Title: CCPSNet
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Assessment Tool
21. Tupperware Parties
I am a teacher who has created a personal home
page to be included in our schools web pages on
CCPS-NET. I have created pages about my class,
my favorite books, my educational background, and
my hobbies. One of my hobbies is cooking an I
frequently hold Tupperware parties at my home.
Can I include a message on my home page for
anyone interested in these parties to send me
The CCPS-NET is established solely for
educational purposes. Any use of the CCPS-NET
for commercial purposes is prohibited.
42. Group Picture
I am the sponsor for the school yearbook and have
created web pages to be included in our schools
web pages on CCPS-NET. I have listed the names
of the yearbook staff on one page and have taken
a digitized group picture of the staff. Can I
put this picture on the other page since the
names will not be there and there is no caption
for the pictures?
Photographs of students may be included in World
Wide Web documents provide no personal
information is included.
63. Political Mailing
I subscribe to a listserv maintained by my
professional organization and I just received an
email informing me that the federal e-rate
program is now being threatened in the
congressional appropriations process.
Congressmen X, Y, and Z have been identified as
key opponents of the e-rate. The email message
urged me to contact them and express my support
for the discount program and how the e-rate will
support my community. I have Rep. Ys email
address and can probably find the others on the
Internet. Can I use CPS-NET to send this email?
The CCPS-NET is established solely for
educational purposes. Any use of the CCPS-NET
for political lobbying is prohibited.
84. Harry Hacker
I just overhead two students in the hall talking
about how Harry Hacker, a well know computer
whiz kid in our school, had infected the schools
network with a virus he brought in from home on a
diskette. Harry was in my class last period and
we used the lab today for a research assignment
which required accessing the schools network. I
had the students save their work to the floppy
diskettes they always bring with them for this
purpose. What should I do?
Contact the building Technology Coordinator
Any use of the CCPS-NET for the intentional
introduction of viruses or corruption of systems,
files and resources is prohibited
105. Copy Software
I just got a new computer for my classroom this
past year and one of the programs that came with
it is HyperStudio 3.1 for Windows. My team is
planning to use HyperStudio this coming year in
conjunction with a cross-curricular project for
our sixth graders. The other team member all
have HyperStudio 1.0 for Windows. Can I make
copies of the program for them to use to upgrade
so we can all have access to the same version of
the program for this project?
Any use of the CCPS-NET for purposes in conflict
with approved School Board policies procedures
is prohibited. School Board Policy 720 prohibits
the illegal copying of documents, software, and
other materials.
126. Blocked Sites
I frequently assign research to my students that
requires the use of Internet resources as well as
other resources available in the school library
media center. This past year we had access to an
online periodical database that provided magazine
articles in full text. Frequently my students
reported that they would conduct the research on
an assigned topic, retrieve the list of hits in
the database, and then when they would try to
read one of the articles, they were unable to
access the entire article. Instead they would
get a message that said the rest of the article
could not be shown because of inappropriate body
content. What can I do to gain access to these
documents for this legitimate research assignment?
Unfiltered accounts will be granted to any staff
member who states, in writing, that they need
such an account to facilitate the programs of the
Chesterfield Schools. Such accounts will never
be granted to students.
147. Humorous Email
I have friends who constantly forward to me
inappropriate humorous email messages that have
circulated around their workplaces. Is it okay
for me to forward them to my colleagues on
Electronic mail is provided to staff in support
of the instructional program and its support
services. Sending harassing, abusive, or
offensive material to or about others is
168. Student Email
I want my students to have access to email on
CCPS-NET so they can participate in some
international penpal projects during the school
year. Can students have individual email
Students in grades 6-12 will have access to the
CCPS-NET through a classroom account managed by
school personnel, and may be granted an
individual account held jointly by the student
and parent/guardian.
189. Email for Retirees
I have just started using CCPS-NET and especially
like communicating through email. I am starting
my ERIP days this fall and will finish them by
winter break. Can I still use my email account
in the spring?
All Chesterfield County Public School personnel
and retirees are eligible for a CCPS-NET account
on the CCPS-NET server.
2010. Email Privacy
I receive email from acquaintances, friends, and
family. Quite often these messages contain
information that is quite personal. Can anyone
else read my email on CCPS-NET?
From time to time, the administrators of the
email system may review email logs and or
messages as a part of the standard maintenance
and security schedule. Employees and students
should not consider email as private.
22Chesterfield CountyPublic Schools
- PowerPoint presentation created by
- Stephen B. Thompson
- Technology Coordinator
- Matoaca Middle School
- sthompso_at_chesterfield.k12.va.us
- http//chesterfield.k12.va.us/Schools/Matoaca_MS
- August, 1998