1What did you say?Quotes from Retirement,
Retention, RecruitmentThe Future of
Librarianship in Colorado
2What did you say?
- I see a dismaying trend in public libraries of
minimizing the significance of an MLS If we
don't value the degree from within our own ranks,
why should anyone else? We can't demand higher
salaries if we don't preserve our
professionalism. - Public Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
3What did you say?
- If it weren't for the high quality of leadership
in the Colorado library community, I would be
pessimistic about the future of librarianship in
this state I feel strongly that the future
outlook for librarians here will be bright.
Perhaps we will emerge a more powerful force than
before. - Librarian, Special Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
4What did you say?
- I am thrilled to be a Library Media Specialist
and I love every day that I work. I encourage
other people to become librarians hoping that
they too will love it - School Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
5What did you say?
- students are reluctant to pursue library
degrees due to the length of the educational
process compared to the salary for their first
job. Our jobs are not as attractive as those in
other fields of study which pay more for an
advanced degree. - Public Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
6What did you say?
- Not all school districts require endorsed
librarians or even certified teachers in their
libraries, especially at the elementary level.
With budget cuts, these jobs are not at all
secure. But the educational requirements are
huge. How can we ask people to pursue the
education and not guarantee them positions? - School Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
7What did you say?
- Professionals and paraprofessionals need to work
together, realizing that many of us without MLS
degrees have a lot to offer. - Paraprofessional
- Academic Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
8What did you say?
- I think being a librarian in the state of
Colorado is an exciting position to be in. From
an academic standpoint the future is all about
technology and online education. - Academic Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
9What did you say?
- Our district does not currently pay high enough
salaries to attract people just coming out of
library school... - Public Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
10What did you say?
- We need to continue to work on the public's
perception of the importance of libraries in
their towns. - Paraprofessional
- Public Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
11What did you say?
- I have worked in the public library for 25 years
and still enjoy my work and helping customers. I
have many duties, which keep me abreast of new
technologies... - Paraprofessional
- Public Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
12What did you say?
- I am concerned with schools not replacing
retiring media specialists ... They should be
looking for the same qualifications and
knowledge/training instead of accepting less. I
fear that students and teachers are being short
changed. - School Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
13What did you say?
- Our economy is shifting from product-based
industry towards service-based and
knowledge-based industries Business success will
depend on gathering, synthesizing, analyzing, and
responding to information... the future outlook
for information professionals in the state is
very positive. - LIS Student
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
14What did you say?
- In order to advance in our current library
system, one would need an MLS degree. I don't
know how to acquire one except by doing it
on-line. This is not an option that I would
pursue. - Paraprofessional
- Public Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
15What did you say?
- Decreasing pay and increasing workloads will
continue to make this profession undesirable to
students looking for a promising career. - Public Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
16What did you say?
- after all is said and done, I still love my job
and feel extremely fortunate to have chosen such
a fascinating field. That does not mean that
there is not room for improvement, but I know
that most people when I tell them what I do get a
glint in their eye and say really! - LIS Student and
- Paraprofessional, School Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
17What did you say?
- A forward-thinking library system might consider
hiring career-minded MLIS students who can become
part of their system and work their way up - LIS Student
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
18What did you say?
- Librarians and library workers need to allow
for change and innovation to bring the younger
generations into the library. - LIS Student
- Paraprofessional, Public Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
19What did you say?
- The opportunity for any kind of professional
development whether it be workshops or college
level classes is very limited on the Western
Slope of Colorado... - School Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
20What did you say?
- My experience has been that it is very difficult
to advance in libraries without being willing to
relocate I have long felt frustrated not being
able to grow into a professional cataloging
position locally. - Librarian, Special Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
21What did you say?
- I think it will be harder to recruit librarians
from out of state given the long term effects of
Tabor and Gallagher. Librarians looking for
advancement will look outside the state for
opportunities. - Public Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
22What did you say?
- I believe librarianship is alive and well,
despite the economy and the hit libraries have
taken but all things are cyclical. We've
survived other bad times we'll survive these... - Public Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
23What did you say?
- our profession is always going to have a place
in a world where folks are drowning in
information and need a life preserver. - Librarian, Special Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
24What did you say?
- With the understanding that the funds for
libraries are being cut, I am pursuing other
careers. - Paraprofessional
- Public Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
25What did you say?
- Since I am at the top of my range in salary, it
would not benefit me to get an MLS, as I would
spend a lot of time and money and not be
compensated - - Paraprofessional
- Public Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
26What did you say?
- I do think there is a future for librarianship
in Colorado and I'm encouraging everyone capable
in our libraries to pursue a library science
degree Increasing online educational
opportunities have finally made library science
degrees more attainable for Colorado's rural
communities - Paraprofessional, Public Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
27What did you say?
- I believe many more people would get an MLS if
it were more convenient. Also, people don't
believe that distance education is a good idea
and it is generally quite expensive. - Public Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
28What did you say?
- We need more education opportunities for Western
Slope residents interested in obtaining an MLS
degree. - Paraprofessional
- Public Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
29What did you say?
- My biggest obstacle in pursuing a master's
degree in library science is the lack of an
adequate pay scale to compensate for the time and
cost - Paraprofessional
- Public Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
30What did you say?
- I love libraries and enjoy my opportunities to
work with the public in information, circulation,
and children's programming. - Paraprofessional
- Public Library
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
31What did you say?
- I'm optimistic! I see a continued role for
libraries in some form or other. The profession
is keeping me because it's ever-changing and
challenging. People still love their libraries!
Even though most folks get into the profession
because of love of books or other misguided
preconceptions (we do NOT get to read books all
day), we all end up staying because it's just
good work to get to do. - Public Librarian
Quotes from Retirement, Retention, Recruitment
The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
32Retirement, Retention, RecruitmentThe Future
of Librarianship in Colorado
- For more information
- go to
- LRS.org