Title: 6th QPM Report on MGA, XMM, G4
16th QPM Report on MGA, XMM, G4
- Fan Lei
- 8 November 1999
- Defence Evaluation Research Agency, Farnborough
2XMM SImulations
- The G4MutipleScattering Process
- Investigation on distribution of the protons
scattering off gold at small angle incidents - high dependent on stmin and demax at low energies
(100s keV) - less so at MeV regions
- optimal values
- stmin 10 nm
- demax 0.01 - 0.05
- stmax no significant effect
- No significant impact using new
G4SteppingManager.cc and G4MutipleScattering.cc
3 100 keV Protons onto Au layer at 1 degree
Stmin 0.01 um --- demax 0.05 --- demax 0.01
stmin 0.1 um --- demax 0.05 --- demax 0.01
Stmin 0.005 um --- demax 0.05 --- demax 0.01
Stmin 0.001 um --- demax 0.05 --- demax 0.01
Scattering Angle (degree)
4100 keV Protons onto Au layer at 1 degree
Stmin 0.01 um --- demax 0.05 --- demax 0.01
Stmin 0.1 um --- demax 0.05 --- demax 0.01
Stmin 0.001 um --- demax 0.05 --- demax 0.01
Stmin 0.005 um --- demax 0.05 --- demax 0.01
Scattered Energy / Incident Energy
5Comparison with Experimental data
- 1300keV Proton onto gold at 1.58 degree incident
angle - 1 degree square at (5.7o, 0o) and (3.4o, 0o)
- Exp Trim G4(1) G4(2) G4(3) G4(4)
- 5.7 13.6 30 7.94 6.63 6.4 7.8
- 3.4 27.3 40 23.9 24.4 25.3 25.9
- G4(1) stmin 0.001 demax 0.05
- G4(2) 0.001 0.01
- G4(3) 0.01 0.01
- G4(4) 0.01 0.05
6GEANT4 Installation
- A Linux (Redhat 5.2) hard disk has been delivered
and installed. - Version 4.01 (ref 02, stl/rw) available on Linux
and SUN Solaris. - DERA
- Version 4.01 (stl/rw) available on Linux and Sun
Solaris - Problem with pserver behind the DERA firewall.
- CVS checkout/update has to be done at CERN or UoS
- UoS
- Version 4.01 (STL) on Linux Redhat 6.0
- Also available on Sun Solaris
7Material Generation Association Tool (MGA)
- Java Application based on GGE.
- Beta version completed.
- Supporting documents
- User Requirements Document
- Software Specification Document
- Software Users Manual
- Software Verification and Validation Document
- Will be delivered after the QPM.
8MGA (cont.)
- Example (mgatest01) CMStracker.step
- MGA scan 33 volumes
- Arbitrary material and visualisation association
using entries in the MGA material database and
colour database - CMStracker.step and CMStracker.mga used as inputs
to mgatest01 - Remaining problems and issues
- G4 cannot visualise the step geometry in the
current version. - Current G4 step reader cannot handle the latest
AP203 files. - Latest step file from ESTEC (SREM INTEGRAL)
revealed a potential problem - A step volume can be a combination of many
unidentified volumes, of different materials - G4 step reader and MGA will treat it as a single
volume - Step file has to be the assembly CAD drawing with
each components identifiable.