Title: Assessing Information from Multilevel Ordinal and Continuous Tests
1Chapter 7 Prognostic Tests Chapter 8
Combining Tests and Multivariable Decision Rules
Michael A. Kohn, MD, MPP 10/29/2009
2Outline of Topics
- Prognostic Tests
- Differences from diagnostic tests
- Quantifying prediction calibration and
discrimination - Value of prognostic information
- Comparing predictions
- Combining Tests/Diagnostic Models
- Importance of test non-independence
- Recursive Partitioning
- Logistic Regression
- Variable (Test) Selection
- Importance of validation separate from derivation
3Prognostic Tests (Ch 7)
- Differences from diagnostic tests
- Validation/Quantifying Accuracy (calibration and
discrimination) - Assessing the value of prognostic information
- Comparing predictions by different people or
different models
Will not discuss time-to-event analysis or
predicting continuous outcomes. (Covered in
Chapter 7.)
4Chance determines whether you get the disease
Spin the needle
5Diagnostic Test
- Spin needle to see if you develop disease.
- Perform test for disease.
- Gold standard determines true disease state.
(Can calculate sensitivity, specificity, LRs.)
6Prognostic Test
- Perform test to predict the risk of disease.
- Spin needle to see if you develop disease.
- How do you assess the validity of the
7Example Mastate Cancer
- Once developed, always fatal.
- Can be prevented by mastatectomy.
- Two oncologists separately assign each of N
individuals a risk for developing mastate cancer
in the next 5 years.
8(No Transcript)
9How do you assess the validity of the predictions?
10How many like this?
Oncologist 1 assigns risk of 50
Spin the needles.
How many get mastate cancer?
11How many like this?
Oncologist 1 assigns risk of 35
Spin the needles.
How many get mastate cancer?
12How many like this?
Oncologist 1 assigns risk of 20
Spin the needles.
How many get mastate cancer?
- How accurate are the predicted probabilities?
- Break the population into groups
- Compare actual and predicted probabilities for
each group
Related to Goodness-of-Fit and diagnostic model
validation, which will be discussed shortly.
- How well can the test separate subjects in the
population from the mean probability to values
closer to zero or 1? - May be more generalizable
- Often measured with C-statistic (AUROC)
AUROC 0.63
20True Risk
Oncologist 1 20 Oncologist 2 20 True Risk
Oncologist 1 35 Oncologist 2 20 True Risk
Oncologist 1 50 Oncologist 2 20 True Risk
21True Risk -- Calibration
22True Risk -- Calibration
23True Risk -- Discrimination
24True Risk -- Discrimination
25True Risk -- Discrimination
AUROC 0.63
26ROC curve depends only on rankings, not
27Random event occurs AFTER prognostic test.
1) Perform test to predict the risk of
disease. 2) Spin needle to see if you develop
Only crystal ball allows perfect prediction.
28Maximum AUROC
True Risk 11.1
True Risk 16.7
True Risk 33.3
Maximum AUROC 0.65
29Diagnostic versus Prognostic Tests
Identify Prevalent Disease
Predict Incident Disease/Outcome
Prior to Test
After Test
/-, ordinal, continuous
Risk (Probability)
lt1 (not clairvoyant)
30Value of Prognostic Information
- Why do you want to know risk of mastate cancer?
To decide whether to do a mastatectomy.
