Schemadriven Memory and Structural Alignment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Schemadriven Memory and Structural Alignment


... however, this line of study, and the questions it posed, ... first recall task, as well as the information relevant to their first perspective that they had ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Schemadriven Memory and Structural Alignment

Schema-driven Memory and Structural Alignment
C. Hunt Stilwell Arthur B. Markman
Experiment 3 Mean Number of Properties Recalled
Experiment 2 OLD Sentences Mean Recognition
  • Experiment 1 Mean Recall
  • Results For both sub-targets, participants
    recalled more when they received the
  • analogous Base Story (m 6.33 Target 1, 4.67
    Target 2) than when they received the
  • Schematic Memory
  • Schematic memory research flourished in the
    1960s and 1970s
  • Researchers produced several findings relating
    to memory for thematic information.
  • Schemas select information for encoding
    participants recall schema-relevant information
  • better than schema-irrelevant information, and
    schemas facilitate recall for relevant info
  • (e.g., Bransford Johnson, 1972).
  • Schemas are abstract participants remember the
    gist, rather than the surface details
  • (Bransford Franks, 1971).
  • Schemas allow for inferences about instances,
    including false ones (e.g., Sulin Dooling,
  • 1974).
  • Memory takes place through an on-line
    reconstructive process from abstract gist
  • representations (Bartlett, 1935).
  • Lacking a concrete theoretical framework,
    however, this line of study, and the questions it
  • gave way to the list-learning research of the
  • Structural
  • Analogy has been shown to influence memory by
    highlighting relevant information, and ignoring
  • irrelevant information (Markman Gentner,
    1997 Schustack Anderson, 1979). This is
  • to the role of schemas.
  • It is known that analogy, and comparisons in
    general, use the process of structural alignment
  • Recall Task 1 Mean Recall
    Target 1 Mean Recall Target 2
    Mean Recall
  • Results
  • In first recall, participants recall more when
    they have read the analogous Base Story (m 5.89
    Target 1,
  • 3.83 Target 2) than when they saw the
    non-analogous Base Story (m 4.64 Target 1, 3.11
    Target 2).
  • In second recall, participants recalled more
    from Targets for which the non-analogous story
    had been
  • read in encoding (m 5.26 Target 1 , 3.75
    Target 2) than they had in the first recall (m
    4.64 Target 1, 3.11 Target 2).
  • Conclusions Replicate Experiments 1 2
    replicate Anderson Pichert, with a change in
    analogical correspondence (change in
  • perspective) leading to recall of previously
    unrecalled information.

2a 2b
Experiment 2 New Sentences Mean Recognition
  • Summary of Results
  • Experiment 1 Replicate Bransford Johnson -
    memory is better for analogous, or
    schema-relevant information
  • than for non-analogous, or schema-irrelevant
  • Experiment 2a Replicate Sulin Dooling with
    short delay participants do not make many
    intrusions. Consistent with
  • Alba Hasher with short delay,
    schema-relevant and schema-irrelevant information
    recognized equally well in a recognition
  • task.
  • Experiment 2b Replicate Experiment 1
    Replicate Sulin Dooling with long delay-
    schema-relevant information
  • intrudes on memory for analogous (thematic)
    information frequently.
  • Experiment 3 Replicate Experiments 1 2b
    replicate Anderson Pichert - a change in
    analogical correspondence
  • (shift in perspective) yields recall of
    previously unrecallable information.
  • Conclusions
  • The goal of these studies was to replicate
    major findings from the schema-driven memory
    literature using an
  • analogical paradigm, allowing us to then carry
    over what we know about analogy, and the
    structural alignment
  • process, to the study of these memory
    phenomena. Experiments 1 2 replicated two major
    findings, and the
  • preliminary results from Experiment 3 are
    consistent with a third major finding. Thus, we
    can conclude that
  • schematic memory is driven by analogy.
  • We can now begin to carry over what we know
    about analogy to the domain of schematic memory.
  • Sulin Dooling, (1974)
  • During encoding presented participants with
    biographical characters in which the main
  • character was either given the name of a
    famous person (e.g., Hellen Keller) or given a
  • novel name (e.g., Carol Harris).
  • Delay of 5 minutes or 1 week
  • Recognition Task When the main character was
    given the name of a famous person,
  • participants mistakenly remembered having seen
    information about that character that was not
  • presented in the original biographical story
    with 1 week delay, but not with 5 minute delay.
  • Conclusion Schema-relevant, or thematic
    information intrudes on memory for thematic
  • information. This effect increased with the
    length of delay (5 minutes vs. 1 week).
  • Experiment 2a and b
  • Goal Replicate experiment 1 using a
    recognition task replicate Sulin Dooling
  • Prediction With a short delay (20-30
    minutes), participants will be able to
  • between old and new sentences (Sulin
    Dooling, 1974. In addition, they will not
  • show a preference for schema-relevant
    information (Alba Hasher, 1983). With a
  • long delay, participants will mistakenly
    recognize intrusion sentences that are
  • schema-relevant, and will remember
    schema-relevant old sentences better than

