Title: A 66YearOld Man with Lung Cancer
1A 66-Year-Old Man with Lung Cancer
Eugene G. Martin, Ph.D. Professor of Pathology
Laboratory Medicine
introduction to clinical reasoning - Jana Raskova, MD Professor of Pathology
Laboratory MedicineStephen Shea, MD
Professor of Pathology Laboratory
MedicineFrederick Skvara, MD Associate
Professor of Pathology Laboratory MedicineNagy
Mikhail, MD Assistant Professor of Pathology
Laboratory MedicineUMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson
Medical SchoolPiscataway, NJ
- R F U Y
- R N I F
- S G I R
- G L E T
3Fastest Responders (in seconds)
- 66 year old male brought to the emergency room
after he was found to be unresponsive at home. - Blood sugar was 28 mg/dL (Normal 65-110).
- Regained consciousness after administration of
dextrose. - Diagnosed 3 months earlier as having diabetes
mellitus and started on insulin. - At the time of that diagnosis chest x-ray
revealed a mass in left lung bronchogenic
carcinoma - Treated with three cycles of chemotherapy, the
last 6 days ago.
5What questions does this history elicit?
- Why the sudden onset of DM?
- How come his glucose suddenly dropped to 28
mg/dl? - How big a problem is glucose of 28 mg/dL
- Could the presence of a lung cancer result in DM?
- What does chemotherapy have to do with this
story? - Are there other possibilities?
- What do you worry about here?
6Physical findings
- Physical Exam
- Confused and lethargic man.
- BP 150/90 HR 92bpm
- Temperature 98.8 oC
- Respiratory rate 26 per minute
- Decreased breath sounds on the left side
- Marked weakness of both legs
- Puffy appearance of the face
7What questions do the physical findings elicit?
- Does he have a history of hypertension or is the
combination of hypertension and an elevated HR
suggestive of something reflexive? Such as? - What is the meaning of puffy?
- Why is he so weak?
- Should they have done a supine and standing BP?
8Questions from the physical
- Does this patient have orthostatic hypotension?
(Defn A fall in BP 30/20 on standing). Answer
YES - One of the consequences of blood loss is an
inability to maintain blood pressure upon
standing. One of the physiologic responses is an
increase in HR.
- What is the significance of determining a supine
and a standing BP? - Is the HR 96 bpm significant?
9HEMATOLOGY At Admission
10Peripheral Blood Smear
- Normochromic, normocytic anemia.
- Red cell population is decreased in number
- Cell size and shape normal
- Platelets and neutrophils are unremarkable
- None of this information adds anything to the
automated hematology count shown earlier
11Questions from the Hematology Results
- Does this patient have anemia? If so, what kind?
- What info do you still need?
- Normochromic, normocytic anemia
- Reticulocyte ?
- Hemolytic disease
- Acute blood loss
- Reticulocyte normal
- Malignancy
- Myeloma
- Chronic Disease
- If this patient had a chronic blood loss for more
than 6 months you would expect a hypochromic,
microcytic anemia
12Anemia Assessment
- ?Normocytic, normochromic anemia
- Reticulocyte ?
- Hemolytic disease
- Acute blood loss
- Reticulocyte normal
- Malignancy
- Myeloma
- Chronic Disease
- Macrocytosis is seen in
- Megaloblastic anemias ?
- vitamin B12 and folate deficiency
- Some forms of chronic liver disease
- Microcytosis and hypochromia
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Spherocytosis
- Some forms of anemia of chronic disease
- What is the significance of the elevated LDH?
- Why is LDH3 relatively low and LDH2 relatively
high? - What is the significance of elevations of both
LDH, GGTP and Alk. Phos.?
15Lactate Dehydrogenase
- Found most everywhere
- Five fractions (isoenzymes)
- LDH-1 is found primarily in heart muscle and RBCs
- LDH-2 - heart, red blood cells, kidney (lesser
amounts than LDH-1) - LDH-3 - highest in the lung.
- LDH-4 - highest in the kidney, placenta, and
pancreas. - LDH-5 - highest in the liver and skeletal muscle.
