Title: General Game
1General Game Programming Approach
2Event-driven Programming (1/3)
- The program is event-driven
- Messages events
- So as all windows system (for example X window)
- We need a loop to check all incoming events
- The Loop
- Check all incoming events (messages)
- Handle the events
- Check timing and do something in regular
- Incoming Events
- Interrupts
- System requests
3Event-driven Programming (2/3)
- Timers (do something in regular timing)
- The sub-system to handle timing
- Must be precise to at least 1 ms or less
- 30fps 1/30 second 33.333 ms
- On win32 platform, we can use performance
counter instead of the win32s WM_TIMER
message - For windows9x, WM_TIMER 18.2 fps (maximum)
- Events
- Input devices
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Something coming from network
- System requests
- Re-draw
- Losing/getting the input focus
4Event-driven Programming (3/3)
- Therefore, we have two types of jobs
- In regular
- Timers callbacks
- By requests
- Input device callbacks
- Same as a game main program
- A game is an interactive application
- A game is time-bound
- Rendering in 30fps or 60fps
- Motion data in 30fps
- Game running in 30fps
5Game Loop (1/2)
6Game Loop (2/2)
Check game over
Peek user input
Receive messages
From network
Timer callbacks
To network
Send messages
7Jobs in Regular (Typically)
- Check Win/Loose
- Check Quit
- Objects Moving
- Play Characters Motion to Next Frame
- Play Animation to Next Frame
- Models
- Textures
- Perform Some Game Calculation
- Perform Geometry Calculation
- Perform AI Thinking
- Perform Collision Detection
- Perform the 3D Rendering
8Jobs By Request (Typically)
- Mouse Input
- Press/release the mouse button
- Drag
- Double-click
- Move
- Keyboard Input
- Hotkey
- Typing
- Gamepad
- Same as the hotkey
- Network
- System
9Introduction to OGRE3D Programming Main Loop
10Major part of call graph
11Main program
int main(int argc, char argv) GameApplicatio
n gameApp new GameApplication try
gameApp-gtgo() catch( Exception e )
return 1
12The implementation of go()
virtual void GameApplicationgo(void) if
(!setup()) return mRoot-gtstartRendering()
// clean up destroyScene()
The function setup() instantiates mRoot, setups
resources, loads plugins, creates scene and
creates frame listener.
13Major functions (1/3)
14Major functions (2/3)
15Major functions (3/3)
bool myFrameListenerframeStarted(const
FrameEvent evt) if(mWindow-gtisClosed())
return false ... ... //Need to
capture/update each device mKeyboard-gtcapture()
mMouse-gtcapture() if( mJoy )
mJoy-gtcapture() ... ... handleKeyEvent(evt) h
andleMouseEvent(evt) ... ... ...
... ... ... return true
16Major part of call graph
17Frame listener
Frame listeners are the only way we can invoke
your own code during the Ogre render loop when
using the startRendering() method. A frame
listener is simply a class that implements the
FrameListener interface, and is just a callback
that allows OGRE to invoke our code at the
beginning and/or end of each.
18Demo main_loop
Use ExampleApplication and ExampleFrameListener
In the main .cpp file, we have class
GameApplication public ExampleApplication publi
c GameApplication() void createScene()
GameApplication app new
GameApplication int main(int argc, char
argv) try app-gtgo() catch(
Exception e ) .
19Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine ( OGRE
3D) - The Main Program
bool myFrameListenerframeStarted(const
FrameEvent evt) if(mWindow-gtisClosed())
return false . . . . . . //Need to
capture/update each device mKeyboard-gtcapture()
mMouse-gtcapture() if( mJoy )
mJoy-gtcapture() . . . . . . handleKeyEvent(evt)
handleMouseEvent(evt) . . . . .
. moveMainChar(evt) updateCreaturesAction(evt)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . return
void moveMainChar(const FrameEvent
evt) mCameraNode-gtyaw(mRotX) // move
the head node along the camera viewing
direction const Quaternion q
mCameraNode-gtgetOrientation() mCameraNode-gtsetO
rientation(q) SceneNode node
mHeadNode-gtgetSceneNode() node-gtsetOrientation(
q) node-gttranslate( q(-mTranslateVector)
) // maintain the distance between the camera
and mHeadNode const Vector3 v3
node-gtgetPosition() Vector3 cv v3 Vector3
hv Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) hv
qhv float d0 -mCamerViewDistanceFromMainChar
float d1 30 mCameraNode-gtsetPosition(cv-
hvd0Vector3(0.0, d1, 0.0))
void updateCreaturesAction(const FrameEvent
evt) if (mRobot) mRobot-gtcheckAlive(evt)
if (mRobot mHeadNode) mRobot-gtUpdateActi
on(evt, mHeadNode)
namespace Ogre struct FrameEvent
/ Elapsed time in seconds since the last
event. This gives you time between
frame start frame end, and between
frame end and next frame start.
_at_remarks This may not be the
elapsed time but the average
elapsed time between recently fired events.
/ Real timeSinceLastEvent /
Elapsed time in seconds since the last event of
the same type, i.e. time for a
complete frame. _at_remarks
This may not be the elapsed time but the
average elapsed time between
recently fired events of the same type.
/ Real timeSinceLastFrame
24Question from last class Do we have to
implement functions for classes derived from
MovableObject ?
class _OgreExport MovableObject public
ShadowCaster, public AnimableObject virtual
const String getMovableType(void) const
0 class _OgreExport Entity public
MovableObject, public ResourceListener
virtual const String getMovableType(void)
25Useful website for introduction to Orgre and Ogre
programming. http//www.ogre3d.org/wiki/index.php
/Main_Page Ogre Tutorials http//www.ogre3d.org/w