31Value of Prognostic Information
- It is 4 times worse to die of mastate gland
cancer than to have a mastatectomy. - B C 4C
- Ptt C/(BC) C/4C 0.25 25
32Value of Prognostic Information300 patients (100
per risk group)
- Oncologist 1 31
- gt 25
- Mastatectomy
- 89 out of 100 unnecessary no mastate cancer
- Oncologist 1 37
- gt 25
- Mastatectomy
- 83 out of 100 unnecessary no mastate cancer
- Oncologist 1 53
- gt 25
- Mastatectomy
- 67 out of 100 unnecessary no mastate cancer
33Value of Prognostic Information300 patients (100
per risk group)
- Oncologist 2 20
- lt 25
- No Mastatectomy
- 11 out of 100 die of mastate cancer no
- Oncologist 2 20
- lt 25
- No Mastatectomy
- 17 out of 100 die no mastatectomies
- Oncologist 2 20
- lt 25
- No Mastatectomy
- 33 out of 100 die no mastatectomies
34Value of Prognostic Information300 patients (100
per risk group)
- True Risk 11
- lt 25
- No Mastatectomy
- 11 out of 100 die of mastate cancer no
- True Risk 17
- lt 25
- No Mastatectomy
- 17 out of 100 die no mastatectomies
- True Risk 33
- gt 25
- Mastatectomy
- 67 out of 100 unnecessary no mastate cancer
35Value of Prognostic Information300 patients (100
per risk group)
36Value of Prognostic Information
- Doctors and patients like prognostic information
- But hard to assess its value
- Most objective approach is decision-analytic.
Consider - What decision is to be made?
- Costs of errors?
- Cost of test?
37Comparing Predictions
- Compare ROC Curves and AUROCs
- Reclassification Tables, Net Reclassification
Improvement (NRI), Integrated Discrimination
Improvement (IDI) - See Jan. 30, 2008 Issue of Statistics in
Medicine (? and EBD Edition 2 ?)
Pencina et al. Stat Med. 2008 Jan
38Common Problems with Studies of Prognostic Tests
39Combining Tests/Diagnostic Models
- Importance of test non-independence
- Recursive Partitioning
- Logistic Regression
- Variable (Test) Selection
- Importance of validation separate from derivation
(calibration and discrimination revisited)
40Combining TestsExample
- Prenatal sonographic Nuchal Translucency (NT) and
Nasal Bone Exam as dichotomous tests for Trisomy
Cicero, S., G. Rembouskos, et al. (2004).
"Likelihood ratio for trisomy 21 in fetuses with
absent nasal bone at the 11-14-week scan."
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 23(3) 218-23.
41If NT 3.5 mm Positive for Trisomy 21
Whats wrong with this definition?
42(No Transcript)
43- In general, dont make multi-level tests like NT
into dichotomous tests by choosing a fixed cutoff - I did it here to make the discussion of multiple
tests easier - I arbitrarily chose to call 3.5 mm positive
44One Dichotomous Test
- Trisomy 21
- Nuchal D D- LR
- Translucency
- 3.5 mm 212 478 7.0
- lt 3.5 mm 121 4745 0.4
- Total 333 5223
Do you see that this is (212/333)/(478/5223)?
Review of Chapter 3 What are the sensitivity,
specificity, PPV, and NPV of this test? (Be
45Nuchal Translucency
- Sensitivity 212/333 64
- Specificity 4745/5223 91
- Prevalence 333/(3335223) 6
- (Study population pregnant women about to
undergo CVS, so high prevalence of Trisomy 21) - PPV 212/(212 478) 31
- NPV 4745/(121 4745) 97.5
Not that great prior to test P(D-) 94
46Clinical Scenario One TestPre-Test Probability
of Downs 6NT Positive
- Pre-test prob 0.06
- Pre-test odds 0.06/0.94 0.064
- LR() 7.0
- Post-Test Odds Pre-Test Odds x LR()
- 0.064 x 7.0 0.44
- Post-Test prob 0.44/(0.44 1) 0.31
47NT Positive
- Pre-test Prob 0.06
- P(ResultTrisomy 21) 0.64
- P(ResultNo Trisomy 21) 0.09
- Post-Test Prob ?
- http//www.quesgen.com/Calculators/PostProdOfDisea
Slide Rule
48Nasal Bone Seen NBANo Neg for Trisomy 21
Nasal Bone Absent NBAYes Pos for Trisomy 21
49Second Dichotomous Test
- Nasal Bone Tri21 Tri21- LR
- Absent
- Yes 229 129 27.8
- No 104 5094 0.32
- Total 333 5223
Do you see that this is (229/333)/(129/5223)?
