Financial Statement Analysis

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Financial Statement Analysis


what does industry analysis indicate about future trends? ... Nordstrom? Best Buy? Dell? Sales Forecast for Dell. Trend? company, industry ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Statement Analysis
  • Answers some questions
  • Raises others
  • Confirms beliefs
  • The art of FSA comes out as we do prospective

Whats Next?
  • Industry analysis Competitive strategy
  • Accounting analysis
  • Financial analysis
  • Prospective analysis

Why Forecast Financials
  • Internal
  • single supplier analysis
  • major customer analysis
  • analysis of competitor
  • cash flow projection
  • merger, acquisition
  • External
  • investment banking
  • merger, acquisition
  • security analysis
  • going concern
  • cash flow projection

Relation to Other Analyses
  • Business strategy
  • what does industry analysis indicate about future
  • what is the companys response to those trends?
  • Accounting
  • is the accounting masking the real trends?
  • are trends stronger or weaker than they appear?
  • Financial
  • what can be improved?
  • what will be under pressure from competitors?
    from regulators?
  • what are managements target areas for change?

General Approach
  • Comprehensive vs. Piecemeal
  • Comprehensive avoids internal inconsistencies
  • Examples
  • expanded sales without expanded plant and working
  • need for new financing without additional
  • additional marketable securities without
    investment earnings
  • Focus on key drivers
  • What are the key drivers of F/S relationships?

What are the Key Drivers of a Forecast?
  • Sales
  • Gross Margins
  • Net Margins
  • Asset Turnover

Starting Points
  • Gather historical data about firm, industry
  • What relationships appear stable? within a range?
  • past is surprisingly good predictor of the future
  • Business Strategy Analysis provides insights into
    what changes are likely
  • why should things be different from last year?
  • one-time events? change in strategy? change in

Financial Analysis Framework
Taxes Operations
Leverage Interest
Whats happened so far this year?
  • Review the 10-Qs
  • Imagine you had an interview with Dell. The
    interviewer tosses you a copy of the 10-Q and
    says, Whadya think?
  • How could you analyze the F/S in 5 minutes?

Analyzing a 10-Q in 5 minutes
  • Need to know industry and competitive strategy to
    be able to know what to look at and how to
    evaluate changes (or lack thereof) in ratios and
  • Look at Income Statement
  • Net income
  • , trend, EPS
  • one-time items?
  • Sales
  • , trend
  • Gross Margin Percent
  • level, trend
  • SGA, RD
  • of sales, trend
  • Tax rate
  • of pretax income, trend

Analyzing a 10-Q in 5 minutes
  • Look at the Balance Sheet
  • Current ratio
  • portion in inventory
  • A/R turnover
  • Inventory turnover
  • LTDebt to Equity
  • Look at Cash Flow Statement
  • Cash flow from operations
  • greater than zero?
  • greater than NI?
  • why?
  • What is the company doing with the cash?
  • CF Investing
  • CF Financing

Back to forecasting
  • Armed with background knowledge about the company
    and recent trends, we can turn to the forecast
  • Note to complete the analysis of the 10-Q we
    would read Managements Discussion and Analysis
    and the notes to the F/S
  • Can we skip the boilerplate stuff?

Key Driver Sales
  • Statistically, sales follow a random walk with
    drift process
  • 2000 sales 1999 sales plus drift term
  • drift can be based on past trend in sales and
    output of prior analyses
  • What do quarterly trends tell us?
  • is the trend changing?

Forecasting Step 1Sales
  • How would you forecast sales at McDonalds?
  • number of stores
  • owned vs. franchised
  • new vs. old
  • domestic vs. foreign
  • Same store sales in the past, adjusted for
  • new menus, promotions
  • competitors activities
  • relation between sales and general economic
  • demographic trends

Forecasting Sales
  • How would you forecast sales at
  • Merck?
  • American Barrick?
  • PepsiCo?
  • Nordstrom?
  • Best Buy?
  • Dell?

Sales Forecast for Dell
  • Trend?
  • company, industry
  • annual, quarterly
  • Products?
  • Customer mix?
  • Geographic mix?
  • Sources
  • WSJ Interactive
  • press releases
  • news articles
  • SEC filings
  • Dataquest, IDC
  • on Web
  • Lexis/Nexis
  • search for news, trade publications
  • Value Line et al.
  • Company statements

Sales ForecastRefinements
  • Geographic Trends
  • (in 1998) Michael Dell says 30 growth in Europe
  • Germany is in a slump, but accounts for only 13
    of Dell sales in Europe
  • UK accounts for 43, whats up there?
  • Increased competition in Japan the Asian
  • But, growth of 2nd buyer market bodes well for
  • Product Line Trends

Key Driver Earnings
  • This is what we are trying to forecast
  • But, it also tends to follow a random walk with
    drift process
  • 2000 NI 1999 NI plus drift term
  • this is especially true when forecasting for the
    longer range (early in the year, out several

Key Constraining Factor ROE
  • Keep in mind that ROE is not likely to persist at
    levels away from the average
  • High ROE firms will attract competition
  • unless there are sustainable barriers to entry
  • unless growing capital base can be reinvested at
    above average returns
  • Low ROE firms will improve or go out of business
  • Regression to mean of 10-14 ROE
  • Consider whether GAAP distorts ROE
  • missing assets at high tech firms,
    pharmaceuticals understates equity

