Title: FY 20062007 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Budget
1FY 2006-2007Substance Abuse and Mental Health
- Presentation to SAMH Corporation
- June 9, 2006
- Ken DeCerchio, MSW, CAP
- Assistant Secretary for Substance Abuse and
Mental Health
2Baker Act Funding Revision
- HB 5009 ? now Ch. 2006-29 ? amends Chapter
394.457, F.S. to clarify the long-standing 25
local match requirement for community-based Baker
Act services.
3Equity Funding Revision
- HB 5009 eliminates the requirement that DCF must
allocate 25 of new funds to all districts
without regard to current funding levels . - Now, 100 of new funding over the FY 2005-06 base
can be distributed to help districts below the
statewide per capita average move toward equity.
4HB 7105 - Taxation of Alcoholic Beverages
- Eliminates tax on retail sale of alcoholic
beverages for on premises consumption and
terminates the Children and Adolescent Substances
Abuse (CASA) Trust Fund in 2008. - Beginning in FY 07-08, appropriates 11,298,205
to DCF for reducing or eliminating substance
abuse by children and adolescents to offset loss
of CASA revenues.
5A Plus Year for SAMH Funding
- Significant gains in mental health
appropriations, with legislative recognition of
the need to achieve equity. - Continued funding to close the substance abuse
treatment gap.
6Childrens Substance Abuse Budget Highlights
- 1,096,000 for Closing the Treatment Gap
- (700,000) reduction in Block Grant Trust Fund.
- 700,000 for special projects
Net Gain for Childrens SA 1,096,000
7Adult Substance Abuse Budget Highlights
- 10,672,529 for Closing the Treatment Gap Funding
- 1,250,000 in Special Projects
- (581,386) reduction in funding from the Children
and Adolescent Substance Abuse (CASA) Trust Fund -
Net Gain for Adult SA 11,341,143
8Adult Community Mental Health Budget
- 10 million increase for Adult Mental Health
Services Equity. - 9,649,819 for Special Projects
- Less 6,360,000 in FY 05-06 Non-Recurring Special
Net Gain for Adult MH 13,289,819
9Childrens Mental Health Services Budget
- 5 million for Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric
Program (SIPP) per diem increase. - 1.7 million for Special Projects
- Less 1,212,500 in FY 05-06 Non-Recurring Special
Projects -
Net Gain for Childrens MH 5,487,500
10Mental Health Treatment Facilities
- 5,420,351 for medication increase.
- 6,871,442 for 84 additional forensic beds and 45
FTEs. - Funds will be allocated to Florida State Hospital
for 24 beds and 6 FTEs and to Northeast Florida
State Hospital for 60 beds and 39 FTEs. - 14 million in GR funding to replace a portion of
an estimated 30 million shortfall in
administrative trust funds for MHIs.
11Other Mental Health Appropriations
- 4.9 million in non-recurring federal block grant
funds restored to base budget with General
Revenue funds. - 325,000 for Substance Abuse and Mental Health
12MH Appropriations Recap
- 40,174,964 in FY 06-07 to expand or maintain
services and programs. Includes - 21 million in new funding beyond FY 05-06
appropriation levels - 18.9 million to offset shortfalls
13Hurricane Related Funding
- The budget also contains federal disaster relief
funds to assist Floridians affected by the storms
of 2004 and 2005 - 4,086,133 for Project Recovery to serve
individuals affected by the 2004 and 2005
hurricanes. - 4,124,234 for Project Hope to continue crisis
counseling services for individuals in areas hit
by Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma.