Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power Parity

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Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power Parity


Often expressed as number of units of local or home currency required to buy a ... the peso and world prices of Mexico's import (Z) goods can be expressed as ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power Parity

Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power Parity
  • CHAPTER 13

  • Exchange rates matter in many different ways to
    many different constituencies in the world
  • Much of this section on international finance
    will be directly or indirectly concerned with
    exchange rates

The Nominal Exchange Rate
  • Relative price of two currencies
  • Often expressed as number of units of local or
    home currency required to buy a unit of foreign
  • We will usually view Mexico (peso) as our home
    country and United States (dollar) as our foreign
  • Nominal or currency exchange rate (e) is
  • If e increases the value of the peso (home
    currency) falls
  • If e decreases the value of the peso (home
    currency) rises
  • e and the value of the peso are inversely related
  • e is often graphed as its inverse which is equal
    to the value of the peso

Table 13.1. Nominal Exchange Rates, October 9,
2002 (per US dollar)
Figure 13.1. The Value of the Peso Scale
The Real Exchange Rate
  • Measures the rate at which two countries goods
    trade against each other
  • Makes use of the price levels in the two
    countries under consideration
  • PMoverall price level in Mexico (the home
  • PUSoverall price level in the United States (the
    foreign country)

Table 13.2. Changes in the Real Exchange Rate
The Real Exchange Rate
  • Suppose that the price level in the United States
  • Takes more Mexican goods to purchase US goods
  • Represents a fall in the real value of the peso
  • Suppose that the price level in Mexico rises
  • Takes fewer Mexican goods to purchase US goods
  • Represents a rise in the real value of the peso
  • Suppose that the nominal exchange rate increases
  • Takes more Mexican pesos to buy a US dollar and,
    therefore, more Mexican goods to buy US goods
  • Represents a fall in the real value of the peso
  • Real exchange rates affected by both nominal
    exchange rates and price levels

Exchange Rates and Trade Flows
  • Changes in e have an impact on trade flows
  • Consider the case of Mexicos imports and exports
  • World prices (PW) are typically in US dollar
  • Mexican prices (PM) are in peso terms
  • Relationship between the peso and world prices of
    Mexicos import (Z) goods can be expressed as

Exchange Rates and Trade Flows
  • Suppose e were to increase (the value of the peso
  • Movement down the scale in Figure 13.1 increases
    the peso price of the imported good in Mexico
  • Import demand consequently decreases
  • Suppose e were to decrease (the value of the peso
  • Movement up the scale in Figure 13.1 decreases
    the peso price of the imported good in Mexico
  • Import demand consequently increases

Figure 13.2. The Value of the Peso and Mexicos
Figure 13.3. The Value of the Peso and Mexicos
Exchange Rates and Trade Flows
  • Relationship between the peso and dollar prices
    of Mexicos exported (E) goods can be expressed as
  • Suppose e were to increase (the value of the peso
  • Movement down the scale in Figure 13.1 increases
    the peso price of the export good in Mexico
  • Export supply in Mexico consequently increases
  • Mexican firms now have more of an incentive in
    peso terms to export

Exchange Rates and Trade Flows
  • Suppose e were to decrease (the value of the peso
  • Movement up the inverse scale in Figure 13.1
    decreases the peso price of exports in Mexico
  • Export supply consequently decreases
  • Can put the relationships of Figures 13.2 and
    13.3 together
  • Figure 13.4 represents the positive relationship
    between value of peso and trade deficit, or Z E

Figure 13.4. The Value of the Peso and Mexicos
Trade Deficit
The Purchasing Power Parity Model
  • Begins with the hypothesis that the nominal
    exchange rate will adjust so that the purchasing
    power of a currency will be the same in every
  • Implications of hypothesis
  • Purchasing power of a currency in a given country
    is inversely related to price level in that
  • For example, purchasing power of the peso in
    Mexico can be expressed as
  • The higher the price level in Mexico the lower
    the purchasing power of the peso
  • Purchasing power of peso in United States is more
  • Need rate at which a peso can be exchanged into
    dollars, or 1/e
  • Need purchasing power of a dollar in United
    States, or 1/PUS
  • Purchasing power of a peso in United States is

PPP Equation
  • PPP hypothesis is
  • Invert the equation
  • Divide both sides of the above equation by PUS to
    obtain PPP equation

Meaning of PPP Equation
  • Suppose PM were to increase
  • According to the PPP model, e would increase
  • Value of the peso would move down the scale in
    Figure 13.1
  • Suppose PUS were to increase
  • According to the PPP model e would decrease
  • Value of the peso would move up the scale in
    Figure 13.1
  • Nominal value of the peso adjusts to changes in
    its real purchasing power in the two countries

Meaning of PPP Equation
  • Restrictiveness of PPP model can be seen when we
    re-express it in a third equation
  • Multiplying both sides of the PPP equation by
  • Obtain modified PPP equation
  • Compare this equation with real exchange rate

PPP Model as Special Case
  • PPP model is a special case of the real exchange
  • Implies that real exchange rate is fixed at unity
  • No change in real exchange rate
  • However real exchange rates do change therefore
    there must be important elements of the real
    world that the PPP theory ignores
  • PPP assumes all goods entering into the price
    levels of both countries are internationally
  • Phenomenon of product differentiation
  • Allows for separate markets (and therefore
    prices) for import and domestic varieties of a

PPP Model as Special Case
  • Real exchange rate equation captures reality at
    any point in time
  • PPP relationship never holds exactly
  • PPP equation gives a sense of a long-term
    tendency towards which nominal exchange rates
    move absent other changes

Exchange Rate Exposure
  • If sales from either exporting or foreign direct
    investment are not denominated in the currencies
    of the firms home countries
  • Exchange rate exposure issues arise
  • Suppose that the /US exchange rate is currently
    at a value of 1.00
  • Suppose also that a US firm is expecting euro
    revenues of 1.0 million
  • Current exchange rate (spot rate) suggests US
    firm might be expecting dollar revenues of US1.0
  • Suppose, however, that the spot rate moves to e
    1.25 (a dollar value of the euro of 0.80)
  • Now takes more euros to purchase a dollardollar
    revenues shrink to 800,000

Forward Markets
  • For some currencies forward rates also exist
  • Rates of current contracts for forward
    transactions in currencies
  • Usually for one, three, or six months in the
  • If the forward rate of the euro (/US) is
    exactly the same as the spot rate
  • Euro is flat
  • If the forward rate of the euro is above the spot
  • Euro is at a forward discount
  • If the forward rate of the euro is below the spot
  • Euro is at a forward premium
  • Hedging exchange rate exposure requires that
    firms have expectations or forecasts of future
    spot rates that they can compare to forward rates
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