Title: Architectural Engineering
1Architectural Engineering
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
College of Environmental Design
2Objective of the Presentation
- To Inform...You
- To Help...You Decide
- To GiveYou the opportunity to Listen
- Introduction
- Academic Programs
- Curriculum Emphasis
- Facilities
- Future Employment
- Products of great importance
- throughout history
5Architectural Engineering
- College of Environmental Design
- Architecture
- Architectural Engineering
- City and Regional Planning
- Construction Engineering Management
6What is Architectural Engineering ?
Deals with buildings in the Design stage, during
Construction and when they are in Operation and
need maintenance
Objective of ARE Program ?
To prepare skilled professionals with the
technical and engineering knowledge related to
buildings in
7How Architectural Engineering is Different ?
- Architecture
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- ARE role does not end when the building
- design or construction is over
- ARE meets concerns of buildings owners
- Occupants
- Safety, Quality, Aesthetics, and Costs
8Academic Programs
- Bachelor of Science (132 CR)
- Summer training/Coop option
- Building environmental control systems
- Building structural systems design
- Construction and maintenance management
- Computer-aided building design
- Master of Science (30 CR with thesis)
- Master of Engineering (42 CR)
9Studying ARE Freshmen ?
Second Year First Semester
CR ARE 100 Introduction to
ARE 1 0 1 CHEM. 101 General Chemistry
I 3 4 4 ENGL. 101 English Composition
I 3 0 3 MATH 101 Calculus I 4 0 4 PE 101 Physical
Education I 0 2 1 PHYS 101 General Physics
I 3 3 4 __ __ __
14 9 17 Second Semester IAS 111 Belief 2 0
2 ICS 102 Intro. to Computing 2 3 3 ENGL 102 Engli
sh Composition II 3 0 3 MATH 102 Calculus
II 4 0 4 PE 102 Physical Education
II 0 2 1 PHYS 102 General Physics
II 3 3 4 __ __ __ 14 8 17
10Studying ARE Sophomore ?
Third Year First Semester
CR ARE 201 Architectural
Graphics 0 6 2 ARE 211 Building
Materials 2 3 3 ARC 110 History of
Architecture 2 0 2 CE 201 Statics 3 0 3 IAS 101
Practical Grammar 2 0 2 MATH 201 Calculus
III 3 0 3 ME 203 Thermodynamics 3 0 3 __ __
__ 15 9 18 Second
Semester ARE 202 Architectural Design
I 0 9 3 ARE 212 Construction Systems 3 0 3 ARE 221
Computer Appl Bldg Des. 2 3 3 CE 203 Structural
Mechanics I 3 0 3 CE 230 Eng. Fluid
Mechanics 3 0 3 MATH 202 Elem. Diff.
Equations 3 0 3 __ __ __
14 12 18
11Studying ARE Junior ?
Fourth Year First Semester
CR ARE 301 Architectural Design
II 0 9 3 ARE 322 Building Mechanical
Sys. 2 3 3 CE 305 Structural Analysis
I 3 0 3 CE 260 Surveying I 2 3 3 ENGL. 214 Tech.
Report Writing 3 0 3 IAS 211 Professional Ethics
2 0 2 __ __ __ 12 15 17 Second
Semester ARE 303 Working Drawings 0 9 3 ARE 325 B
uilding Illumination 1 3 2 ARE 342 Principles of
HVAC 2 0 2 CE 315 Reinforced Concrete
I 2 3 3 IAS 201 Objective Writing
2 0 2 EE 208 Electrical Systems 2 3 3 __ __
__ 9 18 15
12Studying ARE Senior ?
Fifth Year First Semester
CR ARE 320 Architectural Acoustics 1 3 2 ARE
400 Senior Design Project 0 9 3 ARE 4xx (ARE
Elective I) 3 0 3 IAS 322 Human Rights in Islam
2 0 2 IAS 301 Language comm. skills
2 0 2 XE xxx (Technical Elective) 3 0 3 __ _
_ __ 11 12 15 Second Semester ARE 413 Construc
tion Mgt. 3 0 3 ARE 431 Building
Economy 3 0 3 ARE 4xx (ARE Elective
II) 3 0 3 CE 353 Geotechnical Engineering 3 3 4 I
AS 4xx (IAS Elective) 2 0 2 __ __
__ 14 3 15
13Studying ARE Electives ?
