Title: The High Road
1The High Road
- A values based communications framework for
progressive economics - Dan Ancona
- May 2007 Revision
2Part I Values
3What we stand for
- Dems at -28 in 2005
- Despite lots of interesting discussions1 weve
made close to zero progress communicating this to
the general public.
1 Some can be found here http//www.dkosopedia.
4Progressives arenot moral relativists
Conservatives are mainly about defending moral
orders and expanding the freedom that comes from
property rights. (i.e. stuff) Progressives are
mainly about realizing interdependence and
expanding substantial freedom. (i.e. cognitive
Advantages No mushy, confusing and inaccurate
family metaphors. No trace of moral relativism.
Historically grounded. Simple. Easily memorized.
Relatively complete. Dovetails nicely with common
good and other frameworks.
Disadvantages They own the word freedom, and
interdependence is an unfamiliar term.
6Realizing interdependence
(a.k.a. solidarity, a.k.a. why cities are so blue)
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice
everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable
network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of
destiny. MLK
- The ethic of connectedness (Bill Bradley) that
city dwellers share is why cities are so blue. - Land use is incredibly important. (c.f. Kirwan
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we
find it hitched to everything else in
the Universe. John Muir
See also http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interdepend
7Expanding substantial freedom
Substantial freedom is the opportunity we have as
humans to realize our full potential. It can not
be optimized individually. This is what takes a
village. (or better yet, a city) This is why
conservatism doesnt work.
Were starting to take it back Amartya Sen
Development as Freedom George Lakoff Whose
freedom anyway? Paul Starr Freedoms Power John
Schwartz Freedom Reclaimed The Opportunity
Agenda Many other books, organizations and efforts
8Russell Kirks 10 Conservative Principles and
More http//speakoutca.org/archives/2006/06/found
9Part II The High Road
- The Economic Policy Institute's Agenda for Shared
Prosperity - The Center for Community Change, especially their
Taproots and Movement Vision projects - The Drum Major Institute's Middle Class Squeeze
2007 - The Third Way's The New Rules Economy
- Demos' Economic Opportunity Program
- The Opportunity Agenda, in particular their Six
Core Values - The Campaign for America's Future Straight Talk
- Citizens for Tax Justice's Talking Taxes
- The Brookings Institutions' Hamilton Project
Tens of thousands of pages of outstanding,
thorough and inspiring research that the vast
majority of voters find utterly incomprehensible.
11Hunger for a New Story
Voters disapprove of government
performance... ... and solid majorities want
more involvement
The food is terrible. And such small portions!
GQR 3/7/07 http//democracycorps.com/reports/anal
12To tell that story, we needcommon principles
- secure basic freedoms
- invest in people and the future
- democratize economic power
- build the green economy
- housebreak capitalism
- globalize this approach
This is the 2nd and a ½ way. It has a name, and a
small enough number of points that they can be
remembered easily after 2 glasses of wine.
13Secure basic freedoms.
- FDR's Four Freedoms and his Economic Bill of
Rights are good templates for this housing,
health care, useful work, education, and basic
economic security are all basic rights that the
federal government can and absolutely should play
a role in securing. - Without a basic level of security, people can't
even get to the kind of freedom and opportunity
that is so central to progressivism the freedom
that is the fruit of cognitive liberty, the
potential to develop one's self as fully as
possible. Securing these basic freedoms is the
aim of social justice and it is the heart of the
high road.
14Invest in people.
- To compete in the 21st century, we need to take
our education and research system to the next
level. Financial resources aren't the only thing
the system needs, but they are certainly part of
it. There is a bottom-line rationale for beating
structural racism and fairly distributing
educational resources and opportunity simply,
its because tax cuts don't create jobs, people
do. The job creating leaders of tomorrow will be
new immigrants and inner-city kids, if we give
them a chance.
Pics see http//www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.04
15Democratize wealth.
- Unions, progressive taxation, minimum and living
wage laws, and employee ownership all have one
thing in common they democratize economic power
and wealth. This is a good thing, and we can't be
afraid to say so. - The American people are good and tired of being
trickled down on.
16Build the green economy.
- The long-time argument against building the green
economy - that it would cost too much - sounds
increasingly nonsensical in the days of 50 and
rising barrels of oil. The dangers and costs of
not doing anything are far, far greater. Markets
are tools for solving problems, not ends unto
themselves. We should use both markets and public
policy to solve environmental problems. - We are way behind on this as a civilization. We
need to start now.
17Housebreak capitalism.
- Capitalism is just like a puppy it's great, but
it has a tendency to make messes. An American
Prospect article last May used just the right
frame for how to approach this it needs to be
housebroken. The right wing is always accusing us
of trying to kill the puppy, but this is an
absurd argument. Progressives are fine with
capitalism, at least until we come up with
something better, and the search for that
something better is a critical part of the
movement and the research it's engaged in. But in
the meantime, it's time to stop having to clean
capitalism's messes off the rug. - To do this, we need to rebuild peoples trust in
government. This wont be easy. The first step is
to stop reinforcing right wing, anti-government
18Globalize this approach.
- The purpose of our trade policies, other than
opening up international markets to our products,
should be to encourage other countries. We can
avoid races to the bottom, but only if we
deliberately use our market power to compel our
trading partners to avoid them.
- We need to come to agreement on some of the
basics and how we talk about them. This is
perhaps unfortunately, since we love to disagree
- critical to our effectiveness as a movement. - The good news is we can still disagree like crazy
on everything else, from research to policy to
implementation to tactics.
- Dan Ancona
- dan_at_anconastrategy.com
- 415.373.8972
- Thanks!