Title: JNN FY05 Spend Plan
1JNN FY05 Spend Plan
- LTC Robert McVay
- Battle Command Directorate
- 12 July 2005
- FY05 Funding Requirements Dec 04
- Revised FY05 Funding Requirements May 05
- G6 Approved FY05 JNN Spend Plan
- JNN FY05 Spend Plan Proposed Changes
- JNN Ka Upgrade Delay Rationale
- Proposed FY05 JNN Spend Plan
- Summary
3FY05 Supplemental Funding Requirements
Original Configurations, Additional Division
Requirements, December 2004 Unit Costs
451.3M procures additional modularity
Last Updated 14DEC2004 12PM ET
4G6 Approved FY05 JNN Spend Plan
5JNN FY05 Spend Plan Proposed Changes
6JNN Ka Upgrade Delay Rationale
- WGS launches has been delayed to due technical
problems - AOR not supported until after Mar 2007 (Flt 2)
date expected to slip based on Flt 1 slip of 3
to 9 months - CONUS not supported until FY2010 (Flt 3)
- Pooling of Ka capability being assessed to reduce
total Ku to Ka upgrade costs
7JNN FY05 Priority 1 UFRs
8JNN FY05 Priority 2 UFRs
9Proposed JNN FY05 Spend Plan
Currently Funded in FY05 FY06 Supplemental
Reprioritization of funding required to meet
these UFRs
- BC GOSC approve FY05 and FY06 Currently Funded
items - UFR funding approval pending
- Generator and ECU solutions to be assessed
through G8 and PM MEPs - Ka Upgrade solutions and pooling options
developed to ensure no loss in Warfighter