Title: Heirloom Sporting Goods
1Heirloom Sporting Goods
- Mariah Wang
- Greg Bright
- Janice Seidell
- Kellie Coker
- Keith Walker
2Companys Current Status
To Provide quality merchandise to sell to the
public, specializing in unique as well as every
day sports items for sale.
- Currently operating 4 stores
- 1 Owner (Ralph Watson), 1 Accountant, 4 Managers,
30 Full-Time, and 30 Part-Time Employees - Uses basic business software, specifically
created for retail, but not for sporting or for
Heirloom specifically. - Webpage http//students.kennesaw.edu/ksw7259/IT
3Goals for the Future
- Heightened Security
- More Efficient Customer Service
- Detailed Product Demonstrations
- Trial Arena for Equipment
- Sport Help Clinics
- Smart Inventory
4Technology to Accomplish
- Biometrics
- Holographs
- Virtual Reality
- Wearable Computers
- Radio Frequency ID (RFID)
- The use of physiological characteristics
- Cash Registers and Company safes can only be
opened by registered finger prints - Scanners help size Customers
- Customer data saved and easily recalled
- 3-D Images or Videos
- Product benefits and uses can be easily displayed
using 3-D models
7Virtual Reality
- A 3-D Environment which a person physically
interacts with - Use VR to try equipment
- Make sure that the customer is satisfied with
product performance
- Holographic devices that create, capture, and
display images in true 3-D - Receive training from professionals around the
world. - Integrate Biometrics to pinpoint inaccuracies
9Wearable Computers
- Wearable computer- a fully equipped computer that
you wear as a piece of clothing or attached to a
piece of clothing similar to the way you would
carry your cell phone on your belt - Our products will be able to calculate calorie
loss, current velocity, and other useful data
about the athlete. - Clothing intelligent enough to create comfortable
climates for the athlete.
10Radio Frequency ID (RFID)
- A wireless data collection technology that uses
electronic tags for storing data. - Attach to Inventory so that the Store tracks
where products are inside store at all times. - Reduce Thefts
- Remove need for checkout when combined with
Customer data
- In conclusion we hope to improve the overall
quality of our four stores and we hope to grow
them with our emerging trends given - We hope to always improve our technology because
we feel it is very important to stay on top of
the emerging trends and grow with the FUTURE!