Title: fa e
1??f?a??? ??ß??????e?
- ??f?a??? ??ß??????e? µe ??da?t?????
- ?????s?? ????????
- dennis_at_central.ntua.gr
2??? e?t?sseta? t? ??µa st?? e??t?ta
- ???t?ta ??f?a??? ß?ß??????e? µe d?da?t?????
- ?? NDLTD e??a? ? p??sp??e?a d?µ??????a? µ?a?
e??p???µ???? ?µ?sp??d?? ??f?a??? ß?ß???????? µe
3?? pe???aµß??e? t? ??µa
- ETDs
- ???sµ??
- ?st?????
- ????
- ??ad??as?a
- ???t?pa
- S????????? ?at??????
- ? pe??pt?s? t?? ?.??eta??a?
- ???????? p?a?µat???t?ta
- ??se?? ?a? p???pt????
4NDLTD - ???sµ??
- Networked Digital Library of Theses and
Dissertations (NDLTD) - http//www.ndltd.org
- http//www.theses.org
- ????e?ta? ??a µ?a ????? p??sp??e?a ?a?ep?st?µ???
a?? t?? ??sµ? µe s??p? ?a p?????s??? t?
d?µ??????a, t?? a??e????t?s?, t? d?a??µ? ?a? t??
p??sßas? st?? ??f?a??? µetapt???a??? ?a?
d?da?t?????? e??as?e? (ETDs).
5G?at? e??a? s?µa?t??? sa? ??µa
- ?? NDLTD µe t?? d?µ??????a st?? ??s?a µ?a?
?µ?sp??d?? ??f?a??? ß?ß???????? ? e??? s?????????
?ata????? ??a ETDs s?µß???e? st?? -
- ????p???s? t?? ?????a? ß?ß?????af?a?
- S??t???sµ?? t?? µeµ???µ???? p??spa?e??? t??
?a?ep?st?µ??? ??a t?? ??f??p???s? t?? ??at??ß?? - ?????? a?a??t?s? a???t?s? t???
- ????????µ?s? ??st???
- ???t?p?p???s?
- S??e??as?a
6?e ap?? ????a...
- ...G?a ?a se d?aß?s??? ?a p??pe? ?a se
ß????... - ?a µp????se ?a e??a? se e?e??e?? µet?f?as? ?
f??s? t?? Ana Pavani In order to be read you
have to be found - ??t?? a???ß?? e??a? ?a? ? st???? t?? s?????????
?ata????? t?? ETDs. ?a µp??e? ?a?e?? d??ad? ?a
ß??s?e? ta ETDS ap? ?p???d?p?te ?a?ep?st?µ??, se
?p??ad?p?te ???ssa ?a? ap? ?p??ad?p?te t?p??es?a.
7G????a ß?ß?????af?a ???sµ??
- ????e?ta? ??a d?µ?s?e?µata p?? pa?????ta?,
s??????, se µ???? a???µ? a?t?t?p?? ?a? µe s?et???
p???e??? t??p? ?a? d?a??????ta? st? es?te???? t??
???a??sµ?? p?? ta pa???e? (?p????, 2001,
s.114-115) - ??t?st??f?? a?????? p??? t?? p???t?ta d?µ?s?e?s??
? t? e???? t?? ?????f???a? t??? e??a? s?????? ?
a??a t??? ?? p????f???a??? p???? - G????a ß?ß?????af?a (Grey Literature) ?e?????ta?
?a? ta d?da?t????? ?a??? ?a? ?? µetapt???a???
8ETDs ?? e??a?
- ???a? ?? µetapt???a??? e??as?e? ?a? ??
d?da?t?????? d?at??ß?? p?? e?p?????ta? st?
p?a?s?? t?? e?pa?de?t???? d?ad??as?a? ap? t???
f??t?t?? / sp??dast?? se ??e?t?????? (??f?a??)
µ??f? - ETDS d?? t?p??
- ETDs µe ap???e?st??? e????? d?µ??????a? t??
s????af?a (f??t?t?) - ETDs p?? p????pt??? ap? t? ??f??p???s? t??
e??as?a?, e?te ap? t? ?a?ep?st?µ??, e?te ap?
??p??a eta??e?a -
9NDLTD - Ge????
- ?st????? a?ad??µ?
- ??a??? t? 1996 st? Virginia Tech
- 200 ????
- 174 Universities (7 consortia)
- 26 Institutions
- ??????s? ?a? ?e?t?????a
- ?p?t??p?? (International Steering Committee)
- S??a?t?se??
10?f??? ap? t? NDLTD ??a t??? f??t?t??
- ?a???eta? st??? f??t?t?? ? p?? t?????sa
p????f???s? ??a ta ep?st?µ????? t??? ped?a - ?????eta? t? pa???sµ?? e?d?af???? ??a t??
e??as?e? t?? f??t?t?? - ????? t??? f??t?t?? ?a e????e?????? µe t??
te???????e? t?? ??f?a??? ß?ß???????? ?a? t??
??e?t??????? d?µ?s?e?s??
11?f??? ap? t? NDLTD ??a t?? ß?ß??????e?
- ?a???? ?p??es??? st??? ???ste? ????? ?e???af?????
pe?????sµ??? - ?????t?s? t?? te???????a? ??f?a??? ß?ß????????
?a? ??e?t??????? d?µ?s?e?s?? - ??at???s? t?? ??????
- ????????µ?s? ?????
- ????????µ?s? ??st??? ap????e?s?? ? ?a?
ß?ß???des?a? - ????????µ?s? ??st??? da?e?sµ??
12NDLTD ?????? se??da
13S????????? ?at?????? d?da?t??????
- ??µ?????e?ta? ??a? pa???sµ??? s?????????
?at?????? ??a ??a ta ETDs t?? µe??? t?? d??t???
NDLTD - ?a???eta? ??a? µ??? t?p?? ??a t?? a?a??t?s? t??
ETDs ap? µ?a ß?s? µetaded?µ????. ??a??t?se?? se
??e? t?? ???sse? µe ???s? t?? Unicode - S??e???eta? ? f????e??a t?? ETDS p?? ??e? ???e
?a?ep?st?µ?? ap? t? ?d?? t? ?a?ep?st?µ??
14Union Catalog http//www.theses.org
15Experimental Union Catalog OAI Project
- USMARC Dublin Core
- OAI-MS (Open Archives Initiative Metadata
Harvesting) - ???t?se?? (Requests) HTTP GET or POST
- ?pa?t?se?? (Responses) XML Documents
- ETDMS Electronic Thesis and Dissertation
Metadata Standard - ?as??eta? se Dublin Core a??? pe???aµß??e? ??a
ep?p???? p??a??et??? st???e?? e?d??? ??a
µetaded?µ??a p?? af????? ETDs (thesis.degree µe
pa?aµ?t???? name, level, discipline, grantor) - http//www.ndltd.org/standards/metadata/etd-ms-v1.
18ETDMS ?? ep?p???? st???e??
19OAI Open Archives Initiative
- S??p?? ? s??des? t?? ??f?a??? ap??et????? ?a? ?
a???p???s? ???? t?? s??????? - ??? e?e???t???? p??sp??e?e?
- Multilingual retrieval
- Cross-lingual retrieval
21???p?? d???es?? ?a? p???t???? p??sßas??
- ?????? ? e?e??e?? p??sßas?
- ?e???? p??sßas?
- ???t? p??sßas? ? p??sßas? a?????a µe t??
?at?????a ??????
22S?et??? ??µata ?a? p??sp??e?e?
- St?? Ge?µa??a
- Humboldt University
- St?? ?e???? ??eta??a
- ???? British Theses Services (BTS) Index to
Theses - ???a Thesis Alive
23S?et??? ??µata ?a? p??sp??e?e?
- St?? ????da
- ??? (????? t?? NDLTD)
- ??????S
- ?a?ep?st?µ?? ???t??
- ??T (????? t?? NDLTD)
24G?at? p??pe? ?a µ????µe p?? ???eta?
- ...f?s??? ??a ?a a???p???s??µe ?a? eµe?? t??
d?da?t?????? d?at??ß?? ?a? t?? µetapt???a???
e??as?e? t?? ?a?ep?st?µ??? t?? ???a? µa? - ...?a? a? de? e?ta????µe st? NDLTD, µp????µe ?a
p????µe ?d?e? ??a t? t? p??pe? ?a ?????µe
25?? p??pe? ?a ?????µe
- ?f??? ETDs
- ?? NDLTD e??a? µ?a s???????? p??sp??e?a ?a? ??e?
??se?? se p???? ??µata p?? µa? e?d?af????? - ??apt?sse? s???????? ?at????? ??a ta ETDS
- ?a???e? ?a? pa???e? p??t?pa
- ??p??e? ??e??e? ?a? µe??te? ??a t?? ?a??te??
a???p???s? t?? ETDs pa???sµ???