  • Conclusions
  • In Experiment 2a, there was no preference for
    schema-relevant over schema-
  • irrelevant information at a short delay with
    a recognition task, consistent with Alba
  • Hasher (1983).
  • In Experiment 2b, as in Experiment 1, memory
    for analogous, or schema-
  • relevant, information was better than memory
    for non-analogous, or schema-
  • irrelevant, information, this time in a
    recognition task.
  • Replicate Sulin Dooling using the analogical
    reasoning paradigm -
  • information relevant to the analogical match
    (schema-relevant information)
  • present in one domain intrudes on memory for
    the other domain after long delay (2b),
  • but not after a short one (2a).
  • Encoding
  • Comparison Task Participants were given pairs
    of stories, one story at a time, and asked to
  • rate their similarity.
  • Target Stories The second story in each pair
    served a target, that contained two
  • sub-stories (Sub-story 1 Sub-Story 2) that
    had different sets of relations and objects,
  • but the same characters. Each Target Story
    was given a title.
  • Base Stories The first story in each pair
    served a base. For each Target Story, there
  • were two separate Base Stories, each
    corresponding to one of the two sub-stories in
  • the Target Story.
  • For each Base-Target pair a participant
    received, the Base formed the Schema, and
  • the Target sub-story to which it corresponded
    was analogous, or relevant to the
  • Schema, while the Target sub-story to which
    it did not correspond, was irrelevant to
  • the Schema.
  • After the Encoding Task, participants received
    a Filler Task or Delay.
  • Retrieval
  • Participants were given the titles of the
    Target Stories from each pair, and either a
    recall or
  • recognition task for information from the
    Target Stories.
  • Anderson Pichert, (1978)
  • Presented participants with the story of a boy
    who skipped school, during encoding.
  • Participants were asked to read the story from
    the perspective of either a Home Buy or a
  • Burglar
  • First Recall Task Asked to recall as much as
    they could from the original story. Participants
  • recalled more information relevant to the
    perspective they took than information relevant
  • the other perspective.
  • Perspective Shift Told to now think about the
    story that they had ready from the other
  • perspective.
  • Second Recall Task Asked participants to
    recall the original story again. Participants
  • recalled information relevant to their new
    perspective that they had not remembered in the
  • first recall task, as well as the information
    relevant to their first perspective that they had
  • remembered in the first recall task.
  • Conclusion With a shift in perspective,
    participants are able to recall information the
  • previously not remembered.
  • Experiment 3
  • Goal Replicate experiment 1 using a
    recognition task replicate Anderson Pichert
  • Prediction Memory for information from the
    analogous Target sub-story (schema-
  • relevant information) will be better than
    memory for information from the non-analogous
  • Bransford Johnson (1972)
  • Participants were given paragraphs containing a
    target sentence that does not fit with the
  • schema invoked by the story..
  • E.g., Peace March story containing a
    sentence about a craft landing on an alien
  • planet.
  • During retrieval task, participants fail to
    recall the schema-irrelevant sentence, unless
  • had been given a title that facilitated the
    creation of a schema within which that sentence
    is relevant
  • (e.g., Landing on an alien planet.)
  • Conclusion Memory is better for
    schema-relevant than schema-irrelevant
  • Experiment 1
  • Goal Replicate Johnson, et a. (1972) using the
    analogical reasoning paradigm described
  • above.
  • Prediction Memory for information from the
    analogous Target sub-story (schema-
  • relevant information) will be better than
    memory for information from the non-analogous
  • Target sub-story (schema-irrelevant
  • Participants 60 undergraduates at the
    University of Texas, Austin. Participants
  • course credit for their participation.
  • Method
  • Encoding Comparison Task
  • Alba Hasher (1983). Is memory schematic?
    Psychological Bulletin, 93(2), 203-231.
  • Anderson, R. C. Pichert, J.W. (1978). Recall
    of previously unrecallable information following
    a shift in perspective. Journal
  • of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior,
    17(1), 1-12.
  • Bartlett, F. C. (1932). Remembering.
    Cambridge, England University Press.
  • Bransford, J. D. Franks, J. J. (1971). The
    abstraction of linguistic ideas A review.
    Cognitive Psychology, 2(4), 331 - 350.
  • Bransford, J. D. Johnson, M. K. (1972).
    Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior,
    11(6), 717-726.
  • Gentner, D. (1983). Structure mapping A
    theoretical framework for analogy. Cognitive
    Science, 7, 155-170.
  • Markman, A. B. Gentner, D. (1993). Structural
    alignment during similarity comparisons.
    Cognitive Psychology,
  • 25(4), 431-467
  • Markman, A.B. Gentner, D. (1997). The effects
    of alignability on memory. Psychological
    Science, 8(5), 363-367.
  • Schustack, M. W. Anderson, J. R. (1979).
    Effects of analogy to prior knowledge on memory
    for new information.
  • Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal
    Behavior, 18(5), 565-583.
  • Stilwell, C. H. Markman, A. B. (2001). The
    fate of irrelevant information in analogy.
    Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference
  • of the Cognitive Science Society.
  • Sulin, R. A. Dooling, D. J. (1974). Intrusion
    of a thematic idea in retention of prose.
    Journal of Experimental
  • Psychology, 103(2), 255-262.
  • Method
  • Encoding Comparison Task. Each Base Story
    contains information relevant to the
  • theme which is not contained in the
    corresponding Target Story.
  • Filler Task (15-30 minutes)
  • Retrieval 1 Recognition Task
  • Change of Perspective Read the Base Stories
    they had not seen in the Comparison
  • Task
  • Retrieval 2 Recognition Task
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