Title: Belgian contributions to physics at LEP
1Belgian contributions tophysics at LEP
Major Belgian contribution to LEP
contribution to analysis
Catherine De Clercq - IIHE,Vrije Universiteit
RECFA 9 May 2003
3Belgian participation in DELPHI
FWO funding
Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Université Libre de Bruxelles
FNRS funding
Université de Mons Hainaut
Represented as one institute in DELPHI (board
) 15 à 20 physicists
420 years in DELPHItotal numbers
- Funding - 3,0 M
- 2,1 M for detector RD construction graphics
system - 0.9 M for Maintenance and Operation of detector
- manpower - 30 M
- 330 personyears of physicists effort
- 220 personyears of technicians engineers
effort - publications
- 300 DELPHI papers in refereed journals with
lt15gt Belgian authors - 90 preprints and DELPHI notes by Belgian group
- seminars and conference talks
- 80 national international talks by Belgian
group - theses
- 27 mémoires de licences / licentiaatsverhandelinge
n (diplom thesis) - 13 completed Ph D theses
5Detector RD and construction1982-1989
- End Cap Muon Chambers
- 748 drift chambers mounted in 17 Quadrants
- read out, trigger slow controlls hw sw
- simulation, reconstruction,calibration,muon
identification sw - Barrel muon chambers Oxford, RAL
- Muon subtrigger
- barrelendcap Muon Chambers TOF HOF
scintillators - Common Belgian effort
- drift chambers elements IIHE(ULB-VUB), UMons
- quadrant assembly IIHE (ULB-VUB)
- readout trigger UAntwerpen, IIHE(ULB-VUB)
- Funding
- 1,8 M 1,6 M (0.8 FWO 0.8 FNRS) 0,2 M ULB
6Detector RD and construction1982-1989
- Technical manpower
- 139 personyears in total
- lab technical staff, students, engineers,short
term contract technicians - university staff paid by funding agencies
- Physicists
- 8 diplom theses
- 5 engin/comp, 3 phys
- 2 Ph D theses (physics dept)
- 15 seminars and conf talks
- 20 DELPHI notes preprints
7End cap muon chambers
8Belgian responsibilities in offline software
- Offline reconstruction software
- DELANA event reconstruction
- DELSIM detector simulation
- TANAGRA data management sw
- High performance graphics system
- DELGRA event viewing sw
- Funding graphics station
- 40 k UMons 180 k ULBruxelles
- Manpower
- 2 seniors, 2 Ph D, technical staff computing
- Publications
- 1 diplom thesis
- 15 DELPHI notes preprints
- 7 seminars conf talks
9Data taking 1989-2000
- Maintenance of End Cap Muon Chambers
- only 1 broken wire in 12 years of operation
- one gas accident - recovered
- daily data monitoring _at_ Brussels
- Central trigger
- upgrades, support
- Data processing offline reconstruction
- 1 full time senior physicist
- Shifts, run coordination
- all physicists
74 personyears
- Engineers
- 24 personyears - 4 persons
- technicianscomputing staff
- 50 personyears - 9 persons
- Detector responsible physicist _at_ CERN
- 1989-1994 2 phys per year
- 1 permanent FNRS (4 CERN paid associates 1 Ph
D) - 1995-2000 1 FTE Ph D student per year
10Data taking1989-2000
- Surround Muon Chambers (SMC)
- fill gap between barrel end caps - 1994 onwards
- offline reconstruction sw IIHE (ULB-VUB)
- Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH)
- detector optimisation (gas,slow controll)
- particle identification
- contribution from U Mons
- Funding MO
- 75 k per year 900 k total
- 1/2 FWO 1/2 FNRS
- 1/3 commun fund 2/3 Muon Chambers maintenance
11Physics analysis
4106 Z0 events
Precision measurements at LEP I
- lineshape, AFB
- lineshape, AFB below Z peak
- polarisation, decay, AFB, lineshape, ?t mass
- FB asymmetry, partial width
- FB asymmetry
- two-particle correlations
- 13 diplom theses
- 5 Ph D theses
12Physics analysis
- W-boson physics at LEP 200
- cross section
- W mass and width
- Charged Triple Gauge boson Couplings (cTGC)
- Spin Density Matrix, W polarisation, CP-violating
cTGCs - Bose-Einstein Correlations (inside,inter W)
- Search for new particles
- at LEP 1 and LEP 200
- neutral Higgs boson
- SUSY particles charginos
- 3 diplom theses
- 3 Ph D theses
- 3 diplom theses
- 3 Ph D theses
13Scientific manpower
- 37 Physicists
- 339 personyears
Senior staff - py
!! FWO permanent research positions !! no longer
existing - transferred to Univs
14Ph D statistics
20 Ph D started
13 theses completed
93 Belgian DELPHI notes, preprints
300 published papers up to now 1992 papers 19
Be authors on 550 in total (3,5) 1997 papers
14 Be authors on 540 in total (2,6) 2002 papers
10 Be authors on 380 in total (2,6)
16Conference talks, seminars
80 Belgian seminars conference talks
18Belgian contribution to ALEPH
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
- UCL joined ALEPH in 2001
- individual participations before 2001
- responsibilities
- development maintenance of ALPHA (C
analysis framework) - preparation of data archiving
- physics
- single W production cross section TGCs
- Higgs to WW, invisible Higgs, charged Higgs
- monojets
- Manpower
- 1 senior, 1 postdoc, 3 Ph D
- 10 , 20 , lt30gt
- 2,5 personyears equivalent
- theses
- 2 diplom theses
- 3 ongoing Ph D theses mix of ALEPH data analysis
and CMS trigger development - publications
- 6 ALEPH notes/preprints
- 4 authors on ALEPH publications
19LEP activity is still going on!
- Belgian activity in DELPHI will continue till
2004 - all theses are now completed
- WW physics analyses (W mass width, SDM, BE
correlations) need at least another 6 months to
complete - still many publications to come - expect 8 Be
authors in 2004 - Belgian contribution to ALEPH will continue
- mixed ALEPH-CMS theses
- analysis sw responsibilities
- DELPHI will be reopened for visits at end of 2003
important for outreach
20Belgian visitors to DELPHI