- Relative amounts of a particular isoenzyme of LDH
in the blood can provide diagnostic clues.
- Normal
- LDH Type 1
- LDH Type 5
- Abnormal
- LDH Type 1 LDH Type 2
- Myocardial Infarction
- Hemolytic Anemia
- Pernicious Anemia
- Renal infarction
- LDH Type 5 LDH Type 4
- Liver disease
16Liver enzymes and cancer
- ? LDH seen in 50 of patients with CA
- ? GGTP is also commonly seen in patients with
cancers WITH or WITHOUT liver mets. - ? Alk. Phos. Also commonly seen in patients with
cancers WITH or WITHOUT liver mets. - If biliary obstruction by tumor ? ? serum
bilirubin and a MUCH greater ? in alk. Phos.
17Additional Studies
Arterial Blood Gases
18The primary acid-base disturbance is
- Respiratory acidosis
- Metabolic Alkalosis
- Metabolic Acidosis
- Respiratory alkalosis
19Learning Response
- ANSWER The primary disturbance is a partly
compensated metabolic alkalosis - ? pH - alkalosis
- ? HCO3
- ? PCO2
- Total CO2
20Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disorders
- Acid-losing alkalosis (Metabolic alkalosis)
- The gastric mucosa produces HCl by carbonic
anhydrase mediated conversion of H2CO3 ? HCO3-
and H - Gastric HCl is lost in vomiting
- H is continually being lost. H2CO3 is
continually being consumed - CO2 component ? because the HCO3- that is
released when HCl is produced remains in the
blood stream and gets broken down - Because H2CO3 is decreased the lungs tend to
retain CO2 to compensate generally not
sufficient to prevent an increase in the usual
201 ratio of HCO3- to H2CO3
22What is a Paraneoplastic Syndrome
- Clinical syndromes involving non-metastatic
systemic effects that accompany malignant
disease. - Collections of symptoms that result from
substances produced by the tumor which occur
remote from the tumor itself. - Symptoms may be endocrine, neuromuscular,
cardiovascular, cutaneous, hematologic, GI, renal
or misc.
23Clinical Course
- Patients glycemia stabilized
- Electrolyte abnormalities were corrected by
appropriate replacement therapy - MRI of brain was normal.
- Why did they do this?
- Additional studies ordered
- What would make sense?
24Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis
25Patients with tumors that secrete ACTH or
- Hypokalemic nephropathy
- Urinary potassium leakage of more than 20 mEq per
24 hrs. - Occurs in 50 of individuals with ACTH-secreting
tumors of the lung.
26What studies would you order? Why?
Death due to septic shock on day 9 (15 days after
the last cycle of chemotherapy
29Bone Marrow findings
- Normal bone marrow biopsy
- Cellularity is normal with adequate numbers of
fat cells and a heterocellular hematopoietic cell
population - Bone marrow at autopsy (15 days post
chemotherapy) - Marked hypocellularity
- No evidence of tumor is present
- Note edge of tumor nodule with infiltration by
clumps of tumor cells between adjacent hepatic
cords. - Tumor cells spindle shaped consistent with small
cell CA of the lung
31Chest x-Ray
- Left Lung Mass Primary lung CA
- Possible adjacent pneumonia
32Histopathology Lung Mass
- HE x12
- Sheets of darkly staining cells, areas of
necrosis and fibrosis. - No glandular or squamous differentiation is
apparent - HE x50 Small Cell CA
- Small cells with little cytoplasm
- Nuclei are oval and spindle-shaped and mitoses
are frequent - Focus of necrosis present
33CT Abdomen
- Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
- Right gland appears larger than left at this level
34Case Summary
- Final Diagnosis
- Small Cell CA of lung
- Post chemotherapeutic sepsis
- Ectopic ACTH production by Small Cell CA
- ? hyperglycemia and Diabetes Mellitus
- ? bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
- Hyperaldosteronism documented
- ? Electrolyte abnormalities
35Small Cell CA
- Strongly associated with a history of cigarette
smoking - Only 1 occur in non-smokers.