50Pre-Test Probability of Trisomy 21 6NT
Positive for Trisomy 21 ( 3.5 mm)Post-NT
Probability of Trisomy 21 31NBA Positive (no
bone seen)Post-NBA Probability of Trisomy 21 ?
Clinical Scenario Two Tests
Using Probabilities
51Clinical Scenario Two Tests
Using Odds
Pre-Test Odds of Tri21 0.064NT Positive (LR
7.0)Post-Test Odds of Tri21 0.44NBA Positive
(LR 27.8?)Post-Test Odds of Tri21 .44 x
27.8? 12.4? (P
12.4/(112.4) 92.5?)
52Clinical Scenario Two TestsPre-Test
Probability of Trisomy 21 6NT 3.5 mm AND
Nasal Bone Absent
- Can we use the post-test odds after a positive
Nuchal Translucency as the pre-test odds for the
positive Nasal Bone Examination? - i.e., can we combine the positive results by
multiplying their LRs? - LR(NT, NBE ) LR(NT ) x LR(NBE ) ?
- 7.0 x 27.8 ?
- 194 ?
54Answer No
Not 194
158/(158 36) 81, not 92.5
- Absence of the nasal bone does not tell you as
much if you already know that the nuchal
translucency is 3.5 mm.
56Clinical Scenario
Using Odds
Pre-Test Odds of Tri21 0.064NT/NBE (LR
68.8)Post-Test Odds 0.064 x 68.8
4.40 (P 4.40/(14.40) 81, not 92.5)
58Non-Independence of NT and NBA
- Apparently, even in chromosomally normal fetuses,
enlarged NT and absence of the nasal bone are
associated. A false positive on the NT makes a
false positive on the NBE more likely. Of normal
(D-) fetuses with NT lt 3.5 mm only 2.0 had nasal
bone absent. Of normal (D-) fetuses with NT
3.5 mm, 7.5 had nasal bone absent.
Some (but not all) of this may have to do with
ethnicity. In this London study, chromosomally
normal fetuses of Afro-Caribbean ethnicity had
both larger NTs and more frequent absence of the
nasal bone.
In Trisomy 21 (D) fetuses, normal NT was
associated with the presence of the nasal bone,
so a false negative on the NT was associated with
a false negative on the NBE.
- Instead of looking for the nasal bone, what if
the second test were just a repeat measurement of
the nuchal translucency? - A second positive NT would do little to increase
your certainty of Trisomy 21. If it was false
positive the first time around, it is likely to
be false positive the second time.
60Reasons for Non-Independence
- Tests measure the same aspect of disease.
- One aspect of Downs syndrome is slower fetal
development the NT decreases more slowly and the
nasal bone ossifies later. Chromosomally NORMAL
fetuses that develop slowly will tend to have
false positives on BOTH the NT Exam and the Nasal
Bone Exam.
61Reasons for Non-Independence
- Heterogeneity of Disease (e.g. spectrum of
severity). - Heterogeneity of Non-Disease.
- (See EBD page 158.)
Not particularly important in the Downs
syndrome example
62Unless tests are independent, we cant combine
results by multiplying LRs
63Ways to Combine Multiple Tests
- On a group of patients (derivation set), perform
the multiple tests and (independently)
determine true disease status (apply the gold
standard) - Measure LR for each possible combination of
results - Recursive Partitioning
- Logistic Regression
Beware of incorporation bias
64Determine LR for Each Result Combination
Assumes pre-test prob 6
65Sort by LR (Descending)
66Apply Chapter 4 Multilevel Tests
- Now you have a multilevel test (In this case, 4
levels.) - Have LR for each test result
- Can create ROC curve and calculate AUROC
- Given pre-test probability and treatment
threshold probability (C/(BC)), can find optimal
67Create ROC Table
68AUROC 0.896
69Optimal Cutoff
- Assume
- Pre-test probability 6
- Threshold for CVS is 2
70Determine LR for Each Result Combination
2 dichotomous tests 4 combinations 3 dichotomous
tests 8 combinations 4 dichotomous tests 16
combinations Etc.
2 3-level tests 9 combinations 3 3-level tests
27 combinations Etc.
