Title: Robert A' Pietrowsky
1Inland Waterways A Key Part of the U.S. Freight
Transportation System
5th World Water Forum Istanbul, Turkey March 17,
Robert A. Pietrowsky Director, Institute for
Water Resources the International Center for
Integrated Water Resources Mgt. U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers
2Link Between Multi-Purpose Water Useand Social
Stability, Economic Security
Imagine a Place Where
- 30 of owners and over 40 of tenants no toilets
or outhouses - 65 of owners and 80 of tenants have no access
to clean water - 95 of property owners and 98 of tenants have
no electricity - Only 8 of homeowners and less than 3 tenants
even own radios - More than 50 of owners and gt 75 of tenants
dont read newspapers - More than 75 of owners and gt 85 of tenants
dont own cars or trucks - Over 60 of the energy is provided from
animals/horses and only 6 from electric power
stations - More then 90 of households have no lighting
- More then 90 of the households have no
refrigeration and routinely lose more then 25
of their perishable food to spoilage - Most people live on subsistence farming most
farming is on over-used soil - Flooding is serious and repetitive to both rural
and urban areas cities
3Imagine a Place Where
Tennessee Valley (TVA)
4TVA as a Case Study
- FDR .
- Best of private and public
- Regional Authority with power
- authority for bonding with
- independence
- Also a Federal Corporation
- Broad economic and Social Development
- - generate wealth, bring region out of poverty
- Integration, planning, development, management
based on basin - Three main areas of responsibility
- - Energy - Environment - Economic
5(No Transcript)
6In a Generation
- 5.4 Billion in flood damages prevent throughout
the valley - Over 75 of homes with access to clean drinking
water - Over 75 of homes with flush toilets and 85
with plumbing - Over 90 had electricity or gas energy sources
- Literacy increased to almost 100
- Life expectancy increased to 70s, national
average - Small pox, malaria, typhoid largely eradicated
- Median per capita incomes at national levels
- Industrial production up over 500
- Almost 700 miles of navigable water links to sea
waterway - tonnage increased from 32 million ton-miles in
1933 to 161 million ton-miles in 1942. - Innovations in soil conservation, integrated
watershed management, land use, non-structural
flood mgt. other areas
7What TVA Does
- Supplies reliable, affordable power
- 62 power production sites including 29 hydropower
dams - 27,400 km (17,000 miles) of transmission lines
- Serves 8.6 million people and 61 large industrial
facilities - Supports a thriving river system
- 1049-km (652-mile) commercial navigation system
- Over 45 million metric tonnes (50 million tons)
of cargo annually - Some 100 public recreation areas
- Municipal, industrial and agricultural water
supply - Stimulates economic growth
- Provides flood protection preventing millions of
dollars in annual flood damage - Partner with public and private entities to
promote commercial and industrial development - Community investment loans
- Site development
- Research, engineering and design services
8An Integrated Approach
- TVA operates the Tennessee River system to
provide a wide range of public benefits
year-round navigation, flood damage reduction,
affordable electricity, improved water quality
and water supply, recreation, and economic
growth. - Most reservoir projects in the United States were
built for a single purpose, such as irrigation,
power production, or water supply. The Tennessee
River system is different. Its dams, locks, and
reservoirs were designed specifically to operate
as one system that meets many needs. - Every day, TVA balances these competing
- and sometimes conflicting needs for
- water in order to deliver the greatest value
- for the people of the Tennessee Valley.
Chickamauga Lock Hydropower Dam
9U.S. Federal Rolein Waterway Transport
- 1824 authority to clear snags and make
improvements - Canal building era to mid-1800s (states)
- Post Civil War suction dredging, jetties
- 1885 1st of 46 locks and dams on Ohio
- 1930s Present system of locks constructed on
Upper Miss, Illinois, Tennessee and other
waterways - 1950s Construction starts on present-day higher
lift locks on Ohio - 1960s-70s Navigation improvements to
Columbia-Snake, Arkansas River - 1985 Tenn-Tom Waterway completed
- 1994-Present Upper Mississippi River Illinois
Waterway Navigation Study
10U.S. Federal Rolein Waterway Transport
Water Resources Development Context
- 1824 authority to clear snags and make
improvements - Canal building era to mid-1800s (states)
- Post Civil War suction dredging, jetties
- 1885 1st of 46 locks and dams on Ohio
- 1930s Present system of locks constructed on
Upper Miss, Illinois, Tennessee and other
waterways - 1950s Construction starts on present-day higher
lift locks on Ohio - 1960s-70s Navigation improvements to
Columbia-Snake, Arkansas River - 1985 Tenn-Tom Waterway completed
- 1994 Present Upper Mississippi River
Illinois Waterway Navigation Study
1824 1936 Nation Building Era of primarily
Single Purpose Navigation Projects
1936 1986 Era of Economic Efficiency
focusing on Multi-Purpose Projects
1969 1986 Era of Environmental Enlightenment,
focusing on Multi-Objective Planning
1986 Present Beneficiary Pays Era, evolving
towards Integrated Water Resources Management
11National Strategy for the U.S. Marine
Transportation System
- U.S. National Strategy Goal
- The United States Marine Transportation System
will be a safe, secure, and globally integrated
network that, in harmony with the environment,
ensures a free-flowing, seamless, and reliable
movement of people and commerce along its
waterways, sea lanes, and intermodal
connections. - The National Strategy for the MTS, July 2008
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterway Transport
Mission - Provide safe, reliable, efficient, effective
environmentally sustainable waterborne
transportation systems for movement of commerce,
national security needs, recreation. - USACE Civil Works Strategic Plan, March 2004
12 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Activities
- Water Resources Missions
- Primary
- Navigation
- Flood Control Shore
- Protection
- Ecosystem Restoration
- Disaster Response
- Recovery
- Allied Purposes
- Hydropower
- Environmental
- Stewardship
- Water Supply
- Recreation
- Regulatory Programs
13United States Waterway Transport System
Supporting Global Competitiveness
- 25,000 miles (19,300 km) of navigable waterways
- 1,000 harbor channels
- 360 deepwater shallow draft harbors
- Connects 152,000 miles of rail 45,000
- miles of interstate highway
- 2.3 billion metric tons of trade
- 8.4 million seaport related jobs
- 2 trillion to economy
- Foreign trade 22 of Gross Domestic Product
- Global gateways key liquid pathways to rest of
US intermodal freight transportation system the
nations economic hinterlands
14U.S. Inland Waterway System
- Replacement Value 175 Billion
15Lock Sizes And Waterway Characteristics
Variations in capacity by waterway...
