1 IFAD Eastern and Southern Africa Regional
Implementation Workshop Bujumbura, 16-19
November 2009
Ruth Farrant Financial Management Officer
2Good Governance
- The issue of good governance and
- capacity-building is what we believe
- lies at the core of all Africas
- problems
- Commission for Africa, 2005
3Good Governance
- Pillars of Good Governance
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Participation
Good governance is integral to economic growth,
the eradication of poverty and hunger, and
sustainable development. The views of all
oppressed groups, including women, youth and
poor, must be heard considered by governing
bodies because they will be most negatively
affected if good governance is not achieved
- Corruption is a drawback to any government's
effort in saving the people from the pangs of
poverty and will be fought in deeds and words
because it is right, because it is good, and
because it is Government policy - President Banda of Zambia September 2009
- Universal, historic issue which occurs in
developed developing countries, public
private sectors, non profits - Examples of frequently encountered fraud/
corruption in projects - Bid collusion, inflated invoices, kickbacks to
influence award of contracts, theft or misuse of
project assets, abuse of official discretion,
disclosure of privileged information to assist
friends/ relatives, falsification of accounts,
recruitment issues, audit anomalies
Corruption hurts the poor disproportionately
by diverting funds intended for development,
undermining a governments ability to provide
basic services, feeding inequality and injustice,
and discouraging foreign investment and aid
Statement to the UN General Assembly by Kofi
Annan, UN Secretary General On the Adoption of
UN Convention against Corruption (December 2003)
6IFAD Operational Approach
- Focus IN-COUNTRY on Risks, Outcomes
- Project design
- Risk assessment. Quality review
- Internal controls checks
Credible sanctions Suspensions Cancellations.
Mis-procurement. Audit plan Ineligible expenses
Start up and training Govt buy-in. Qualified
staff Procurement, FM, audit capacity Contracts
Zero-Tolerance Setting the bar
Legal framework Corruption policy Contract clauses
Supervision support On-site verification. FM
advisers Communications plan Project oversight
Proactive Prevention Participatory mechanisms
to strengthen accountability transparency In-bui
ld capacity, thresholds Publicise award of
7IFAD Approach Processes
- Responsibility for use of funds rests with
Government - Concentrate on design quality staff
- IFAD now requires additional checks/ controls
countries which have score of less than 3.0
per TI (10/16 borrowing
countries in our region) - Systematic checks/ controls may be built in at
design /or implementation stage of a project
(e.g. low procurement thresholds/ FM
advisors) in addition to normal IFAD procedures
8Financial Management Good Governance
- FM work involves 2 approaches
- assurance that IFAD funds are being used for the
intended purposes (thro reliable internal
systems direct supervision) - solely for the purpose intended and
results-orientated - in accordance with the AWPB
- in conformity with administrative, technical,
financial, environmental, agricultural, rural
development practices and good governance - (2) assistance to governments/ projects to
improve FM capacities - FM is an integral part of the development process
to achieve the Millennium Development Goals - In line with the Paris Declaration, ESA works
with borrowers to use national systems where
possible (e.g. reporting/ procurement/
9Good Practice Good Governance Framework
10FM Tools Resources
- PF FMGG Internet site address
- English http//www.ifad.org/operations/pf/financ
e - French http//www.ifad.org/operations/pf/fina