Title: Love with all your heart
1Love with all your heart Weekly Theme 2nd 6th
2If I speak with human eloquence and angelic
ecstasy but dont love, Im nothing but the
creaking of a rusty gate. (1Cor 131)
3No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I
do, Im bankrupt without love. (1 Cor 133)
4Love never gives up. Love cares for others more
than for self. Love doesnt want what it doesnt
have. Love doesnt strut, Doesnt have a swelled
head, Doesnt force itself on others. Isnt
always me first, Doesnt fly off the
handle, Doesnt keep score of the sins of others.
Love takes pleasure in the flowering of
truth, Puts up with anything, Trusts God
always, Always looks for the best, Never looks
back, But keeps going to the end.
steadily in God
And the best of the three is love
1Cor 1313
6God of love and joy, help us to love you with
generosity. Teach us to love ourselves more
fully. And lead us to reflect this love in our
relationships with others. We ask this in the
name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
7God, we thank you for our faith in you which
brings us together in prayer. We praise you for
the hope you bring us even in our difficult
times, or when we search for answers. And we
rejoice in your love for us which makes this
community a better place. Watch over us this
day, and increase within us all those marvellous
gifts faith, hope and love. Amen.
8Let us pray for all our departed sisters and
brothers. Merciful God, hear our prayers and
console us. As we renew our faith in your
Son, whom you raised from the dead, strengthen
our hope that all our departed sisters and
brothers will share in his resurrection. We ask
this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
9Now we dont want you, brothers and sisters, to
be in any doubt about those who fall asleep in
death, or to grieve over them like those who
have no hope. After all, if we believe that
Jesus died and rose again from death then we
can believe that God will just as surely bring
with Jesus all who are asleep in
him. 1Thessalonians 413-14
10There is more hunger in the world for love, than
the need for bread Mother Teresa
11Love your neighbour, even if he plays the
trombone! Jewish proverb
12A prayer for Remembrance Sunday O God of truth
and justice, we hold before you those whose
memory we cherish, and those whose names we will
never know. Help us to lift our eyes above the
torment of this broken world, and grant us the
grace to pray for those who wish us harm. As we
honour the past, may we put our faith in your
future for you are the source of life and hope,
now and for ever. Amen.
13Remembering From the rising of the sun until its
setting God of peace God of justice God of
infinite mercy, remember your people. From the
bleakness of war to the lavish warmth of
peace God of peace God of justice God of
infinite mercy, remember your people. From the
peace of eternity to the pain of the present
moment God of peace God of justice God of
infinite mercy, remember your people.