- Building Environmental Control Systems
- Energy Mechanical Systems
- ARE 440 Solar Energy in Buildings
- ARE 442 Building Energy Analysis
- Lighting Electrical Systems
- ARE 450 Artificial Lighting Systems
- ARE 452 Daylighting Analysis and Design
- Acoustics Noise Control
- ARE 455 Room Acoustics
- ARE 456 Noise Control in Buildings
14Studying ARE Electives ? (Continued)
- Building Construction Maint. Management
- ARE 457 Intro. to Bldg. Maintenance Mgmt.
- ARE 458 Quantitative Methods in Const.
Mgmt. - ARE 459 Contracts Specifications
- Computer-Aided Building Design
- ARE 443 Computer-Aided Building Design
- ARE 444 Knowledge-Based Systems in
Buildings - Building Structural Systems
- ARE 445 Structural Masonry
- ARE 446 Structural Planning and Design
- CE 415 Reinforced Concrete II
- CE 408 Steel Design
15Program Accreditation
- Evaluated by ABET
- The Architectural Engineering Program at KFUPM
Substantially meets both ABET Guidelines for
Accreditation and the Program Requirements as
Approved by ASCE for Architectural Engineering
16Undergraduate Curriculum Emphasis
- Bldg. Environmental control systems
- CE 230 Engineering Fluids Mechanics
- ME 203 Thermodynamics
- ARE 322 Building Mechanical Systems
- ARE 320 Architectural Acoustics
- ARE 325 Building illumination
- EE 208 Electrical Systems
- ARE 342 HVAC Principles
- ARE 400 Senior Design Project
- ARE 4XX Elective Courses
- Computer-aided design center
- Reference / audio-visual library
- Model-making shop
- Construction materials and systems
- Building science laboratory
18Employment Opportunities
- What does a graduate in ARE do ?
- Where does he work ?
- Existing and future opportunities !
- Can he find work easily ?
19Job Opportunities Bldg. Design What Can He Do ?
- Architectural Layout (Simple)
- Bldg. Structural Systems
- Lighting Bldg. Electrical Systems
- Acoustical systems
- HVAC Systems Bldg. Mech. Systems
among multi-disciplinary design team
20A Multi-disciplinary Profession
21Job Opportunities Bldg. Construction What Can
He Do ?
Job Title Construction Engineer / Manager
Site Engineer
- Plan and Schedule Building Projects
- Supervise Bldg. Systems Construction
- Monitor Construction Progress
22Job Opportunities Bldg. Operation
Maintenance What Can He Do ?
Job Title Maintenance Engineer/ Manager
- Insure Building Systems Proper and
- Effective Operation.
- Plan Implement Building Systems Maintenance
Policies and Procedures
23Professional Services
- Computer-Aided Building Design
- Energy Engineering Management in Buildings.
- Building Maintenance Eng. Management.
- Energy Conservation Air Quality in Buildings.
- Noise Control and Sound Quality in Buildings
- Structural Analysis and Design
24Job Opportunities Where Can He Do ?
- Employment with
- Governmental Agencies such as
- Ministries
- Municipalities
- Research Institutions / National Organizations
- (Construction, Maintenance)
- (Standards, Methods/Systems)
25Job Opportunities Where can he do ?
- Employment with
- Private Agencies such as
- Bldg. Design / Engineering Consulting Firms
- Construction Companies
- Building Contractors
- Building Maintenance / Consulting Companies
- Computer Applications in Bldgs.
- (Development / Marketing) Companies
- Energy Conservation / Auditing Companies
26Job Opportunities Where can he do ?
- Self-Employment
- Establish Your own office
- Post-Graduate Studies
- Teaching / Research (Master / Ph.D.)
- Education abroad
27Thank You
The End
ARE Department College of Environmental
Design KFUPM