Title: Presents MedStars 2002 Health Careers Honors Program
1PresentsMed?Stars 2002Health CareersHonors
- Oregon Health Science University
- and the
- The Oregon Area Health Education Centers
2An advanced health careers program
- Learn how to pursue a health career
- Participate with health professions students in
challenging problem-based learning activities - Explore all the aspects of a health care issue,
including the role of health care providers
MedStars students participate in mock patient exam
3(No Transcript)
4 2001 MedStars Honors Program
- 44 students representing 17 of Oregons 36
counties attended the 2001 MedStars Honors
Program at OHSU - 13 students from Cascades East Region attended
summer camps!
- Research a major health problem
- Work with students, faculty and health care
professionals - Learn how to use common physical exam tools
Yasmine participates with medical student in
blood pressure skills station
6- Students found Skills Stations Mock Patient
Exams were very interesting! - Other Sessions
- Students found the teambuilding workshop, the
Quest Project small group discussion, the
cultural diversity workshop and other hands-on
activities very helpful and informative.
7Benefits of Participating
- Experience an academic setting
- Learn about college admissions
- Broaden knowledge of health career options
- Increase team-building skills
- Increase presentation skills
MedStars student team presenting results of their
research on cancer
8More benefits
- Make new friends
- Meet other high school students from around the
state - Have fun
- Work hard, but enjoy fun recreational activities
First day getting acquainted activity
9(No Transcript)
10MedQuest session with specialist
Students discuss their research on hypertension
with Dr. Girard
11When and Where
- Arrive at Oregon Health Science University in
Portland on Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - Program ends Saturday afternoon, July 13
First day already having fun!
12How Do I Get There?Where Will I Stay?
- Transportation may be arranged through the AHEC,
or - Parents can drop students off in Portland at OHSU
- Lodging will be at Portland State University
Student Housing The Ondine Building - Students will be required to abide by housing
rules, including lights out by 1000PM - Students will be accompanied by staff on all
activities. - Students will be transported in State vans driven
by AHEC staff.
13MedStars 2001
Students and staff have fun learning each others
14Admission Qualifications
- You are or will be a junior or senior in high
school, or a college freshman - You have successfully participated in other
health careers programs at your school or in the
Monica listens closely to medical students heart
15Program Tuition
- Scholarships are available to cover the
200/student tuition! A deposit of 25 is
required, and will be returned if you complete
the program. - Contact your AHEC for scholarship information
application forms.
- Request an application from the AHEC in your
area - Cascades East AHEC (541) 617-2603
- Columbia Willamette AHEC (503) 691-9088
- Northeast Oregon AHEC (541) 962-3800
- Oregon Pacific AHEC (541) 737-8600
- AHEC of Southwest Oregon (541) 672-1945
- MedStars Parent Workshop PARENT-STUDENT
PARTNERSHIP FOR SUCCESS - Student Presentations and awarding of program
completion certificates - Lunch with students and staff
- Designed for parents of MedStars students
- Focus on how to help your child achieve his or
her educational goals - College admissions
- Scholarships and financial aid resources
- Held on last day of MedStars Program, Saturday,
July 13 , 2002, at OHSU.
19MedStars 2001 Student Comments
20I think the program was excellent and the
workload/schedule was demanding/tiring. It was
more than well worth it and fun.
21I had an overall great time. I think this
program is a wonderful way for younger people to
start developing a health care career.
22Grand Finale!
Happy Program Graduates! (And some staff too, in
photo on right with graduates !----gt)