Title: computer and network security
1computer and network security
- matt barrie
- ltmattb_at_alumni.stanford.orggt
2stream cyphers
- In a OTP, the secret key is the random n-bit
stream. - Stream cyphers replace this random stream with a
pseudorandom bitstream. - The secret key is the seed used to generate the
pseudorandom stream. - E(m, seed) m ? RNG(seed)
- D(c, seed) c ? RNG (seed)
pseudo random stream
3security of stream cyphers
- Tradeoff perfect secrecy for ease of
implementation / use. - The security of the cypher is dependent on the
security of the pseudorandom number generator. - It should be computationally hard to determine
either the seed or the next number in sequence. - Since the random number generator is
deterministic, the seed should only be used for
one session. - Stream cyphers are much faster than block
cyphers. - Two avoid using the same seed twice, we can
encrypt it using stronger crypto and append to
the ciphertext (to tell the other party) - E(m, k) DES(seed, k) m ? RNG(seed)
- (strong)
4pseudorandom number generators
- Linear Congruential Generators
- xn1 (axn b) mod c
- e.g. Unix rand() function
- a, b, c are constants
- Period of generator is less than c
- Cannot be used for security - easily predictable!
- Only need two values to reconstruct the internal
state. - Was used by an Internet casino who were so sure
of their code, they published their algorithms! - With expected results
- Moral of the story dont use!
5linear feedback shift registers
- Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs)
- Seed is the initial value of the shift register
- Feedback network based on polynomials in finite
fields - Easy and fast in hardware
- Problem
- Tap configuration can be determined from 2n
output bits
n bit shift register
- Wide applications in cryptography
- Based on permutations of a 256 byte array
- The seed is the initial value of the array
- RC4s key scheduling algorithm has problems
- i,j0
- while (1)
- i i 1 (mod 256)
- j j si (mod 256)
- swap (si, sj)
- t si sj (mod 256)
- output st
7History of DES
- 1970s IBM Research Team led by Feistel devises a
cypher called LUCIFER with a 128-bit message,
cyphertext and keyspace. - 1973 NBS (now NIST) asks for a proposed data
encryption standard. - 1974 IBM develops DES from LUCIFER.
- 1975 The NSA fixes DES
- shortens key to 56 bits (on 64 bit blocks)
- plays with S (substitution) boxes
- additional permutations
- 1977 DES adopted and heavily used to secure
financial transactions. - 1991 Biham Shamir discover modifications to
DES resilient to differential cryptanalysis. - 1993 Michael Wiener from Nortel theorises a
USD1M machine could crack DES in 3.5 hours
using off the shelf components - 1997 DES cracked by brute force by
Distributed.net in 96 days.
- Was the NSA playing the resource game?
- "NSA doesn't want a strong cryptosystem as a
national standard, because it is afraid of not
being able to read the messages. On the other
hand, if NSA endorses a weak cryptographic system
and is discovered, it will get a terrible black
eye." - EFF 1998
- Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- Block cypher (64-bit blocks, 56-bit key)
- 16-round Feistel network
- A particular construction which is reversible
- c DESk(m)
- m DESk(c)
- Note key schedule is reversed
- Operates in many different modes
- Worlds most heavily used and analysed cypher
- We still dont understand it properly after 25
years - The NSA knew more than we do now 20 years ago
10feistel networks
- Ladder structure
- Input is split into two blocks, the left and
right halves - The functions f1 fk are arbitrary mappings
- f1 fk 0,1n ? 0,1n
left half
right half
each round li ri-1 ri li-1 ?
fi(ri-1) finally if rounds even then swap
round 1 round 2 round 3
11feistel structure
- Express cypher as combination of successive round
functions (can be any number of rounds) - ?(f1, f2, f3)
- To decrypt, simply use the rounds in reverse
order i.e. - ?-1(f1, f2, , f2k-1) ?(f2k-1, , f2, f1)
- Round functions do not need to be invertible
- If fi are random functions then ?() is
indistinguishable from a random permutation under
a chosen plaintext attack - This lets us turn any one-way function into a
block cypher - We can thus optimise round functions individually
12DES structure
Initial permutation to discourage
software implementations (transposition)
Plaintext split into left and right halves (each
32 bits, expanded to 48)
P-boxes to confuse (permutation) S-boxes to
destroy (substitution) 16 rounds
Key schedule s1..s16 derived from key (each is 48
of 56 bits)
Inverse of initial permutation
13DES internals
- 16 round Feistel network with functions f1 f16
derived from the key (through the key scheduling
algorithm) - DES can be defined by the following equations
- M L0R0 L0 R0 32 bits
- Li Ri-1 16 rounds
- Ri Li-1 ? F(Ri-1, ki)
- C R16L16 output
- Each ki is the ith subkey derived from the key k
according to a key schedule.
14DES round functions
- The function F(x,ki) 0,132 x 0,148 ? 0,132
x (32 bits)
ki (48 bits)
48 bits
48 bits
S-box (substitution) nonlinear confuse
6 bits x 8
4 bits x 8
32 bits
P-box (permutation) destroy
15avalanche effect in DES
- DES is designed so that a minor change in the key
or the plaintext results in a dramatic change in
the cyphertext.
