Title: The Caisse dpargne and households financial exclusion
1The Caisse dÉpargne and households financial
- Which actions should be taken and what are the
2A legal obligation
- The network of the Caisses dÉpargne carries out
general interest tasks. It participates in the
implementation of the principles of solidarity
and combats exclusions. In particular, it exists
to promote and collect savings (...). It
contributes to the protection of peoples
savings, the collection of funds to be used to
finance subsidised housing, the improvement of
local and regional economic development (...) and
to combating the banking and financial exclusion
of all economic, social and environmental
participants through, in particular, the funds
collected from the Livret A, whose
characteristics are maintained (Article 1 of the
Act of 25 June 1999).
Financial exclusion is the process by which a
person encounters such difficulties in accessing
and/or using banking practices that he is no
longer able to have a normal social life in his
society This means that a situation of financial
exclusion can only be defined in relation to the
social consequences of the difficulties of access
and use that comprise it
4Financial exclusion in France
- 99 of households have access to an account
(97,5 of individuals) - 93 of individuals have a deposit account
- 2,5 millions are interdits bancaires
- 1,9 millions are listed in the FICP
- 700 000 households are overindebted
5The banking relationship
- Importance of the quality of the banking
relationship between bank and clients - A needs to develop different types of proximities
- - geographic proximity
- - cultural proximity
- - social proximity
6Caisse dÉpargne branches
- Basic banking products (Livret A, banking payment
methods, LEP) - Location of branches and banking relationship
7Prevent exclusion Finances Pédagogies
- Training in budget managment and banking carried
out directly with the public - Services for social and educational sector
professionals - - improve their knowledge
- - computer tool for budget analysis and
8Budget support mechanism
Aggravation of the problems encountered by the
Recognised incident
No recognised incident
Identification of a highly insecure situation at
the branch by a social worker
Identification of a need for monitoring after the
filing of an overindebtedness dossier
Contententious collection
Commercial collection
Friendly collection
Budget support mechanism
Budget analysis
Budget monitoring
negociation with creditors
Autonomous banking client.