Title: Jim Silva, NDE Project Manager
1Title Page
NPOESS Data Exploitation Project Mission Overview
2006 Southern Region SOO Workshop
Jim Silva, NDE Project Manager Jim.Silva_at_NOAA.gov
July 12, 2006
3NESDIS Organization Chart
4NDE Project Overview
NOAA Environmental Satellite Processing Center
NPOESS Ground System
Data Records (generic)
NPOESS will deliver more than 100 different data
NOAA-Unique Products
Tailoring Tools
Tailored Products
Data Records (generic)
NOAA-Unique Products
Data Records (generic)
Long-Term Archive (CLASS)
NESDIS, OAR external users)
5NDE Objectives
- Objectives
- Disseminate NPP and NPOESS Data Records
- Provide services to customers NDE product
training, and customer-driven product
enhancements - Provide format conversion software
- Generate and disseminate tailored NPOESS Data
Records - Generate and disseminate NOAA-unique products
- Deliver NOAA-unique products to the Long Term
Archive - Develop a sustainable system that meets its
customer needs
6Examples ofNPP NOAA Unique Products
- Blended Snow Products from VIIRS, ATMS and GOES
- Vegetation - weekly or biweekly global map of
green vegetation fraction and leaf area index,
drought index, vegetation health - Hazard Geographic Information System (GIS)
products - Smoke, Fire, Aerosols, Flash Flood,
Precipitation - Coastwatch Products - Ocean Color, Coral
Bleaching and SST - Blended Ocean Products Color and Altimeter, or
Winds - Daily global, regional maps (gridded data) of all
EDRs and SDRs for the science community and for
7Major Customers of Near-Real Time NDE Products
- AWIPS NWS Advanced Weather Interactive
Processing System - NWP centers
- Joint Center (NCEP, DAO, Navy, Air Force)
- ECMWF, UK Met Office, Meteo France, Japanese Met.
Service - NOAA Coast Watch and Ocean Watch
- Hazard community (US Forest Service)
- Dept. of Agriculture
- FAA (Volcanic Ash)
8Satellite to Sensor Cross-reference
SATELLITE LAUNCH NODAL TIME NPP Oct 2009 1330 C1 2013 1330 C2 2016 530
VIIRS (IR/Vis imager) X X X
Conical M/W Imager/Sounder X
CrIS (IR Temp Sounder) X X
ATMS (microw water/temp profiler X X
OMPS Nadir (ozone profiler) X X
Space Env Sensor X
9NOAAs NPP Product Requirements (NOSA, IORD,
Recent Survey)
FY10 FY11 FY12 Totals New Products
Tailored xDRs 10 8 18 4
Tailored xDRs ATMS Radiances VIIRS Radiances OMPS Radiances - Cloud Mask - SST Ozone Profile Ozone Total Column Snow Cover Imagery Ocean Color Veg Index Active Fires Atmos Temp Profile Atmos Moisture Profile Aerosol Opt Thickness Surf Type Veg Cover Surface Albedo - Cloud Cover/Layers Aerosol Particle Size Cloud Top Temp Cloud Top Pressure - Land Surface Temp (VIIRS)
NOAA-Unique 10 11 6 26 10
NOAA-Unique CrIS Radiances Total Precip Water Snow Cover (ATMS) Precip Rate Surf Emissivity Cloud Liquid Water Sea Ice Concentration Snow Water Equivalent Ice Water Path Land Surf Temp Blended Snow Cover Regional Ocean Color Blended SST SST Anomalies Coral Reef Deg Heating Coral Reef Bleaching Tropical Rainfall Potential - Veg Fraction Hazard Support (Tropical) Hazard Support (Volcano) Out Long Radiation (CrIS) Blended Ozone VIIRS Cloud Drift Winds Out Long Radiation (VIIRS) - Absorbed Radiation - Rainfall Cloud Cleared Radiances (CrIS) Clear Sky Radiances (VIIRS) Veg Health Veg Moisture Drought Indices Veg Thermal Conditions - Leaf Area Index Fire Potential SST (AVHRR-like) - Aerosol (AVHRR-like)
To back up N-Prime and continue current
missions 43 POES and 2 EOS mission continuity
products ought to be available to users by 2013
To Prepare for Transition to NPOESS High
Resolution Observations 14 Developmental
Products ought to be available as prototypes
10Monitoring Tropical Storms Using Imagery
11Drought/Vegetation Health
Percent of area under stress
Time Series of US and State Drought-afflicted Area
12Hazard Support Products
Volcanic Ash Advisory Center
13Snow Cover
Operational daily product
14CoastWatch/OceanWatch Products SST
15Gulf Stream Prediction at NCEP with Ocean Color
16CoastWatch/OceanWatch Products Chlorophyll
MODIS Ocean Color
17Harmful Algal Bloom Detection
18NDE Collaborative IT Efforts
- Newly established NDE Design Team beginning
collaboration with - AWIPS
- Disseminate near-real time products using AWIPS
next generation Communications/Distribution
Architecture -
- Extend CLASS (data archive) architecture user
