Title: Interim Year End
1Interim Year End
- Margaret Laithwaite
- Jill Roberts
- Nicola Smith
- Interim year end timetable
- Changes for April 2008
- Faculty Audit Deliverables
- Procedures
3Interim Year End Timetable
- Draft timetable in handout
- Compressed timescales single conversation
- Monthend forms good basis for year end
- Main differences for year end from month end
- Central accruals run
- Assets stock takes, asset verification,
intercompany balances - Liabilities full suspense account
reconciliation, bad debt provision, leases - PL
- Cross faculty teaching adjustments
- Tuition fees reconciliation
- Allocations
- commentary in notes to the accounts formats
- Review of FSR return reports
4Audit Deliverables
- Faculty based audit
- Samples will be provided at least a week before
faculties are audited - Good working papers
5Monthend and Year end Guidance
- School Accountants responsible for communication
to Finance Officers - Accounting procedures web based
- Easy to access for any staff involved in monthend
and year end - Can be easily updated if procedures change
- Most procedures have been reviewed and updated
- Accessed via the Financial Accounting section of
the Finance website - http//www.campus.manchester.ac.uk/finance/FA/FARo
6Year end Processes Fixed Asset verification
- Change to the process this year
- Fixed asset registers will be sent out each
month. - Information not complete please review and
advise us of missing information LOCATION is
very important - At year end annotate staff need to add the name
of the person who has verified the asset.
Listing will be passed to the auditors - Hoff to confirm to the centre
- The assets have been physically verified by the
person named and are all still held in the
location described on the listing, and have not
been disposed of. - We still own the asset, and it is still
functional. - The asset listing is complete for the faculty,
and includes all items which would come under our
capitalisation policy (gt25,000 cost) - Assets no longer owned will need to be written
out of the register will be done centrally.
7(No Transcript)
8Year end Processes Donated assets
- Donated assets with estimated value of gt25,000
should be notified to the centre as soon as they
are received - Procedure notes are available on the web
- Provide a finance code for the depreciation
- New under SORP 2007 we will release an amount
equivalent to the depreciation charge to the same
finance code, therefore there will be no net
charge passing through the PL - Need to ensure all donated assets are recorded on
the asset register and verified, in the same way
as purchased assets
9Year end Processes Research income accrual
- New procedure this month uses the R code on BOTH
sides of the journal - Accrue costs as well as income
- New code for payroll accruals
- 2060 Accrued Academic staff costs
- 2061 Accrued other staff costs
- Better analysis of the balance sheet element,
currently under review
10Accruals and deferrals (2)
- What problems are people having?
- Loading large journals over 1000 lines can be
sent to the centre BEFORE 3 pm - Take care you are not deferring and accruing
income on the same grant, unless you know there
are 2 separate funding streams, with separate
source of funds. Justification of any grants
where this has happened will be required - P codes need to use 9465 NOT 9461 etc.
- Confusion over which responsibility to use
11Year end Processes Other accruals
- Issues with completeness of accruals
- Invoices are late being posted to the system
- Order information is inaccurate
Goods received
12Invoice not matched to order
Goods received
We may accrue for an invoice that has already
been paid!!
Inaccurate ordering/order left open
We may accrued for open orders where order value
gt invoice value
Order 10,000
Invoice 7,000
Goods received
13Year end Processes Invoice processing times
14Year end Processes Invoice processing times
15How can we improve information for accruals?
- Review accuracy of orders
- Order values may by used as basis for accruals if
goods are receipted - Ensure finance officers tidy up the system on a
monthly basis - Close orders that have been completed
- Make sure invoices are being matched to orders
- Make sure goods are being receipted against
orders - Prompt document processing
- Backlogs
- Invoice approvals
- Invoices under query - HOLD
16Year end Processes Suspense accounts
- Requirement to identify and monitor all suspense
account balances within their schools. - Do we really need the accounts?
- Need to keep to a minimum
- Reconciled regularly and balances cleared -
Impact on PL - Money Laundering legislation
- Monthly list of suspense balances
- Owners
- Help text meaningful in describing nature of
the balance - Monitor balances
- Year end
- The name of the person who has reconciled the
balance at month 11 - Explanation of the balance
- Very tight timescales, therefore do at month 11
(8) and update at month 12 - Reconciliations will be sampled by the auditors
17Year end Processes Leases
- Leases are disclosure requirement in the
accounts, therefore it is important that an
accurate lease register is maintained. - At each financial quarter end the lease register
list must be reviewed by each HOFF and
updated/completed if necessary. Any amendments
should be communicated to the Financial
Accountant by email. - Copies of all lease agreements listed in the
register must be available for audit purposes - Will be sampled at year end for audit
- No Finance leases must be entered into without
express prior approval - contact Financial
Accounting in the first instance for advice - Check Hire of equipment expenditure for leased
18Closing Activity Codes
- Need to check a code before it is closed
- Payroll charges
- Commitments
- Residual balances
- New process soon to be made available
- Run as a core report in GL Activity code manager
- Instructions for use are on the web
- http//www.campus.manchester.ac.uk/finance/FA/Acco
tml - Mechanics for closing a code
- Brought forward balances issues
- Need to clear each balance sheet IE code
separately, or carried forward balance sheet
balances will appear on this code next year - Further guidance
- http//www.campus.manchester.ac.uk/finance/FA/Acco