Round Bit change in plaintext Bit change in
key (bits different in cyphertext) (bits
different in cyphertext) 0 1 0 1 6 2 2 21 14 3
35 28 4 39 32 5 34 30 6 32 32 7 31 35 8 29 3
4 9 42 40 10 44 38 11 32 31 12 30 33 13 30 28
14 26 26 15 29 34 16 34 35
Change quickly avalanches, so difference between
cyphertexts approaches that of any two chosen at
random (half the bits in error on average)
16DES is broken
- DES has been found to hold up well against many
forms of cryptanalysis, but fell to brute force. - The problem is that Moores Law has caught up.
- Security is all about resources, and these
resources ride the silicon curve. - 1993 Michael Wiener theorises USD1M machine
brute force in 3.5 hours. - 1997 www.distributed.net 78,000 PCs brute force
DES in 96 days. - 1998 EFF Deep Crack machine (USD250k) and
Distributed.net breaks in then than a
day (3 days for the whole keyspace) - 2001 Sub-USD1M custom chip machine brute force
in under 30 minutes.
17EFF DES cracker
- Based on low-volume gate array machine built with
AWT - Exploits Hardware parallelism
- 24 DES Search Units / Chip
- 64 Chips / Board (1800 chips total)
- 27 Boards total in 2 Sun VME Chasses
- DES performed in 16 cycles
- Clocked at 40MHz !
- 2.5 Million keys / second
- Total Cost (1997) USD250k
- Brute force keyspace in 3 days
18cryptanalysis cost metrics
- 1993 Wieners theoretical machine 1.3 x 1010 d-s
- 1997 Distributed.net effort 6.5 x 1014 d-s
- Assuming 1000/machine!
- 1998 EFF Deep Crack 6.5 x 1010 d-s
- Moral of the story
- Highly parallel special purpose hardware is much
more efficient that massively parallel general
purpose processors. - The Future?
- Cryptanalysis using modern FPGAs
- e.g. Xilinx Virtex-II Pro 125,000 CLBs and up
to 4 PPC Cores _at_ 400MHz - Gain efficiencies using highly-parallel arrays of
crack cores - FPGAs can clock _at_ 100-200MHz vs. 40MHz
- 4x higher densities
- Arbitrary function blocks in modern CLBs ideal
for P/S-boxes - Exhaust space in 3-7 hours for same cost as DES
19DES modes of operation
- Electronic Code Book (ECB)
- Each 64 bit block is encrypted separately.
- Vulnerable to dictionary attacks.
20ECB properties
- Identical plaintext blocks result in identical
cyphertext blocks - Blocks are encyphered independently
- reordering cyphertext blocks results in reordered
plaintext blocks - ECB thus not recommended for messages gt 1 block
or reuse over more than one message. - Error Propagation one or more bit errors in a
cyphertext block only affects the corresponding
plaintext block - In general for a typical cypher decryption for
this block results in random plaintext (i.e. 50
of plaintext in error) - Can strengthen through the use of random padding
21cypher block chaining (CBC)
- Cypher Block Chaining (CBC)
- Blocks are chained together
- IV is some predetermined value
22CBC properties
- Identical plaintexts result in identical
cyphertexts when the same plaintext is encyphered
using the same key and IV. - Changing one or more of k, IV or m0 affects this.
- Chaining dependencies
- Cyphertext cj dependends on m0 mj
- Rearrangement of cyphertext blocks affects
decryption - Error propagation
- Bit error in cyphertext cj affects decyphering of
cj and cj1. - Recovered block mj typically results in random
bits - Bit errors in recovered block mj1 are precisely
where cj was in error. - Attacker can cause predictable bit changes in
mj1 by altering cj - Bit Recovery
- CBC is self-synchronising or cyphertext autokey
in that if a bit error occurs in cj but not cj1,
then cj2 correctly decrypts to mj2
23output feedback mode (OFM)
- Ouput Feedback Mode (OFM) (effectively a stream
24properties of OFB
- Identical plaintexts result in identical
cyphertexts when the same plaintext is encyphered
using the same key and IV. - Chaining dependencies
- The keystream is plaintext independent
- Error propagation
- one or more bit errors in any cyphertext block
results only in decypherment of that block in the
precise position of error - Error recovery
- OFB recovers from cyphertext bit errors but not
bit loss (results unalignment of keystream) - Throughput
- Keystream may be independently calculated (e.g.
precomputed) - IV must be changed if the key is reused
25evaluating block cyphers and modes
- Estimated Security Level
- Confidence grows the longer it has been openly
analysed. - Key Size
- An upper bound on the security of the cypher (ie.
brute force). - Longer keys have added costs to key generation,
distribution, storage, difficulty to remember
passwords, key recovery (!) - Throughput
- Relates to affinity of design to implementation
- Block Size
- Larger is better but more costly
- Complexity of Cryptographic Mapping
- Data Expansion
- Error Propagation
- Effect of bit errors differs between cyphers and
mode of operation
- Handbook of Applied Cryptography
- 7.1 - 7.4
- Stallings
- 3