Common 15-barge coal tow at 366 m (1200) lock on
Ohio River
Large mixed tows of over 30 barges are common
on open water stretches of the Lower Mississippi
16U.S. Waterborne Commerceby Type of Traffic
- 2.6 Billion Tons (2006)
- 60 Foreign Trade / 40 Domestic
- Of Domestic 61 Inland Waterway
17Inland Waterway CommoditiesShare by Tons, 2006
Coal leads in tons
- Coal for Power Plants
- 209 million metric tonnes (230 million tons)
annual - 20 of utility coal supplied by waterway
18Inland Waterway CommoditiesShare by Ton-Mile,
- Grain Exports
- Over 64 million metric tonnes (70 million tons)
annually - Over 50 of soybean and corn exports move by
Farm leads in ton-miles
Total 280 Billion Ton-Miles
19Waterways Role in the Nations Economy
- Petroleum
- 327 million metric tonnes (360 million tons)
annually between domestic points - 21 of national total between reporting districts
20U.S. Ports Harbors SystemPorts handling gt10
million metric tons (2006)
Two Harbors
New York/NJ
Lower Delaware River
Indiana Hbr
Newport News
St. Louis
Los Angeles
Long Beach
Million Metric Tons
Over 100
Baton Rouge
Lake Charles
50 - 100
Texas City
25 - 50
Port Arthur
10 - 25
New Orleans
S. Louisiana
Corpus Christi
Port Everglades
21Emerging U.S. Water Transport Challenges
- Aging Infrastructure
- Increasing Domestic International Trade
- System Capacity Problems
- Constrained Funding
- Need for Integrated Solutions to Water Resources
Challenges - Navigation Systems
- Environmental Restoration
- Flood Management
- Water Quantity Quality
22Growing Freight Demand in U.S.
- Freight traffic expected to increase by 93
(2002-35) from 19 billion to 37 billion tons - Intermodal increases by 101
- Highway traffic grows 98 from 11.5 billion to 23
billion tons - Rail grows 88 from 1.8 to 3.5 billion tons
- How will this cargo be moved?
- Roads Little room left to expand, especially in
urban areas - Rail mileage has been decreasing much former
right-of-way has been developed - Rail capacity constraints in urban areas, tunnel
clearances, single-track bridges
23U.S. Inland Waterway Alternative
- More freight could shift to barge, if reliable
- EU promotes waterways as environmentally-friendly
alternative to highways and rail - Container-on-barge highly developed in Europe
- Examples in US Columbia-Snake Gulf Coast
service Coastal movements along Atlantic - More in the future?
Inland Container Barge
Osprey Line 750 TEU Tow on Mississippi River
24Modal Efficiency of Waterway Transport
Source Texas Transp Inst., 2007
25Inland Waterway Transport Conserves Fuel
Barge transportation is the most fuel efficient
method of moving the raw materials needed by the
How far one gallon of fuel moves one ton of
freight, average by mode
Truck 155
Rail 413
Barge 576
Source Texas Transp Inst., 2007
26Integrated Water Resources Management
- Past development allows Inland Waterway projects
to serve a variety of purposes - Hydropower
- Flood Protection
- Environmental Restoration
- Water Supply
- Recreation
27Contribution to Worldwide Initiatives
IWRM approaches, including Inland Waterway
Transport, can help developing nations to achieve
28U.S. Waterway Transport - Summary
- Provides safe, reliable, efficient, effective and
environmentally sustainable waterborne
transportation systems for movement
of commerce, national security needs,
and recreation - Inland navigation handles over 600 million tons
per year and is vital to the Nations economy - Many inland waterways in U.S. such as the
Tennessee River, have been managed for multiple
purposes including flood damage reduction,
hydropower, water supply, environmental
stewardship and recreation - Multi-purpose management requires an integrated
approach to balance competing uses and to ensure
environmental sustainability - Managed properly, inland waterways can contribute
to Millennium Development Goals, including - Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
- Ensure Environmental Sustainability
- Develop a Global Partnership for Development