Title: The Softer Side of Project Management
1The Softer Side ofProject Management
- Making It CLICK
- October 8, 2003
Brent Carter, PMP Fifth Third Bank
2What You Should Expect
What Why How
Soft Skills
- Gain a better appreciation of soft skills in
project management - Understand how you can apply soft skills to make
you and your team(s) more effective - Walk away with specific ideas of what youre
going to do differently
4The Hard and Soft of PM
5The Softer Side - Why Important?
Project Failure The Usual Suspects
- Lack of customer involvement
- Long or unrealistic time frames
- No clear assignment of authority/responsibility
- Lack of senior management support
- PM methodology not applied
- Poor or no requirements
- No control over changes
6Whats So Hard About Soft Skills?
7Soft Skills in Project Management
- ommunication
- eadership
- nfluence
- oaching
- eeping Commitments
Making It
8Soft Skills in Project Management
- Communication
- Leadership
- Influence
- Coaching
- Keeping Commitments
- The biggest problem
- Most popular Lessons Learned issue
- Most difficult to solve
- The biggest solution
- Panacea for most problems
- Usually too broad
- Narrow it down
10Communication Dos and Donts
- Do tell people what you know and what you dont
know - Do consider audience and objective
- Do communicate both need-to-know and nice-to-know
11Communication Dos and Donts
- Do tell people what you know and what you dont
know - Do consider audience and objective
- Do communicate both need-to-know and nice-to-know
- Dont assume people know what you know
- Dont assume that people dont need to know
- Dont communicate so people will understand
communicate so they cant not understand.
12Communication Planning
- Objective
- Audience
- Message, content
- Time frame, frequency
- Medium (How)
Communication Plan Template
13Soft Skills in Project Management
- Communication
- Leadership
- Influence
- Coaching
- Keeping Commitments
14Leadership is NOT About
Being The Boss
Having All The Answers
Power And Control
The Leadership Challenge? The Five Practices
of Exemplary Leaders
- Challenge the Process
- Inspire a Shared Vision
- Enable Others to Act
- Model the Way
- Encourage the Heart
The Leadership Challenge Jim Kouzes, Barry
Posner, 2002
- The Five Practices of Exemplary Leaders
- Challenge the Process
- Champion change
- Resist weve always done it that way
- Inspire a Shared Vision
- Big picture why are we doing this project?
- Translate objective into specific roles,
assignments where do I fit?
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leaders
- Enable Others to Act
- Provide people with the tools and information
they need - Give accountability AND authority
- Model the Way
- Lead by example
- Encourage the Heart
- Recognize accomplishments
- - individual and team
18Soft Skills in Project Management
- Communication
- Leadership
- Influence
- Coaching
- Keeping Commitments
Influence Any attempt by a person to change
anothers behavior.
Sphere Of Influence
Sphere of Influence
No Control
How can we influence others?
- Manage their expectations
- Seek common ground
- Must be credible to persuade are you
believable? - Build relationships .
22Soft Skills in Project Management
- Communication
- Leadership
- Influence
- Coaching
- Keeping Commitments
The process of equipping people with the tools,
knowledge, and opportunities they need to develop
their skills and become more effective. Leader
As Coach David D Peterson, Mary Dee Hicks
Coaching is not an event. Its a continuous
Why is coaching important?
- Builds trust
- Develops team
members skills - Accelerates learning
- Increases self-sufficiency, confidence
- Improves team productivity, efficiency
- Frees up the leader
- P.O.D.
- Plan designate times to meet
- Observe look for and note specific behaviors
and outcomes - Discuss talk about observations and agree on
- Look for The Coaching Moment
- Listen more than you talk
26Soft Skills in Project Management
- Communication
- Leadership
- Influence
- Coaching
- Keeping Commitments
Keeping Commitments
27Keeping Commitments
- Under-promise, over-deliver
- Follow up, follow through
Bad news does NOT improve with time.
28Soft Skills in Project Management
- ommunication
- eadership
- nfluence
- oaching
- eeping Commitments
Making It