Title: How (and Why) the MotivAider
1How (and Why) the MotivAider Works
- The MotivAider makes certain that your intentions
get all the attention they need ...
... so you can actually start changing your
habits ...
... instead of just thinking about changing them!
2To use the MotivAider, you simply devise a
personal message that will remind and urge you to
make the change youve decided to make.
Let's say you've decided to improve your posture.
Your message might simply be ...
"Straighten up!"
3The MotivAider communicates with you in the same
way that a ringing telephone tells you "Someone
is calling."
You simply associate your "Straighten up!"
message with the MotivAider's vibration signal ...
... so, whenever you feel the vibration
you automatically think "Straighten up!"
"Straighten up!"
With the message stored in your mind, the
MotivAider works as privately as a thought.
4All that's left is to set the MotivAider to send
you vibration signals as often as you want.
You can tell the MotivAider to send you signals
and therefore your "Straighten up!" message
from as often as once every few seconds to as
seldom as once a day.
That's all there is to it!
Youre ready to change your posture the easy way!
5Whenever the MotivAider vibrates
- it focuses your attention on your Straighten
up! intention.
"Straighten up!"
Attention activates the intention
... and causes your intention to rise to the very
top of your mind.
With your "Straighten up!" intention at the top
of your awareness ...
... there's no way you can forget to improve your
6With a steady stream of private "Straighten up!"
reminders flowing through your mind ...
Straighten up!
- ... you'll stay focused on improving your
Change virtually any habit the easy way!
And good posture will finally become a habit!
Behavioral Dynamics, Inc. http//habitchange.com