Title: Morro Bay National Estuary Program
1Morro Bay National Estuary Program Volunteer
Monitoring Program
Stormwater Pollution Local Data and How you
can Help
2First Flush
3What is First Flush Monitoring?
- Collection of urban runoff from storm drains
during the first large rainstorm of the season. - Pollutants and particulates have accumulated for
several months. - Produces the most contaminated runoff of the
Goals of First Flush Monitoring
- Identifies pollutants of greatest concern in the
watershed. - Highlights areas where particular contaminants
need to be addressed. - Increases public awareness of storm drainage into
the bay.
4Historic First Flush monitoring in the watershed
- 26 Sites in Morro Bay and Los Osos.
- Conducted by NEP and RWQCB.
- Included culverts, drainage ditches, and known
flood prone areas. - Monitored 95, 96, 97 for heavy metals,
bacteria, water quality parameters.
Drainage culvert at Marina and Embarcadero.
5What contaminants are being monitored?
- Oil and Grease
- Heavy metals Zinc, Copper, Lead and Nickel
- Pathogenic Bacteria Total Coliforms and E.Coli
- Suspended and Dissolved Solids Sediment and
suspended particles - Nutrients Orthophosphates and Nitrates
- pH Acidity
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Turbidity
6First Flush Monitoring Effort
- Volunteers collected samples
- Samples analyzed in house for bacteria and water
quality parameters. - Samples sent to lab for additional analysis.
- Complete sample analysis cost approximately 200
per site. - Funding provided by the NEP.
7Selection of Sites
- Mixed land uses commercial, residential, parks.
- Large culverts with direct drainage into the bay.
- Flood prone low lying areas.
How do you know when to monitor?
- Monitoring initiated when sheet flow was observed
on streets. - 8 sites successfully monitored throughout Morro
Bay and Los Osos. - All samples collected within 1 hour of sheet flow
82007 First Flush Sites
City of Morro Bay
Los Osos
9Regulatory standards for stormwater or lack
- Standards for safe recreational contact in
creeks, bays or oceans - Standards for receiving waters, must be
maintained following a flush. - Event Mean Concentration shows average
contaminant concentrations runoff from different
land use types.
Standards Applied for 2007 Data
- 235 MPN/100ml E. Coli Bacteria
- 10 µg/ L copper and lead
- 2 µg/ L nickel
- 20 µg/ L zinc
10E. Coli test results
- EPA guidance is 235 MPN/100ml.
11Dissolved metals are far above the regulatory
standard for the estuary.
12Nutrients in First Flush Samples Orthophosphates
- All Sites Exceeded recommended levels, firm
standards are not in place.
13Nutrients in First Flush Samples Nitrates
14Urban Watch Monitoring Sites in Los
Osos Methods Visit 1x per week, make
observations and collect samples if flow was
present Test for Nitrate, Temperature pH Colif
orm (bacteria) Chlorine Turbidity
15Table 13. Overview of observations from 2007 and
2008 UW monitoring. City Site Code of
Observations with Flow 2007 2008 Los Osos
BVH 92 85 ASHS 50 62 ASHN
25 62 FAR 0 15 PNE 0 7.6
BPR 8.3 50 Morro Bay RMP 30
61 BWD 58 33 NTD 53 76
NTD2 0 41 PCF 53 35 PCF2
0 0 ROS 89 88 DUN 0 6
16(No Transcript)
17The Results Overall
- Oil and Grease was not detected in any of the
samples. - Rainfall intensity, particle adherence.
- Metals concentrations elevated throughout
slightly higher in MB than Los Osos - Turbidity and Bacteria concentrations elevated
for Los Osos samples versus Morro Bay. - Dissolved oxygen , pH and nitrate were not above
levels of concern. - Stormwater is flowing in the dry season this is
bad for water supply and for water quality
18What You Can Do About Stormwater Pollution
- Limit use of fertilizer and pesticides
- Dispose of chemicals at the household hazardous
waste facility in MB - Pick up after your pets
- Get all auto leaks fixed promptly
- Wash your car at a carwash, or over grass or