Title: C
2External Conflict
- The character is struggling with another
character or with nature - Examples
- Phillip and Timothy facing the hurricane and
being stranded on an island in The Cay - Calvin and Antsy fighting over Lexie in The Schwa
Was Here
3Internal Conflict
- The character is struggling with his or her
own feelings and emotions. - That character must be the one to resolve the
conflict. - Examples
- Phillip overcoming his prejudice toward Timothy
in The Cay - Calvin coming to terms with his
invisibility in The Schwa
Was Here
4External or Internal?
Cass wants to wear her plastic heart-shaped
sunglasses to school, but she is worried that
people will make fun of her. from The Pity Party
5External or Internal?
The boys Cousin Kristina may not make it through
childbirth, and the women are working together to
help her. from The Quilt
6External or Internal?
Stacy struggles to remember who the man was that
shot her mother. from The Other Side of Dark
7External or Internal?
Robert knows that his father must kill his pet
pig in order for their family to have food to
eat. from A Day No Pigs Would Die
8External or Internal?
Arthur and Dan frantically try to escape the
basement after a tornado destroys the house. from
The Night of the Twisters
9External or Internal?
All alone after the nuclear bomb attack, Ann is
unsure how to survive. from Z for Zachariah
10Your Turn!
On a white sheet of paper, draw the shape of a
persons head and neck (see example) Inside the
head, write 5 examples of internal conflicts
youve had In the blank space around the head,
write 5 examples of external conflicts youve had