- Originates in central or hilar area of the lung
- Metasizes early and widely
- Initial response to chemotherapy or radiation is
37Why the sudden onset of DM?
- Septic shock
- Aplastic anemia
- Anemia of chronic disease and lymphopenia
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Post-chemotherapeutic myelosuppression?
38Learning Response
- ANSWER 3 -- changes compatible with chronic
disease and lymphopenia - CBC shows normochromic, normocytic anemia and
lymphopenia - Cells of myelomonocytic origin and platelets are
within the normal range - r/o myelosuppression
- r/o a septic state
- Vitamin B12 defic ? macrocytic anemia
- Aplastic anemia is characterized by pancytopenia
39What was the most likely cause for his glucose
suddenly dropped to 28 mg/dl?
- Osmotic diuresis of hyperglycemia
- Hemolyzed blood sample
- Increased production of aldosterone
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
40Learning Response
- ANSWER 2 Hemolyzed blood sample
- Hemolyzed blood specimens give artificially
elevated levels of serum K. RBCs split apart.
High concentration of K intracellular - All other options (Vomiting, Diarrhea, Inc.
Aldosterone and Hyperglycemia) lead to a loss of
41What is the greatest danger of a sugar of 28?
- Extra hepatic biliary obstruction
- Myocardial Infarction
- Muscle Disease
- Malignancy and possible liver involvement
42Learning Response
- Answer (4) The presence of malignancy and
possible liver involvement - Extrahepatic biliary obstruc. ? an ? in serum
bilirubin AND a larger ? in Alk. Phos. than is
seen here - This group of enzymes is not helpful in
differentiating myocardial infarction or muscle
disease. - ? total LDH, with a non-specific isoenzyme
pattern is seen in 50 of patients with
carcinoma PARTICULARLY in advanced stages. - An ? in serum GGTP is seen in a variety of
carcinomas, including lung cancer EVEN in the
absence of liver metastases. - Serum Alk. Phos. may be produced by lung neoplasm
in the absence of liver involvement
43How could the presence of a lung cancer result in
- Diabetes is likely due to his hypercortisolism
- Hypercortisolism is due to the primary adrenal
problem - Ectopic production of ACTH by the tumor
- Electrolyte abnormalities are due to ?
aldosterone production
44Learning Response
- Answer (2) Hypercortisolism is due to the primary
adrenal problem - Ectopic production of ACTH by the tumor -?
hypercortisolism - Cortisol inhibits glucose uptake in most tissues
? hyperglycemia and DM - ? ACTH is most likely due to production in the
lung tumor, not by an enlarged pituitary - Brain MRI Normal
- Induces bilateral adrenal gland hyperplasia
- Electrolyte abnormalities are typical of
hyperaldosteronism - ? aldosterone documented
45Most common type of lung cancer associated with
ectopic hormone production is
- Small cell carcinoma
- Adenocarcinoma
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Large cell carcinoma
46Learning Response
- ANSWER (1) The most common type of lung cancer
associated with ectopic hormone production is a
small cell carcinoma - Small cell carcinomas originate from
neuroendocrine cells of the bronchial epithelium - Neuroendocrine cells are capable of producing ACTH
47The most common lung cancer in women and
- Small cell carcinoma
- Adenocarcinoma
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Large cell carcinoma
48Learning Response
- Answer (2) Adenocarcinoma
- Adenocarcinoma of the lung is the MOST COMMON
primary lung cancer in women and non-smokers
49Which is INCORRECT?...
- Small cell carcinoma of the lung most often
starts in the central or hilar region - Small cell carcinoma of the lung is usually NOT
associated with a history of cigarette smoking - Small cell carcinoma of the lung tends to
metastasize widely - Small cell carcinoma of the lung best responds to
chemotherapy and radiation therapy
50Learning Response
- Answer (2) Small cell carcinoma of the lung is
strongly associated with a hx. of cigarette
smoking - Only 1 of Small Cell Carcinomas occur in
non-smokers. - Small cell carcinomas originate in the central
or hilar region, metastasize early and widely,
and initially respond well to chemotherapy and/or
radiation therapy.