Title: Rightsbased trade policy experiences and perspectives
1Rights-based trade policy experiences and
- Christian Friis Bach
- International Director
- DanChurchAid
- Former Associate Professor in International
2Rights-instruments in trade policy
Declarational diplomacy
Trade-/association agreements Preferential
agreements Labelling
Positive conditionalities
Trade sanctions Boycot Conditions in
international trade agreements
Negative conditionalities
3Positive conditionalities have not been effective
Red/green clauses in GSP only few countries
have applied
- Economic effects too small compared to costs (EU
8,5 - 40 for clothing) - Political resistance in developing countries
- Legality within WTO? (preferences should be
applied objectively, non-discriminatory and
transparent, labels must be voluntary, market
based and transparent)
Private initiatives Social responsibility,
Labelling schemes (Ethical Trade Initiative)
4Human rights in bilateral trade agreements
- Human rights in most bilateral trade agreements
negotiated by the EU, especially the Middle-East
agreements. - But
- Lack of enforcement
- Lack of dispute settlement
- Carrot too small
- Important signal
- Perhaps new possibilities with the Economic
Partnership Agreement. - Possible EU association has been a significant
tool in promoting human rights a new expansion
EU-Israel Associeringsaftalen Article 2 Relations
between the Parties, as well as all the
provisions of the Agreement itself, shall be
based on respect for human rights and democratic
principles, which guides their internal and
international policy and constitutes an essential
element of this Agreement.
5WTO Who will turn of the light?
- Negotiations stalemate, the deserted deadlines
no winners in sight, no driving force evident. - Bilateralism and regionalism on the rise from
building blocks to stumbling blocks? - Negotiations on sustainable development issues
downgraded - Economic risks expanded, economic gains
exhausted? ..
Will exploit benefits from multilateralism Develop
ing countries weaker Impossible to solve
cross-cutting issues, eg. Agricultural support.
- We are now in the red zone and not far from the
red part of this red zone - Pascal Lamy, Report by the Chariman of the Trade
Negotiations Committeee, 15th of May 2006
6Human rights in the WTO
- WTO no human rights clause
- South Africa faced sanctions despite GATT
membership hower changed since the WTO. - China joining the WTO has weakened the human
rights focus - WTO strong dispute settlement system can it be
used by the human rights regime?
- Principles
- Non-discrimination
- Most-favoured nation
- National treatment
- Like-products
- Exceptions
- Public morale
- Protect life and health for plants, animals and
people - Slave labour
- Exhaustible natural ressources
- National security
- Authorised by the Security Council
- Extra-territorial actions
- Least-trade distortive
7Perspectives - human rights in the WTO
- Could the WTO system be used to promote human
rights? - Forced trade actions against countries with human
rights abuses - Membership conditional on human rights
- Make it legal but not obligatory to introduced
trade measures based on human rights abuses
through a link to the international human rights
conventions- Success for Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPS)- Failure for workers rights
8The key to success Rule of the law
9Examples are plentiful Disputes
Beef Hormones
Codex Alimentarius
Interamerican Treaty/CITES/
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
the GATT is not to be read in clinical
isolation from public international
law US-Gasoline Dispute, Appellate body, 1996
10Examples are plentiful Negotiations
Agricultural export subsidies/food aid
Environmental goods and services
Basel, UNEP
Trade-related intellectual property rights
Fisheries subsidies
..negotiations do not any longer take place
clinical isolation from other international
organisations.. Modified from the US-gasoline
..by pushing new areas into the WTO we
essentially get them out of the WTO.. Modified
from Svend Auken, former Danish Minister of the
11The widening agenda
- Trade in goods
- Services
- Agriculture
- Technical barriers to trade and food standards
- Environment
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Technology
- Aid and technical assistance
- Public procurement
- Trade facilitation
- Debt
- ..
12The institution is not kicking but surely alive
- Democracy improving Group of a still larger
number - Dispute settlement developing Faster and
facilitated - Openness and information widening Please keep
secret and get it settled - Constituency broadening We are all in this
Free trade
Integrated negotiations
- The WTO is an engine, a motor energizing the
international legal order - Pascal Lamy, Intervention devant la Société de
droit international
The Global EU
- Is it a human rights violation not to use trade
measures against countries with human rights
violations? - Are trade measures with negative effects for
innocent civilians a human rights violation? - Is there a dilemma between social/economic and
civil/political human rights (China?)? - Will you promote human rights most efficiently
via increased trade/growth and interdependency or
via trade sanctions/measures? - Who are you punishing with trade measures those
who export or those who imports?
- If you like circus, WTO is the only tent in
- Focus on the political effects of free trade
From peace to international policies and human
rights - There are a number of dilemmas and it is
difficult to use human rights actively in trade
policy - There are some options in preferential agreements
and in association/free trade agreements - Focus on injecting sustainable development issues
and human rights into the WTO by the Codex
mechanism - Keep focus on the WTO do not give up, do not
ease the pressure, do not escape
- If you like circus, WTO is the only tent in
15(No Transcript)
16Economic effects overstated
Source Harrison, Rutherford and Tarr, World Bank
Discussion Paper 307, 1995, samt World Data, 1995
17but political effects understated