2005. http//www.islma.org/pdf/ILStud
34Where high school libraries are more flexibly
scheduled, more than six percent more
eleventh-graders met or exceeded PSAE reading
standards than their counterparts with less
flexibly scheduled libraries. High schools with
more flexibly scheduled libraries also had five
percent higher ACT scores than schools with less
flexibly scheduled libraries.
Powerful Libraries Make Powerful Learners The
Illinois Study. Illinois School Library Media
Association, 2005. http//www.islma.org/pdf/ILStud
35The wider spectrum of activities involved in true
collaboration between school librarians and
classroom teachers demonstrates an impact at the
high school level, particularly through the links
between those activities and eleventh-grade ACT
scores. When library staff spends more time on
these activities, ACT scores increase an average
of three to four percent over the scores for
schools with less collaborative library staff.
Powerful Libraries Make Powerful Learners The
Illinois Study. Illinois School Library Media
Association, 2005. http//www.islma.org/pdf/ILStud
36School Libraries Work!Scholastic Library
- http//librarypublishing.scholastic.com
37What the Research Says
- At elementary schools with the highest Michigan
Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) reading
scores, teachers and students are 4 times as
likely to be able to visit the library on a
flexibly scheduled basis, compared to their
counterparts at the lowest scoring schools. - Rodney, Lance, and Hamilton-Pennell, 2003
38Revitalizing High School Libraries (RHSL)
- Update and refurbished 4 HS media centers
(Minneapolis, Tampa, San Francisco) - Survey administered to over 600 students
regarding reading habits - Extended hours of operation and more flexible
access provided to the media centers
39RHSL Students Read More
- Findings from a survey in late 2005 suggest
that students in RHSL sites are reading more for
fun as well as classtalking more about books and
reading with family and friends. These behaviors
are strongly associated with higher reading and
academic achievement. -
- Adolescents Read. Public Education Network,
Issue 2, January 2006
40National Standards and State Guidelines
41Flexible, equitable, and far-reaching access to
the library media program is essential to the
development of a vibrant, active learning
community. Information Power, 1998
- Library media specialists will show their ability
to collaborate with others in the instructional
community to create, plan, and implement learning
experiences and assess student learning, using a
variety of resources.
43School library media coordinators and technology
facilitators play a vital role in todays schools
by providing flexible access to relevant
resources and flexible instruction based on
collaborative planning.
- IMPACT Guidelines for Media and Technology
Programs, 2005
44The Media Coordinator and Collaboration
45Getting Started Role of the Administrator
- To be an advocate This is what is best for
students. - Removing the SLMC from the release time schedule
46Role of the Administrator
- Communicating the expectation that collaboration
will occur on a regular basis - Provision of grade-level/subject area team
planning times
47- At the heart of professional learning
communities is a commitment to having all
teachers meet regularly with their colleagues - to determine, in common, the essential standards
they will teach in each course - to prepare lessons and units together, assess
their impact on student learning, and refine
their instruction... -
Schmoker, Mike. The New Fundamentals of
Leadership. SEDL Letter, Southwest Educational
Development Laboratory,Vol. XVII, No. 2, December
48Providing Planning Time
- Archer School Model Using teacher assistants
- Staff Development Funds for Substitutes
49Getting Started Enlisting Teacher Support
- Emphasizing advantages
- Greater curriculum integration
- Increased instructional support
- Opportunities for small group instruction and
differentiated learning
50When a teacher is willing to move a learning
experience from the classroom to the media
center, good things happen There are now two
teachers instead of one, an information-rich and
technology-rich environment is available, and
each learner can expect twice as much
professional support.
- Champlin, Connie and Loertscher, David.
- Reinvent Your Schools Library and Watch
Academic Achievement Increase - Principal Leadership, March 2003
51Enlisting Teacher Support contd
- Brainstorming with the MTAC, SIT, team leaders,
or department chairs - Starting slowly with willing teachers or teams
52Interim Variations of Flex Access
- Fixed schedule for kindergarten ( possibly gr.
1) - gradually phased out during the year - Scheduled primary classes in morning (or on
certain days) flex access for grs. 3-5 at other
times - Fixed time for each class to check out/read on
their own flex access for instruction - Jan Buchanan. Flexible Access Library
Media Programs, 1991.
53Getting Started Role of the Media Coordinator
- Building relationships and trust with teachers
- Being proactive, What are you doing right now,
and how can I help? - Providing specific suggestions for
literature/research activities
54Stage One of Flexible Access and Collaboration
- Provision of resources to support classroom
instruction - Informal planning
- (Combination of fixed/flex access)
55Stage Two of Flexible Access and Collaboration
- Media center activities developed independently
to support classroom instruction - Informal planning
- (No fixed times for instruction)
56Stage Three of Flexible Access and Collaboration
- Lessons/units collaboratively planned,
implemented, and evaluated - (Co-teaching)
57Developing Integrated Units
- Target the unit (teacher)
- Brainstorm objectives (collaborative)
- Refine the activities (collaborative)
- Assign responsibilities for instruction
- Schedule media center time
- Present the unit (collaborative)
- Evaluate the unit (collaborative)
- Dobrot, Nancy and Rosemary McCawley. Beyond
Flexible Scheduling, 1992.
58Additional Strategies for Collaboration
- Curriculum mapping/pacing guides
- Collaborative Planning Forms
- Collaboration Toolkit (data driven)
- School-wide student research process
- Project-based learning activities
59Project-Based Learning Focuses On
- In-depth exploration of topic
- Presentations
- Peer assessments
- Realistic challenge or puzzle to resolve
- Authentic tasks
- Student responsibility/teamwork
60What Does It Look Like?
Leesville Road Middle School Wake County, NC
61What Does It Look Like?
- Edutopia Stories for Learning in the Digital Age
- The George Lucas Educational Foundation
- www.edutopia.org
62Challenges related to Flexible Access and
- Overcoming reluctance to change
- Finding time for substantive collaborative
planning - Helping teachers understand collaborative
63Change Is Evolutionary and Takes Time.
64Its all about CHANGE!
- A PROCESS, not an event
- Made by individuals first, then organizations
- Highly PERSONAL experience
- DEVELOPMENTAL growth in feelings and skills
- CBAM The Concerns-Based Adoption Model A
Synthesis of the Process of Change
65Implementation of flex access takes time - three
to five years is realistic.
66QuestionsGerry Solomon 919/807-3286gsolomon_at_d
- In compliance with federal law, including the
provisions of Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, N C Public Schools
administers all state-operated educational
programs, employment activities and admissions
without discrimination because of race, religion,
national or ethnic origin, color, age, military
service, disability, or gender, except where
exemption is appropriate and allowed by law. - Inquiries or complaints should be directed to
- Dr. Elsie C. Leak, Associate Superintendent
- Office of Curriculum and School Reform Services
- 6307 Mail Service Center
- Raleigh, NC 27699-6307
- Telephone (919) 807-3761 fax (919) 807-3767
- gender, except where exemption is appropriate and
allowed by law.