Title: SMDEP Physics
1SMDEP Physics
- Oscillations, Waves
- Any trumpet players in the house? Please see me
after class today. - Webpage updated http//www.astro.yale.edu/krines
2Quiz Results
- Pre-quiz and Post-quiz to measure change
- Pre-quiz mean 8.6 (max24)
- Post-quiz mean 15.7 (max29)
- This change is larger than most semester-long,
lecture-based courses - You all did it in 11 days!
- Individual Pre/Post scores available at end of
3Ch 15, 2 AM radio wavelength?
- 200-550 km
- 200-550 m
- 20-55 m
- 2-5.5 mm
- Other
- Didnt finish
4Ch 15, 2b FM radio wavelength?
- 2.8-3.4 km
- 0.29-0.36 m
- 28-34 m
- 2.8-3.4 m
- Other
- Didnt finish
5Ch 15, 12 ratio of amplitudes?
- 2
- 21/2
- 4
- 81/2
- Other
- Didnt finish
6A mass attached to a spring oscillates back and
forth as indicated in the position vs time graph
below. At point P the mass has
- Positive velocity and positive acceleration
- Positive velocity and negative acceleration
- Positive velocity and zero acceleration
- Negative velocity and positive acceleration
- Negative velocity and negative acceleration
7The picture below is a top view of ripple waves
made by a water bug moving on the surface of a
lake. From the wave pattern, we can see that the
bug has been moving
- Continuously to the left
- Continuously to the right
- Back and forth, first right then left
- Back and forth, first left then right
- In a circle
8If the frequency of a wave in a medium is
increased, how does the velocity of the wave
- It increases
- It decreases
- It stays the same