71Determine LR for Each Result Combination
How do you handle continuous tests?
Not always practical for groups of tests.
72Recursive PartitioningMeasure NT First
73Recursive PartitioningExamine Nasal Bone First
74Do Nasal Bone Exam First
- Better separates Trisomy 21 from chromosomally
normal fetuses - If your threshold for CVS is between 11 and 43,
you can stop after the nasal bone exam - If your threshold is between 1 and 11, you
should do the NT exam only if the NBE is normal.
75Recursive PartitioningExamine Nasal Bone
FirstCVS if P(Trisomy 21 gt 5)
76Recursive PartitioningExamine Nasal Bone
FirstCVS if P(Trisomy 21 gt 5)
77Recursive Partitioning
- Same as Classification and Regression Trees
(CART) - Dont have to work out probabilities (or LRs) for
all possible combinations of tests, because of
tree pruning
78Recursive Partitioning
- Does not deal well with continuous test results
- when there is a monotonic relationship between
the test result and the probability of disease
79Logistic Regression
- Ln(Odds(D))
- a bNTNT bNBANBA binteract(NT)(NBA)
- 1
- - 0
- More on this later in ATCR!
80Why does logistic regression model log-odds
instead of probability?
Related to why the LR Slide Rules log-odds scale
helps us visualize combining test results.
81Probability of Trisomy 21 vs. Maternal Age
82Ln(Odds) of Trisomy 21 vs. Maternal Age
83Combining 2 Continuous Tests
gt 1 Probability of Trisomy 21
lt 1 Probability of Trisomy 21
84Choosing Which Tests to Include in the Decision
- Have focused on how to combine results of two or
more tests, not on which of several tests to
include in a decision rule. - Variable Selection Options include
- Recursive partitioning
- Automated stepwise logistic regression
Choice of variables in derivation data set
requires confirmation in a separate validation
data set.
85Variable Selection
- Especially susceptible to overfitting
86Need for Validation Example
- Study of clinical predictors of bacterial
diarrhea. - Evaluated 34 historical items and 16 physical
examination questions. - 3 questions (abrupt onset, gt 4 stools/day, and
absence of vomiting) best predicted a positive
stool culture (sensitivity 86 specificity 60
for all 3). - Would these 3 be the best predictors in a new
dataset? Would they have the same sensitivity
and specificity?
DeWitt TG, Humphrey KF, McCarthy P. Clinical
predictors of acute bacterial diarrhea in young
children. Pediatrics. Oct 198576(4)551-556.
87Need for Validation
- Develop prediction rule by choosing a few tests
and findings from a large number of
possibilities. - Takes advantage of chance variations in the data.
- Predictive ability of rule will probably
disappear when you try to validate on a new
dataset. - Can be referred to as overfitting.
- No matter what technique (CART or logistic
regression) is used, the tests included in a
model and the way in which their results are
combined must be tested on a data set different
from the one used to derive the rule. - Beware of studies that use a validation set to
tweak the model. This is really just a second
derivation step.
89Prognostic Tests and Multivariable Diagnostic
- Commonly express results in terms of a
probability - -- risk of the outcome by a fixed time point
(prognostic test) - -- posterior probability of disease (diagnostic
model) - Need to assess both calibration and
90Validation Dataset
- Measure all the variables needed for the model.
- Determine disease status (D or D-) on all
- -- Divide dataset into probability groups
(deciles, quintiles, ) based on the model (no
tweaking allowed). - -- In each group, compare actual D proportion
to model-predicted probability in each group.
- Discrimination
- -- Test result is model-predicted probability of
disease. - -- Use Walking Man to draw ROC curve and
calculate AUROC.
93Outline of Topics
- Prognostic Tests
- Differences from diagnostic tests
- Quantifying prediction calibration and
discrimination - Comparing predictions
- Value of prognostic information
- Combining Tests/Diagnostic Models
- Importance of test non-independence
- Recursive Partitioning
- Logistic Regression
- Variable (Test) Selection
- Importance of validation separate from derivation
94Please return game spinners to red bag!