Title: RtI: Response to Intervention
1RtI Response to Intervention
- An introduction to RtI
- January 26, 2009
2Professional Learning Communities touch the heart
To accomplish results leaders engage employees
hearts, minds, and feet. The path to change in
the classroom lies within and through PLC.
3The Big ideas of PLC is that
We cultivate a collaborative culture through high
performing teams. We accept learning as the
fundamental purpose of our school and we are
willing to examine all practices. We assess our
effectiveness on the basis of results.
4What is Collaboration?
A systemic process in which we work
interdependently to analyze and impact
professional practice in order to improve our
individual and collective results
5Key to Collaboration
1. Focus on Learningon critical questions
2. Schedule time
3. Make products of collaboration explicit
4. Establish team norms to guide collaboration
5. Pursue specific and measurable team
performance goals
6. Provide teams with frequent access to
relevant information
6Focus on the Critical Questions of Learning
1. What do we expect them to learn?
2. How will we know when they have learned it?
3. How will we respond when they dont learn?
4. How will we respond when they already know it?
7 Is your PLC focused on Results? Effective
results require goalsSMART goals
- Strategic and specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Results-oriented
- Time-bound
8 Team Activity meet back in 20min.
9Learning by doingeveryday
Collaboration and capacity building is the
daily habit of working together to deliver
better results on what is necessary for student
10What is RtI?
- Response to intervention is the practice of
providing high-quality instruction and
interventions matched to students needs,
monitoring progress frequently to make changes in
instruction or goals, and applying data to
important educational decisions.
11What is RtI?
- Response to Intervention is a multi-tiered
approach to help struggling learners. Students
progress is closely monitored at each stage of
intervention to determine the need for further
research-based instruction and/or interventions
in general education, in special education, or
12What RtI is Not
- Response to intervention is not a program, but
rather a system for meeting all students needs. - RtI requires
- Efficient use of resources
- Research-based foundation
- Team approach to problem-solving
13Public Law 108-446
- A compelling reason to adopt RTI is that that
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act (IDEIA) of 2004 endorses it. - RTI challenges that the basic premise of some
educators by assuming that all students can
learn, that all educators will take
responsibility for all learners, and that schools
will adjust their current environments and
practices so that this can occur.
14Another Reason Why to RtI
- We should not wait for students to fail before
providing intervention. - To bridge the real/perceived gap between general
and special education. - RtI practice makes general, Title 1, and special
education stronger and more effective by using
all the resources a school has to assist
children. We often work towards the same goal
however need to improve upon communication and
15High-quality instruction and interventions
- High-quality instruction and interventions
refers to the use of core instruction and
interventions that have been demonstrated through
scientific research to produce results in student
16In an RtI system
- Interventions can and should be provided early
by regular and special education teachers,
reading specialists, or qualified
paraprofessionals, in small groups within the
regular classroom or in separate reading or
intervention rooms.
17Steps in RtI Systems
- Solid core program (Tier 1)
- Universal screening (i.e. DIBELS)
- Differentiated instruction
- Progress monitoring
- Supplemental (Tier 2) interventions
- Progress monitoring
- Intensive (Tier 3) interventions
- Progress monitoring
- Referral for formal evaluation for special ed.
18Current Reality and Goals
- As a table team, work together to complete the
chart, How Do Our Schools Current Practices
Align With the Essential Elements of RtI? - Current Reality
- Long-Term Goals
- Short-Term Goals
19Morning Stretch meet back in 15
20Current Practices follow-up
- Review the compilation on your table
- As a table team
- Identify one positive current reality, long-term
goal, and short-term goal (plus) - Identify one needs improvement current reality,
long-term goal, and short-term goal (delta) - We will report out the one per area as well as
post the responses
21The First Step
- PLC and RtI are complementary processes
- Research base of best practices
- Outcome high levels of student learning
- PLCs create the schoolwide cultural and
structural foundation necessary to implement a
highly effective RtI program - Pyramid response to intervention, PRTI, forges
PLC and RtI into a single powerful process to
improve student learning
22The First Step PRTI
- Implement the three big ideas of being a PLC
- A focus on learning
- A collaborative culture
- A focus on results
- Our mission is not simply to ensure that all
students are taught, but also that they learn.
23(No Transcript)