Title: Template Talk
1ISMD08 dilute systems 1. Joint H1/ZEUS talk on
latest cross-section measurements with emphasis
on what we learn from the data i.e particular
emphasis on FL High Q2 cross-section measurements
possibly with the PDF and PDFEW fits which are
done to these polarised beam data may also be
included here. HERA Speaker timing 205 2. A
joint H1/ZEUS-jets talk on jet measurements to
investigate deviations from conventional NLO
DGLAP at low-x Jet measurements for alphas
could also be included here. HERA Speaker timing
205 3. Heavy flavor contents of the proton, how
well do we understand? experimental
validation/constraints From the Tevatron,
photonb-jets, Zb-jets, Wc etc. From HERA, may
be nice to hear on F_2cc,bb. HERA Speaker
timing 255 This talk would ideally be scheduled
near the heavy quarks talks planned for the
Analysis methods programme
24. An H1ZEUS HERA-I combination talk. Including
data combination and PDf analysis. Also the lower
Q2 data should be in the combination by September
such that a 'lambda' analysis (dlnF2/dln(1/x))
should be ready. HERA combination group speaker
timing 255. 5. Low-x BFKL three main groups
Thorne and White, Altarelli- Ball- Forte.
Colferai-Ciafaloni-Salam-Stasto have worked on
this recently. Speaker Chris White invited
timing 255 Talks 4 and 5 would ideally be
scheduled near the talk of Caldwell in the dense
systems programme. 6. A joint CDF/D0 Tevatron
talk on measurements which feed into PDF fits
the W asymmetry, both from leptons and from W
directly, Z rapidity, the High-ET jet
cross-sections and direct photon
measurements Tevatron speaker timing 255 7. A
review of latest developments in PDFs. Review the
sources of difference both in the central values
and the treatment of uncertainties. Discuss any
additional experimental measurements which are
not used currently but potentially useful for
global analyses, and wish list for
experiments(e.g use of direct photon
data) Speaker James Stirling invited timing 30
or 355
38. A CMS/ATLAS/LHCb talk which reflects both
what LHC will measure THIS year i.e SM
cross-sections, what LHC can contribute (e.g to
knowledge of PDFs and validity of DGLAP at
low-x), and what LHC needs from theorists (e.g.
calculation of more cross-sections to NLO, PDFs
which can be used with LO MCs etc) ATLAS/CMS
speaker timing 255 9. An overview of the
accuracy of the theoretical predictions -- what
has been achieved and what is still needed for
the LHC. Theoretical development in NLO (and
NNLO?) predictions. Estimate of the theoretical
error (e.g. one may also need EW corrections).
Understanding multijet or bosonmulti jet
production. Speaker to concentrate less on the
techniques and put more attention to reporting
the status and highlighting open
questions. Speaker Sven-Olaf Moch invited timing
30 or 355 Total timing 4hrs 30 or 40minutes