Title: Welcome to School Night For Scouting
1Welcome to School Night For Scouting
2Scouting Fun with a Purpose
- Scouting.
- Develops leadership skills and teaches respect
for God, country, and your fellow man. - Develops personal confidence and self-worth
- Utilizes activities designed to prepare boys to
make ethical choices and strive to achieve their
full potential - Is about doing your best
3The Cub Scout Organization
- The Pack
- Is a group of boys of all ages and their adult
leadership. The Pack will meet once per month. - Is sponsored by a Chartered Organization, and
although we meet here at Alma Schrader School,
our Chartered Organization is the Evening
Optimist Club of Cape Girardeau. - Pack is divided into Dens which consist of 6-8
boys of the same age, and their adult leaders.
The Dens will usually meet two times per month.
4Cub Scout Organization (cont.)
- Boys and Dens are organized by Rank based on age
- Ranks are
- Tiger ( 6 years old or 1st grade )
- Wolf ( 7 years old or 2nd grade )
- Bear ( 8 years old or 3rd grade )
- Webelos 1 ( 9 years old or 4th grade )
- Webelos 2 ( 10 years old or 5th grade )
- All Scout Activities are age-appropriate
5Boys Life Magazine
- Official magazine of the BSA.
- Boys Life helps your son learn, and it has
articles that tie in with our monthly themes. It
is only 1 per month. If you feel you cannot
afford it, the pack will pay the fee. - If you want to help purchase it for another
scout, we will gladly accept your donation.
6Parent Participation
- Parents are the major source of Scout leadership
- Scouting is volunteer led
- Full support and cooperation of every parent is
essential - Parents can help reduce the load for everyone by
serving as den leaders or committee members - Parents should participate in and encourage their
boys in their advancement and activites.
7Pack Information
- We are chartered by the Evenening Optimist Club
- We are part of the Shawnee District of the
Greater St. Louis Area Council - The Council provides literature, tools, training,
volunteer professional guidance and a major
activity schedule, including provision of camp
facilities - We were Chartered 46 years ago, and are one of
the longest continuously operating packs in our
district. - 40 active scouts and 10 adult leaders, not
included those signing up tonight.
8Pack Information (cont.)
- Leadership is made up of Parent Volunteers
- Unit oversight provided by Pack Committee
composed of parents and Leaders, who meet monthly - Pack meetings are usually held the 3rd Thursday
of each month. There are exceptions. - First Pack meeting is September 20th. You will
be contacted by your den leader for den meeting
9How the Pack Funds Itself
- Annual donation from the Evening Optimist Club
- One annual Fundraiser (Popcorn Sales)
- Other donations from individuals and businesses
10Things We Do
- Pinewood Derby
- Rain Gutter Regatta
- Rocket Launch
- Scouting for Food
- Family Campouts
- Disability Awareness Challenge
- Summer Camps
- Tours and Hikes
- Blue and Gold Banquet
- Swimming Parties
- Parades
- Pack Games
- Bike Rodeos
- Flag Ceremonies
- And other FUN THINGS
11Registration Fees
- Registration is 5.95, for 7 Months
- Boys Life magazine is 7, for 7 months.
- With Boys Life, tonight's total amount due is
12.95, - without Boys Life its 5.95
- Make checks payable to Pack 20
- There will be additional costs for uniforms, rank
12Uniform and Equipment Needs
13Uniform and Equipment Needs
- Tigers
- Blue Shirt
- Neckerchief Slide
- No picture of Tiger Neckerchief but it is Orange
Blue !!
14Uniform and Equipment Needs
- Tigers
- Blue Shirt
- Neckerchief Slide
- Cub-Scout Belt and Buckle
15Uniform and Equipment Needs
- Tigers
- Blue Shirt
- Neckerchief Slide
- Cub-Scout Belt and Buckle
- Tiger Cub Hat (optional)
16Uniform and Equipment Needs
- Tigers
- Blue Shirt
- Neckerchief Slide
- Cub-Scout Belt and Buckle
- Tiger Cub Hat (optional)
- Tiger Cub Book
17Uniform and Equipment Needs
- A Completely Uniformed Tiger
- Patches Needed
- The appropriate patches will be sold to you when
you purchase the shirt. - World Crest
- Council Patch
- Pack 20 Numerals
- Den 1 Patch
- 45 Veteran Unit Patch (will get from
- Cubmaster)
18What Now ?
19The Process
Step 1 Complete an application for each boy
20The Process
Step 1 Complete an application for each boy Step
2 Sign your boy up in a Den
21The Process
Step 1 Complete an application for each boy Step
2 Sign your boy up in a Den Step 3 If agreeing to
be a leader, complete a Leaders Application
22The Process
Step 1 Complete an application for each boy Step
2 Sign your boy up in a Den Step 3 If agreeing to
be a leader, complete a Leaders Application Step
4 Present your paperwork and payment for review