Selection sort, reviewed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Selection sort, reviewed


on average, maybe n(n-1)/4, but involves more moving of data than selection sort ... if n=1, true ... given n horses in a corral, take 1 out: rest must have ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Selection sort, reviewed

Lecture 25
  • Selection sort, reviewed
  • Insertion sort, reviewed
  • Merge sort
  • Running time of merge sort, 2 ways to look at it
  • Quicksort
  • Course evaluations

Selection sort
  • for k 1 to n-1
  • find kth smallest item
  • swap it with the one in the kth position
  • number of comparisons
  • n-1 for k1
  • n-2 for k2
  • 1 for kn-1
  • total n(n-1)/2

Insertion sort
  • for k2 to n
  • move kth item into sorted order with respect to
    the first k-1 items which already sorted
  • involves moving sorted items over can do this at
    the same time as finding where kth item has to go
  • number of comparisons worst case
  • 1 for k2
  • 2 for k3
  • n-1 for kn
  • total n(n-1)/2
  • on average, maybe n(n-1)/4, but involves more
    moving of data than selection sort

Bubble sort
  • Pass through data, swapping neighbors that are
    out of order
  • After first pass, largest element has sunk to
  • Repeat until no more swaps are needed,
    considering one less pair each time
  • Cost n-1 comparisons for first pass, n-2 for 2nd
    pass, etc.
  • May need n-1 passes, so also O(n2)

Merge sort
  • Recursive
  • If only one item, return
  • Sort first half by merge sort
  • Sort second half by merge sort
  • Merge the results

Keys to efficiency
  • Recursion reduce problem to two problems of half
    the size
  • Also known as divide and conquer
  • Merge step only requires n comparisons, where n
    is number of items to be merged
  • Need two arrays, but no more
  • Do not construct arrays inside the recursive
    call!!! (The comprehensive edition of Liang does
  • How should we implement this in Java?
  • public static sort(what parameters?)
  • We cannot pass half an array, so what to do?

Details for sort
  • public static void sort(int left, int right,
    double x, double temp)
  • if(left right)
  • return
  • int mid (leftright)/2
  • sort(left, mid, x, temp) // sort first half of x
    using temp
  • sort(mid1, right, x, temp) // sort second half
    of x using temp
  • merge(left, mid, right, x, temp) // merge them
    into temp
  • copy(left, right, temp, x) // copy temp back to

Details for merge(left, mid, right, x, temp)
  • Keep 3 ints i,j,k
  • i initialized to left
  • j initialized to mid1
  • k initialized to left
  • advance until i gt mid or j gt right
  • copy the rest of one of the other half
  • cute trick 2 additional while loops
  • another trick do nothing if xmid lt
  • for this reason, better move the copy inside

Number of comparisons
  • Let C(n) number of comparisons to sort array of
    length n by merge sort
  • Clearly, C(n) 2 C(n/2) (n-1), if n is even, gt
  • or a little less, if we program merge efficiently
  • C(1) 0
  • C(2) 1
  • C(4) 5
  • C(8) 17
  • C(16) 49
  • Hard to see a pattern, but when we double n, the
    number of comparisons is also doubled, an extra
    n-1 comparisons

Lets simplify this slightly
  • Count the merge as n comparisons, instead of n-1
  • C(n) 2 C(n/2) n, if n is even, gt 0
  • C(1) 0
  • C(2) 2
  • C(4) 8
  • C(8) 24
  • C(16) 64
  • Do you see a pattern now? Assume n is a power of
    2, say 2k
  • By inspection, C(n) k n
  • In other words, C(n) n log2(n)

Proof by induction on k
  • Base case C(1) 1 log2(1) 0
  • Inductive hypothesis suppose true for k-1
    C(2k-1) (k-1) 2k-1
  • Just like assume the recursive magic works
  • Want to prove true for nk
  • C(2k) 2 C(2k-1) 2k
  • 2 (k-1) 2k-1 2k
  • (k-1) 2k 2k
  • k 2k

Proof that all horses have same color
  • proof by induction on number of horses
  • if n1, true
  • inductive hypothesis suppose true for n-1 if
    you have n-1 horses, they are all same color
  • given n horses in a corral, take 1 out rest must
    have same color
  • put it back and take a different one out rest
    must have same color
  • therefore they are all the same color
  • what is wrong with this?

An easier way to think about merge sort
  • 1 call to sort array of length n
  • 2 calls to sort array of length n/2
  • 4 calls to sort array of length n/4
  • 8 calls to sort array of length n/8
  • n calls to sort array of length 1
  • at each level, the merge operations take a total
    of at most n comparisons
  • since the number of levels is log2n the total
    number of comparisons is at most n log2n

What if n is not a power of 2?
  • Does not really matter mid (left
    right)/2 rounds down which is fine
  • Number of comparisons is still approximately n
    log2n (which is not an integer)
  • We say running time is O(n log2n)
  • Base of logarithm doesnt matter much, because
    log10n log2n/log210

  • Similar recursive idea, but avoids the need for 2
  • Chooses a pivot element, then divides array into
    two parts, one with elements pivot, and one
    with elements gt pivot
  • Possible ways to choose pivot see next page
  • To partition the array, loop from left to find
    first element gt pivot, and loop from right to
    find first element lt pivot
  • Swap them and repeat
  • Place pivot in right place
  • Make two recursive calls

How to choose the pivot
  • Goal want to choose pivot to divide array
    approximately in half, but want to do this fast
  • Ideas?
  • First position
  • middle position
  • average value
  • median value
  • randomly chosen
  • median of items in first, middle and last

Number of comparisons for quicksort
  • Assuming arrays divided approximately in half
    each time, same as merge sort
  • Advantage only one array
  • Disadvantage items with equal values may end up
    interchanged from their original value
  • Doesnt matter for primitive types, but may
    matter for objects
  • For this reason the Arrays.sort methods use
    quicksort for primitive types and merge sort for
    Comparable objects

Other sorts
  • Heapsort slightly slower than quicksort on
    average but number of comparisons is n log2n even
    in worst case, like merge sort
  • Radix sort

Big O Notation
  • We say a function f(n) is O(g(n)) if there is a
    constant c so that f(n) c g(n) for all n
  • Thus we say the number of comparisons for merge
    sort is O(n log n)
  • We dont need to write the base
  • Which of these functions are O of the others
  • log n, 2n, 10n , n2, n3, n, n log n
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