Forecasting Step 2Expenses
  • Expenses should be forecast separately
  • Many expenses are linked to sales
  • COGSGross Margin analysis, tie-in to Business
  • SGAEfficiencies
  • RD (in the long run)Business Strategy
  • Interest is a function of debt and capital
  • Depreciation is a function of PPE, lease
  • Taxes are a function of pretax income and
    operating decisions (e.g., location)
  • Equity earnings are a function of the affiliates
  • Interest income is a function of investment
  • Need to consider changes over time

Forecasting Dells Expenses
  • Margins
  • recent history and trends of sales
  • SGA
  • recent history and trends of sales
  • RD
  • MDA, recent history
  • Interest
  • recent rates, forecast debt levels
  • Taxes
  • of pretax income

ExpensesForecast Refinements
  • Gross Margin Percent
  • by product
  • by region
  • Fixed and Variable SGA
  • Taxes
  • analysis of tax footnote
  • news about tax breaks in Malaysia, Brazil

Whats Missing?
  • Investment Income
  • Need data on Marketable Securities
  • Preferred Dividends
  • Need data on Preferred Stock
  • Weve got depreciation buried in SGA
  • Well need it for SCF

Key Factor Profit Margins
  • Recall ROE Profit Margin Asset Turnover
    Adjusted Leverage
  • If ROE is in competitive equilibrium, the company
    is efficiently managing assets, and leverage is
    at the target level
  • THEN Profit Margin will fall out
  • Normal profit margins depend on the industry
    (technology) and corporate strategy
  • the higher the asset turnover, the lower the
    profit margin

Forecasting Step 3Balance Sheet
  • As with expenses, forecast individually
  • Current Assets
  • Cash comes out of cash flow forecast?
  • MS cash flow forecast, investment plans
  • target current ratio?
  • A/R turnover ties to Sales forecast
  • Inventory turnover ties to Sales forecast
  • Other likely related to Sales

Forecasting the Balance Sheet
  • PPE turnover ties to Sales forecast, investing
    activities (CAPEX), depreciation policy
  • Other Non-Current acquisition plans?
  • Liabilities
  • Current function of Sales, target current ratio
  • Noncurrent function of CAPEX, capital structure

Forecasting the Balance Sheet
  • Equity
  • Retained Earnings Opening RE NI - Dividends
    other capital transactions
  • Stock opening stock issuances, options,
    repurchases, retirements
  • Other equity items (FOREX,unrealized gains and
    losses on available for sale MS) are difficult to
    forecast. Assume no change?

Forecasting Dells Balance Sheet
  • Current Assets
  • Cash of sales
  • A/R turnover
  • Inventory turnover
  • What about marketable securities? Lets do SCF
  • CAPEXsee detailed slides
  • Liabilities
  • Current ratio excluding marketable securities?
  • A/P turnover, accruals as of sales?
  • Debt policies and refinancing on the horizon
  • Equity
  • Buybacks? Conversions? Options?

Forecasting Dells PPE
  • First, look to MDA
  • 1997 10-K says 180 million for F98
  • 3rd Quarter 98 10-Q 120 million spent entered
    into a 250 lease facility
  • Alternatively, develop a model
  • need to make a number of assumptions

Model of Dells PPE
  • Gross PPE f(Gross Ending PPE Turnover)
  • Net PPE f(Net Ending PPE Turnover)
  • Gross Ending Acc. Dep. falls out
  • Depreciation f(Gross Ending PPE)
  • Plug for Acc. Dep. on disposals
  • Assume PPE sold for NBV 0
  • therefore, we know cost of PPE sold
  • Plug for CAPEX

Forecasting Cash Flows
  • Armed with I/S and B/Ss, we should be able to
    develop SCF
  • Key factors (all related to other F/S)
  • CAPEXturnover, MDA, press releases
  • Deferred taxhistorical plus analysis
  • Depreciationhistorical rate
  • Interest expenselevel of debt
  • Capital structureMDA

Determining Marketable Securities
  • Based on Statement of Cash Flows
  • We know change in cash
  • ending cash is independent of SCF in our model
  • We know CF operations
  • we didnt use ending MS to determine investment
  • We know CF Financing
  • We know CAPEX
  • Therefore MS falls out
  • We could use the estimate of ending MS to refine
    the estimate of investment income

Forecasting Summary
  • Forecasting involves all prior steps in the
  • Comprehensive, iterative approach
  • start with sales, determine operating costs
  • are balance sheet changes required?
  • CAPEX?
  • how will they be financed?
  • use I/S relationship with B/S to forecast B/S
  • forecast of SCF may lead to changes in asset
    levels (depreciation should be reexamined), and
    debt levels (interest expense and income should
    be reexamined)
  • Always a good idea to conduct ratio and
    sensitivity analyses on the forecasted numbers

Sensitivity Analysis
  • Best guess vs. optimistic vs. pessimistic
  • What if
  • competition heats up? margins fall quickly?
  • a product doesnt make it to market?
  • a merger doesnt go through?
  • theres a strike?

Next time
  • Maxwell Shoes
  • A basic forecasting case
  • Use assumptions in the case
  • Ill post a model for Dell
  • Assumptions are not refined
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