26?a? ??at? µa? ??e???eta?
- ???t? de? ??e? ???µa ?a ?e????s??µe p??sp??e?e?
??f??p???s?? t?? s??????? µa? a? de? e?et?s??µe
p??ta t? d?e??? ?at?stas? ?a? t?? a?t?st???e?
p??sp??e?e? ??a t?? ??f??p???s? t?? ETDS - ??t? p?? ?????µe ?a ?????µe t? ????? ???e? ?????
p??? ap? eµ??... - ...?a? de? ??e???eta? ?a a?a?a?????µe ?a?? t??
27?p?d????µe??? st???? t?? ?a?ep?st?µ???
- ??a ?a?ep?st?µ?? p??pe? ?a ??e? d?? st?????
a?af????? µe ta ETDs - ?a pa???e? p??sßas? st?? e??as?e? p?? ?????
e?p????e? se a?t? ??a ?a ???st?p???se? ta
p???sµata t?? e?e???? p?? ?aµß????? ???a se a?t? - ?a ap??t?se? p??sßas? se ???? a?t?st???? ?????
????? ?a?ep?st?µ??? - ? p??t?? st???? ep?t?????eta? e? µ??e? µe t?
d?µ??????a t?p???? s??????? ETDs a??? ? de?te???
st???? µp??e? ?a ???p????e? µe t?? s?µß??? t??
28?µe?? p?? µp????µe ?a t? efa?µ?s??µe
- ?a e??????? ?a?ep?st?µ?a a? ?????? ?a d?s???
p??sßas? sta d?da?t????? ?a? st?? d?p??µat????
t???, µp????? ?a p??????s??? stad?a?? st?? ??ta??
t??? st? NDLTD ? st?? a???p???s? t?? e??a?e???
?a? t?? ?d????? p?? pa?????ta?
29???a? d?a??s?µ? ??a ???s? ?a? p??
- ? s?µµet??? st? NDLTD e??a? e?e??e??, ?????
s??d??µ? ? ??st?? http//www.ndltd.org - ?p?s??, ? ???s?µ?? ?d???? (etdguide) t?? Unesco
e??a? ?a? a?t?? d?a??s?µ?? d??e??
30?e????t???? t?se??
- ?????? e?e???t???? t?se??
- Name Authority Control
- S????asµ?? (Annotation system)
- ??d?p???se?? (SIFT - Dissemination system)
- ??a?e?t???????t?ta ?a? µe ???a ????sµ??? ??f?a???
ß?ß???????? (Greenstone, Pronesis, Emerge) - ???f?? ???st?? (user profiles)
- CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment
31International Symposium on ETDs
- 7th International Symposium on ETDS, University
of Kentucky, Lexington, USA, June 3-5, 2004 - http//www.uky.edu/ETD/ETD2004
- 8th International Symposium on ETDs, University
of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2005
32???t??? ?a? s????a
- S?ef?e?te µ?a s?????? µe d?da?t????? ap? 200
?d??µata... - ?e ????? d?epaf? ??a t?? ???st?, ??a ?a ????e?
?a?e?? µe t?? ?d?? t??p? se µ?a e??a?a ?µ?sp??d?
??f?a?? ß?ß???????
33???t?se?? ??a s???t?s?
- ???a? ef??t? ? s?µµet??? t?? e????????
?a?ep?st?µ??? st? NDLTD - ??s? de?t??? e??a? ta ?d??µata, ?? ß?ß??????e?
?a? ?? f??t?t?? ??a t?? ??f??p???s? t?? e??as???
t??? - ?? ???e ?a?ep?st?µ?? ?a p??pe? ?a p??????se? µ???
t?? ? ?a p??pe? ?a ep?d????e? s??e??as?a - Ta ??e?aste? ?a? ??a? f???a? p?? ?a a?a??ße?
s??t???st??? ???? ? ??? - ???? ??µ??ete ?a ?ta? t? µ????? st?? ????da
- http//www.ndltd.org
- Union Catalog
- http//www.theses.org
- Standards
- http//www.ndltd.org/standards
35??de??t??? ß?ß?????af?a
- Suleman H., et al., Networked Digital Library of
Theses and Dissertations Bridging the Gaps for
Global Access, part 1 Mission and Progress,
D-Lib Magazine, vol.7, no.9, 2001. - Suleman H., et al., Networked Digital Library of
Theses and Dissertations Bridging the Gaps for
Global Access, part 2 Services and Research,
D-Lib Magazine, vol.7, no.9, 2001.
36?a? t????...