interface to permit online ordering of near-real
time products, Help, Service Requests
19Helpful Reference Sites
- NOAAs NPOESS Home Page
- http//www.ipo.noaa.gov/about_NPOESS.html
- The NDE Project Home Page
- http//projects.osd.noaa.gov/nde/
- 2005 Polar Max Conference
- http//www.ipo.noaa.gov/polarmax/2005/
- NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP)
- http//www.spaceandtech.com/spacedata/logs/2006/n
- Contact Jim Silva, (301-817-4416) or Geof
Goodrum (- 4417), or Stan Cutler (-4658)
21NPOESS SafetyNetNear-Continuous Delivery
SafetyNet 15 globally distributed receptors
linked via commercial fiber
22Timely Delivery of NPOESS Products
- New Products
- Higher Quality
- Improved Communications
- NOAA Line Offices will rely on NDE to provide the
NPOESS observations in near-real time
Mission data
Mission data
Current POES Data Processing
156 Minutes
35 Minutes
Generic HDF5 data records
Data records in BUFR
Data records in GeoTIFF
New NPOESS products
NOAA-unique products
23Payloads VIIRS
- VIIRS - Visible/Infrared Imager/Radiometer
Suite - Collects visible and infrared radiometric data
of the Earth's atmosphere, ocean, and land
surfaces. Data types include atmospheric, clouds,
Earth radiation budget, land/water and sea
surface temperature, ocean color, - and low light imagery.
- Multiple VIS and IR channels between 0.3 and 14
microns - Imagery Spatial Resolution 400m _at_ NADIR / 800m
_at_ EOS
- Imagery of clouds under sunlit conditions in
about a dozen visible channels (or frequency
bands) - Coverage in a number of infrared channels for
night and day cloud imaging applications. - Multi-channel imaging
- hurricanes
- detection of fires, smoke, and atmospheric
aerosols - Higher resolution and more accurate
measurements - sea surface temperature
- ocean color observations
- derived ocean color products
24Payloads CrIS ATMS
- CrIS - Crosstrack Infrared Sounder measures
Earth's radiation to determine the vertical
distribution of temperature, moisture, and
pressure in the atmosphere - Temperature profile
- 18.5 km at nadir
- Moisture profile 15 km at nadir
- Pressure profile 55 km at nadir
- 1 Kelvin / 1 km layers (Current HIRS accuracy
of 2 to 3 degrees Kelvin)
ATMS - Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder
(used with CrIS) Baseline 22 microwave sounding
25Payloads OMPS
- OMPS - Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite collects
data to permit the calculation of the vertical
and horizontal distribution of ozone in the
Earth's atmosphere. - total column and vertical profile ozone data
- two separate spectrometers.
- Nadir Mapper measures the scene radiance between
300 and 380 nanometers (nm) with a resolution of
1 nm sampled at 0.42 nm and a 24-hour ground
revisit time - The limb sensor measures the along-track limb
scattered solar radiance with 1 km vertical
sampling in the spectral range of 290 to 1000 nm.
26Payloads SESS
- SESS - Space Environment Sensor Suite collects
data related to the neutral and charged
particles, electron and magnetic fields, and
optical signatures of aurora - auroral boundary,
- auroral energy deposition,
- auroral imagery,
- electric field, electron density profile,
- geomagnetic field,
- in-situ plasma fluctuations,
- in-situ plasma temperatures,
- ionospheric scintillation,
- neutral density profile,
- medium energy charged particles,
- energetic ions,
- supra-thermal to auroral energy particles
27NESDIS Product Dissemination
28NESDIS Near-real Time Operations
- Manages and directs the operation of the central
ground facilities that ingest, process, and
distribute environmental satellite data and
derived products to domestic and foreign users - Serves as the primary operating level interface
with civil sector users of data from operational
environmental satellites - Provides interpretive and consultative services
to those users and is responsible for the
transmission of data products to remote receiving
stations - Provides for the collection of environmental data
from remote platforms using POES and Metop
satellites - Manages the Search and Rescue Satellite Aided
Tracking (SARSAT) System and is responsible for
coordinating and implementing the United States
activities in the international satellite aided
search and rescue program, COSPAS-SARSAT