Title: Monika JankowskaPacyna
1Welcome to Tech Tuesdays
A network of Adult Basic Education (ABE)
administrators, educators and supporters who come
together at Tech Tuesday events to Share
information, resources and ideas about new and
promising tools Learn from each other how to
use and integrate new and innovative web-based
technology and tools in their programs Explore
and discuss the benefits and shortcomings of
web-based technology and tools in the ABE
framework Network with individuals and
organizations committed to advancing the ABE
community Collaborate on new initiatives.
- Monika Jankowska-Pacyna
- AlphaPlus Centre
2Welcome to Tech Tuesdays
- Agenda
- About this initiative
- Welcome and introductions
- More about our online Meetup space
- Presentation Delicious ways to integrate
technology into practice - Discussion input from participants
- Upcoming meetings dates and topics
- Feedback/suggestions and closing remarks
- www.meetup.com/TechTuesdays
- Monika Jankowska-Pacyna
- AlphaPlus Centre
3Welcome to Tech Tuesdays
- MeetUp space will be used to
- Grow the group membership
- Announce future meetings
- Message board to share information and feedback
- Polls to gather your feedback
- Files to be shared/exchanged online (i.e. this
presentation, - handouts, etc)
- www.meetup.com/TechTuesdays
- Monika Jankowska-Pacyna
- AlphaPlus Centre
4Delicious ways to integrate technology into
- Monika Jankowska-Pacyna
- AlphaPlus Centre
5Session objectives
- Quick introduction and movie about social
bookmarking - Quick training on setting up and using a
Delicious account - Examples of Delicious account users
- Information on additional links, tips and
6(No Transcript)
7- More than five million users and 150 million
bookmarked URLs - Free social bookmarking web service for storing,
organizing, searching, sharing, and managing
information about web pages/sites - Users save links to web pages that they want to
remember and/or share and organize them using
tags (labels) - Bookmarks are usually public, but can be saved
privately, shared only with specified people or
groups, shared only inside certain networks, or
another combination - Account is always available online and the
bookmarks can be viewed chronologically, by
category or tags, or via a search engine - (Source http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookm
arking, http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delicious)
9How does Delicious work?
- Navigation overview
- Registering for your account
- Adding browser buttons
- Bookmarking, tagging and sharing
10Delicious sites to explore
http//delicious.com http//delicious.com/emsblite
racy http//delicious.com/lbsmath http//delicious
.com/lbsliteracy http//delicious.com/alphapluscen
tre http//delicious.com/AlphaplusWebindex
11Other links, tips and resources
- Delicious Handout - http//pdf.alphaplus.ca/emsb/
handouts/delicious.pdf - Handout with step-by-step instructions on how to
set up a Delicious account (might need to be
updated to reflect recent changes in Delicious).
- AlphaPlus Delicious account -
http//delicious.com/alphapluscentre - New account to bookmark information and
resources we find. - AlphaPlus Web Index - http//webindex.alphaplus.ca
/ - A collection of over 1000 annotated web-based
resources on all aspects of Adult Basic Education
(ABE). This year we hope to transition it into a
Delicious account.
12Thank you for your participation! www.alphaplus.
ca Email mjankowska-pacyna_at_alphaplus.ca Tel
1-800-788-1120 x 117
13Welcome to Tech Tuesdays
- Potential topics
- Wikis
- Blogs
- Podcasts
- Twitter
- Webinars
- Google Apps (email, front page, calendar, etc.)
- Other topics recommended by participants
14Welcome to Tech Tuesdays
Thank you for coming! Stay in touch
via www.meetup.com/TechTuesdays