Title: Designing user interfaces
1Designing user interfaces
2Details of physical design
- Security design - Inadvertent errors
- h/w failures
- s/w failures
- data errors (audit trails and check digits)
- Remedies for inadvertent errors
- periodic backups
- stored replacement parts for h/w
- off-site processing contracts
- priority service contracts
- data entry verification and correction procedures
3Details of physical design
- Security design - Crime
- Physical crime
- Software crime
- Security design Spyware and Greyware
- Do you have to open grey ware to be infected?
- Sources of greyware
- Downloading shareware, freeware, or other forms
- of file sharing services
- Opening infected emails
- Clicking on pop-up advertising
- Visiting frivolous or spoofed web sites
- Installing Trojan applications
4What are greyware?
- Spyware
- Adware
- Dialers
- Gaming
- Peer-to-peer (P2P)
- Hijackers
- Plugins
- Remote administration tools
- Download managers
5Symptoms of the presence of greyware
- Slower processing greyware is using the CPU
- Send and receive lights on cable/DSL modem or the
network/modem icons on the task bar are flashing
to indicate traffic
- Display - pop-up messages and advertisements
appear when the PC is not connected to the
Internet or when the browser is not running.
- Home page changed - from selected default and
browsing did not instigate the change.
- Search engine changed - from the default setting
and search results are delivered by an unexpected
search site.
6Symptoms (contd)
- Favorite list - modified in web browser.
Changing it back or removing the new additions
does not work.
- Antivirus/Anti-Spyware program - or other
security related programs stop working. Receive
warnings of missing application files and
replacing them does not solve the problem.
Sophisticated grayware applications may disable
popular security programs before installing
7Protection against greyware
- User education
- Host based anti-greyware protection
- Network based anti-greyware protection
- Sites to visit (copy paste the links)
- http//www.csoonline.com/read/110104/sware.
- http//www.computerworld.com/securitytopics/securi
8International risks
- Levels of risk to your IS internationally
- Physical risks to hw
- Quality issues
- Attack
- Risk to sw
- Quality
- Conversion/translation issues
- Risks to personnel
- http//www.csoonline.com/read/093004/risk.html
9Details of physical design (contd)
- Prevention of crime
- Physical locks, biometrics, dial backs, cameras
- Software encryption, fire-walls, domestic
- Regulatory organizational policies, laws,
background checks (also foreign?)
- Regulation of phone use
- Regulation of e-mail instant messaging (IM)
- Microsoft's MSN Messenger, AOL's AIM, and Yahoo!
- Formulate security policies and procedures
10Details of physical design
- Process design
- DFDs
- verify with user
- Network access design
- Applications access
- Access from varied locations
- Access by varying hardware
- Documentation
- Document process steps
- Identify points of input and output
- Identify points of control
- User walk-through
11Types of outputs
- Printed
- line printer
- laser printer
- Screen output
- Microfilm/fiche output
- Voice output
12Types of reports (contd)
- Internal vs. external reports
- Exception reports
- Summary/ Management reports
- Scheduled/Periodic reports
- On-demand/On-request reports
- Ad hoc reports
13Details of physical design
- Designing reports
- identify targets of reports
- layout of reports
- title
- column headers and footers
- column and row design (size, format)
- laying out forms
- Screen layout forms
- Left justified layout
- Butterfly layout
- tools for the analyst
14Types of inputs
- Key-to-tape and key-to-disk
- Speech
- Turnaround documents
15Details of physical design
- Designing dialogues
- identify users of dialogue
- select type of dialogue to fit situation
- menu selection
- question/answer
- form fill
- sketch flow of dialogue
- specify needed response times e.g.
- display rate
- user think time
- user response time
- apply a user point of view
- Software tools
- Input charts
16Details of physical design-I/O contd
- dialogue design dos and donts
- use simple, grammatically correct sentences.
- dont be funny or cute
- dont be condescending (dont offer rewards or
- avoid computer jargon and most abbreviations
- be consistent in the use of terminology
- convert instructions into action verbs
- use words such as PRESS (not HIT or DEPRESS)
- also, we should say POSITION THE CURSOR (not
- follow a logical flow
17Details of physical design
- Documentation
- Document process steps
- Describe points of input and output
- Discuss points of control
- User walk-through for understanding
- Writing users manuals
- identify who the users are
- flow of logic should follow user point of view
- include examples and illustrations
- consider international users if appropriate
- ease of update
18End designing user interfaces
19What are greyware?
- Spyware - applications are usually included with
freeware. Spyware is designed to track and
analyze a user's activity, such a user's web
browsing habits.
20What are greyware?
- Adware - used to load pop-up browser windows to
deliver advertisements when the application is
open or run.
21What are greyware?
- Dialers - used to control the PC's modem. These
applications are generally used to make long
distance calls or call premium 900 numbers to
create revenue for the thief.
22What are greyware?
- Gaming - usually installed to provide joke or
nuisance games.
23What are greyware?
- Peer-to-peer (P2P) - applications that are
installed to perform file exchanges. (P2P) While
P2P is a legitimate protocol that can be used for
business purposes, the grayware applications are
often used to illegally swap music, movies, and
other files.
24What are greyware?
- Hijackers - applications that manipulate the Web
browser or other settings to change the user's
favorite or bookmarked sites, start pages, or
menu options.
25What are greyware?
- Plug-ins - control, record, and send browsing
preferences or other information back to an
external destination.
26What are greyware?
- Remote administration tools - allow an external
user to remotely gain access, change, or monitor
a computer on a network.
27What are greyware?
- Download managers allow other software to be
downloaded and installed with or without the
user's knowledge. These applications are usually
run during the startup process and can be used to
install - advertising,
- dial software,
- malicious code.
28Protection against greyware
- User education
- Policies
- Approved programs lists
- Information about greyware
- Increase security settings on browsers
- Turn off auto-preview in e-mail client
29Protection against greyware (contd)
- Host based anti-greyware protection
- Client based software applications that spot,
remove, and block spyware.
- Policies and blockers to prevent disabling of
greyware/spyware protection.
30Protection against greyware (contd)
- Network based anti-greyware protection
- Install grayware detection on a perimeter
security appliance where the private corporate
network connects to the public Internet.
- Centralizes protection
- All machines behind perimeter appliance are
- What do you do when the user leaves the office
and is no longer behind the security appliance?
- Host based protection?
31Security policies and procedures
- Security budgets as portion of IT budgets,
nationally need to be increased
- Average is 9
- Global average is 11
- Best practices average is 14
32Security policies and procedures
- Separate information security from IT and then
merge it with physical security.
- These disciplines can either exist under a single
CSO or as separate entities governed by an
executive security committee.
33Security policies and procedures
- Conduct a penetration test annually
- Create a comprehensive risk assessment process
prioritize threats and vulnerabilities
- Define overall security architecture and plan,
base it on above
- responsibility structure
- penetration test
- risk assessment
- Establish a quarterly review process