Title: Double Jeopardy
1Double Jeopardy
Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU
2Poet who wrote To His Coy Mistress
3Poet who wrote Daystar
4Poet who wrote Those Winter Sundays
5Poet who wrote My Papas Waltz
6Poet who said, If this be error and upon me
proved / I never writ , nor no man ever loved.
7Title of the poem in which the speaker says, I
made a model of you, / A man in black with a
Meinkampf look
8Title of the poem that defines love as
an ever-fixèd mark / That looks on tempests and
is never shaken
9Title of the poem in which the speaker tells
his girlfriend, The graves a fine and private
place / But none, I think, do there embrace
10Title of the poem that ends with the
question, What did I know, what did I know / of
loves austere and lonely offices?
11Title of the poem in which the poet says that
love is not love / which alters when it
alteration finds.
12A reference to a person, place, or thing from
history, mythology, or literature
13The use of a word that imitates a sound
14A poem in which the speaker is addressing a
silent listener
15The narrator of a poem
16Another term for near rhyme
17A discrepancy between what is written and what
is meant
18A three line stanza
19An ironic figure of speech that deliberately
describes something in a way that is less than
the true case
20Choice of words
21An association that a word has in addition to its
dictionary definition
22Title of the poem on our reading list with an
allusion to the Latin poet Horace
23Number of tercets in a villanelle
24Number of times that the first line of a
villanelle must be repeated
25Title of the poem that ends with The old Lie
26The chaperone that accompanies the couple in
Because I Could Not Stop for Death