Title: CISC 110 Day 1
1CISC 110Day 1
- Hardware, Algorithms, and Programming
- Structure of Digital Computers
- Programming Concepts
- Output Statements
- Variables and Assignment Statements
- Data Types
- String and Numeric Operations
3Structure of Digital Computers
I/O Devices Input/Output Devices (e.g. Keyboard,
Mouse, Webcam) Communication between the computer
and the user, and with other computers
Main Memory RAM (Random Access Memory)
Short-term memory of data and programs, while
computer is powered on
CPU (Central Processing Unit) Calculations and
the Fetch-Execute Cycle
Secondary Storage Long-term memory of data and
programs (e.g. hard drive)
4Main Memory (RAM)
11110000 10101100 11011010 00110101 01000001 1010
1010 01011101 00000000 11111111 11100010 10110101
00011011 01001111
byte 3021
2 byte memory location at address 3021 could
hold a 16-bit integer
byte 3022
byte 3023
byte 3024
4 byte memory location at address 3024 could
hold a 32-bit integer
byte 3025
byte 3026
byte 3027
byte 3028
byte 3029
1 byte memory location at address 3030 could
hold one letter
byte 3030
byte 3031
byte 3032
byte 3033
5Memory Sizes
1 bit
Either 1 or 0
1 nybble
4 bits
1 byte
8 bits
1 kilobyte
210 bytes (approx. 1000 bytes)
1 megabyte
220 bytes (approx. 1000 kilobytes)
1 gigabyte
230 bytes (approx. 1000 megabytes)
1 terabyte
240 bytes (approx. 1000 gigabytes)
6Computers A Definition
- Computers are machines that can carry out routine
mental tasks by performing simple operations at
high speeds (operations built into the hardware
machine operations).
7A Definition of an Algorithm
- An algorithm is a sequence of instructions that
describes how to carry out a task.
8A Mathematically Precise Definition of an
- An algorithm is a finite sequence of unambiguous,
executable instructions for carrying out a task
or process in a finite amount of time.
- Note This assumes no intelligence on the
part of the user. The intelligence and knowledge
of a person is encoded in the algorithm.
9A Definition of a Programming Language
- A programming language consists of a repertoire
of possible instructions, each of which can be
specified in terms of the simple operations
(machine operations) a computer can execute.
10Cake-making Computation
Bit String Numbers or Characters Cake
Ingredients (Input)
Electronic Computer Oven Utensils (Hardware)
Program/Software Recipe (Algorithm)
Bit String Numbers or Characters Cake (Output)
11A Definition of a Scripting Language
- A scripting language is a programming language
that allows control of an application, for
instance an animation. - The name script is derived from the written
script of the performing arts, which tells the
actors what to say.
12ActionScript Trace()
- Purpose To display values in the output panel
to trace the state of an animation - Examples
- trace( 525 )
- trace ( Now starting love scene )
- trace ( Row 5 Col 7 )
- trace ( 5 7 )
- trace ( 5 7 5 7 )
13Defining Variables to Store Values
var row 5 row 8 var next row 1 next
next 1 var s hi var val 3.5
14Data Typing Variables
ActionScript var row int 5 row 8 var
next int row 1 next next 1 var s
String hi var val Number 3.5
15String Operations
- Operators
- Concatenation
- Append
- Escape Sequences
- \n New Line
- \t Tab
- \ Single Quote
- \ Double Quote
- \\ Backslash
Examples trace( Hey you ) trace(
Hey\nyou ) trace( Hey\tyou ) trace(
Hey\you\ )
16Arithmetic Operations
- Operators
- Addition
- - Subtraction
- Multiplication
- / Integer Division
- Mod
- (integer remainder of division)
17Imperative Programming
- Statements
- Variable Assignment ()
- Branching (if, else)
- Loops (while, for)
- Data Structures
- Integers
- Strings
- Arrays
- Classes
- Functions