Revolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by feelings of love. Quotes Quiz 2 ... Quotes Quiz 5. Every revolution evaporates and leaves ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Revolution

  • Fairness demands recognition of the fact that the
    way nearly all history has been written imposes
    an overwhelming bias against revolutionary
    violence. Indeed the bias becomes horrifying as
    one comes to realize its depth. To equate the
    violence of those who resist oppression with the
    violence of the oppressors would be misleading
    enough. But there is a great deal more. From the
    days of Spartacus through Robespierre down to the
    present day, the use of force by the oppressed
    against their former masters has been the object
    of nearly universal condemnation. Meanwhile the
    day-to-day repression of normal society hovers
    dimly in the background of most history books.
  • Barringtion Moore Jr.

Class Schedule
(No Transcript)
  • Attendance and Participation 30
  • Mid-Term Paper Presentation 40
  • Final Paper 30

Quotes Quiz 1
  • At the risk of sounding ridiculous, let me say
    that the true revolutionary is guided by feelings
    of love.

Quotes Quiz 2
  • A modern revolutionary group heads for the
    television station.

Quotes Quiz 3
  • Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun

Quotes Quiz 4
  • The revolution... is a dictatorship of the
    exploited against the exploiters.

Quotes Quiz 5
  • Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind it
    only the slime of bureaucracy.

Quotes Quiz 6
  • I perceive that, in revolutions, the supreme
    power rests with the most abandoned.

Quotes Quiz 7
  • Revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets

Quotes Quiz 8
  • J'ai vecu. I survived. (Reply when asked what he
    did during the French Revolution)

Quotes Quiz
  • All modern revolutions have ended in a
    reinforcement of the State.

  • Ernesto Che Guevara
  • Abbie Hoffman
  • Mao Tse-Tung
  • Fidel Castro
  • Franz Kafka
  • Jean-Jaques Danton
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Abbé Sieyès
  • Albert Camus

  • At a certain stage of their development the
    material forces of production in society come
    into conflict with the existing relations of
    production, or what is but a legal expression
    of the same thing with the property relations
    within which they had been at work before. From
    forms of development of the forces of production
    these relations turn into their fetters. Then
    comes the period of social revolution.
  • Karl Marx

  • Revolutions are the festivals of the oppressed
    and exploited. At no other time are the masses of
    people in a position to come forward so actively
    as creators of a new social order.
  • Vladimir. I. Lenin

  • Violence is no more adequate to describe the
    phenomenon of revolution than change only where
    change occurs in the sense of a new beginning,
    where violence is used to constitute an
    altogether different form of government, to bring
    about the formation of a new body politic can
    we speak of revolution.
  • Hannah Arendt

  • A revolution is a rapid, fundamental, and violent
    domestic change in the dominant values and myths
    of a society, in its political institutions,
    social structure, leadership, and government
    activities and policies. Revolutions are thus to
    be distinguished from insurrections, rebellions,
    revolts, coups and wars of independence. A coup
    detat in itself changes only leadership and
    perhaps policies a rebellion or insurrection may
    change policies, leadership and political
    institutions, but not social structure and
    values a war of independence is a struggle of
    one community against rule by an alien community
    and does not necessarily involve changes in the
    social structure of either community.
  • Samuel P. Huntington

  • A revolution begins when a government previously
    under the control of a single, sovereign polity
    becomes the object of effective, competing,
    mutually exclusive claims from two or more
    separate polities. A revolution ends when a
    single polity by no means necessarily the same
    one regains control over the government.
  • Charles Tilly

  • Social revolutions as I define them are rapid,
    basic transformations of a countrys state and
    class structures, and of its dominant ideology.
    Moreover, social revolutions are carried through,
    in part, by class-based upheavals from below.
  • Theda Skocpol

  • According to one (broader definition), revolution
    (or political revolution) refers to any and all
    instances in which a state or political regime is
    overthrown and thereby transformed by a popular
    movement in an irregular, extraconstitutional,
    and/or violent fashion this definition assumes
    that revolutions, at least those truly worthy of
    the name, necessarily require the mobilization of
    large numbers of people against the existing state

  • According to the other (more restrictive)
    definition, revolutions entail not only mass
    mobilization and regime change, but also more or
    less rapid and fundamental social, economic,
    and/or cultural change during or soon after the
    struggle for state power.
  • Revolutions in this latter sense revolutions
    involving the refashioning of the lives of
    tens of millions of people (Lenin 1917) are
    sometimes referred to as great or social
  • Jeff Goodwin

History of Revolutions
  • 1642-1649 - English Civil War/Revolution
  • 1776-1783 American War of Independence
    /American Revolution
  • 1789-1799 French Revolution
  • 1848 Failed Revolutions in Europe
  • 1868 Japanese Elite Revolution
  • 1910-1920 Mexican Revolution
  • 1917 Russian Revolution
  • 1919 Turkish Kemalist Revolution
  • 1911/1927-1949 Chinese Revolution

  • 1959 Cuban Revolution
  • 1975 Cambodian Revolution
  • 1977/78 Nicaraguan Revolution
  • 1977-1979 Iranian Revolution
  • 1986 Peoples Power Philippines
  • 1989 Fall of Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe
  • 1998 Fall of Suharto in Indonesia
  • 2000 Bulldozer Revolution (first of colour
    revolutions) in Serbia
  • 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia (second colour
  • 2004 Orange Revolution in the Ukraine (third
    colour revolution
  • 2005 Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan (fourth
    colour revolution)
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