Tokaimura Criticality Accident of September 30, 1999 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tokaimura Criticality Accident of September 30, 1999


With acknowledgement of Valerie Putman (INEEL) for providing much of the ... the credit rating of Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd. for a possible downgrade ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tokaimura Criticality Accident of September 30, 1999

Tokaimura Criticality Accidentof September 30,
  • S. T. Almodovar
  • Senior Technical Advisor
  • Fluor Daniel Hanford
  • With acknowledgement of Valerie Putman (INEEL)
    for providing much of the accident information

Definitions - Continued
Definitions - Continued
Definitions - Continued
  • Low enriched uranium (LEU) less than 10
  • Intermediate enriched uranium (IEU) 10-60
  • All times are Tokaimura local
  • Uncertain and speculative information, and
    comments, are often marked with brackets ()

Definitions - Continued
  • Radiation dose values
  • 1 Sv (Sievert) is 100 rems
  • 1 Gy (Gray) is 100 Rads
  • 20 mSv is the worker annual dose limit, according
    to JCO
  • 7 Sv is considered lethal, according to
    interviewed Japanese medical personnel
  • Note It is not the intent of this presentation
    to delve into health physics any deeper than what
    is stated above.

Conditions Before the Accident
  • Corporate Safety Culture - Perhaps a Case of
    Bottom Line Driven Safety
  • JCO asserted that a criticality accident was not
    possible. Titanic thinking This ship is
    unsinkable, therefore, why obstruct the view of
    the first class passengers with unneeded life
  • Documents submitted by JCO Co Ltd, the plant
    operator, said there was no need to prepare for a
    "criticality accident" -- a nuclear chain
    reaction similar to what occurs in a nuclear
    reactor -- because safety precautions would
    prevent it
  • JCO has acknowledged that it skirted official
    procedures for years to save time, and news
    reports said the company had secret manuals for
    employees instructing them to use shortcuts.

Conditions Before the Accident - Continued
  • Corporate Safety Culture - Perhaps a Case of
    Bottom Line Driven Safety, Continued
  • Before the accident, supervisors and, possibly,
    managers directed personnel to take shortcuts to
    accelerate processing further. Workers were
    directed to use the buckets, overbatch, and,
    possibly, skip other steps.
  • Workers also have decided to skip more steps
    than their oral directions specified.
  • One of the three workers told police We talked,
    and decided to finish the work quicker. The Oak
    Ridge Y-12 workers call this a Bubba said.

Conditions Before the Accident - Continued
  • Bad Conduct of Operations - Inadequate Safety
  • It appears that the workers did not even
    understand what the word 'criticality' meant.
  • Interviewed workers and supervisors said they
    knew nothing about the dangers of overbatching.
    Some management personnel agreed, indicating
    worker training included almost nothing on
    criticality accident consequences and did not
    emphasize criticality accident prevention.
  • The Asahi newspaper, citing unidentified police
    sources, reported Monday that one of the workers
    had ordered two colleagues to speed the process
    along by skipping even more steps.

Conditions Before the Accident - Continued
  • Bad Conduct of Operations - Inadequate Safety
    Training, Continued
  • Investigations to date have revealed the
    existence of an illegal operations manual, and
    one of the three workers who suffered severe
    radiation exposure has told police that his team
    violated even the unauthorized procedures.
  • Even the unauthorized operating manual required
    them to pour the mixture first into an
    intermediary tank, which had a 'criticality
    control' function.
  • The investigation has confirmed that the plant
    operator, JCO, deliberately ignored the official
    operational manual approved by the government,
    and dissolved uranium oxide (U3O8) powder in
    stainless steel buckets, rather than in a
    purpose-built 'dissolver'.

Conditions Before the Accident - Continued
  • Inadequate Human Factors
  • Equipment design and location did not make it
    cumbersome to do the wrong thing That is make
    the peg square, the hole round, and do not have
    unlike processes in the same area
  • Transition Operation - Felt and Looked Like a
    New Process
  • The conversion of fuel for Joyo was the first
    such operation in three years and only began
    again on September 22

The Accident
  • At about 1035 a.m. on September 30, Japan's
    first criticality accident occurred at a nuclear
    fuel conversion facility in the village of Tokai,
    Ibaraki Prefecture.
  • The accident happened at the experimental
    conversion building in the Tokai Works of the JCO
    Co. Ltd
  • The experimental conversion building, where the
    accident occurred, handles uranium of higher
    enrichment than that for ordinary light water

The Accident - Continued
  • At the time the accident took place, the facility
    was processing the nuclear fuel component for the
    Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute's
    experimental fast breeder reactor (FBR), Joyo
  • At the point in the process where the accident
    occurred, the volume of uranium liquid fed into a
    container is supposed to be limited to about 2.4
  • According to the workers who were exposed,
    however, 16 kg of liquid -- almost seven times
    the proper amount -- was fed into the
    sedimentation tank

The Accident - Continued
  • The accident involved 18.8 enriched uranium
  • For the three previous years, the facility
    processed 5 enriched uranium
  • On Wednesday, workers poured about 9.2 kg uranium
    from four buckets into the sedimentation tank
  • On Thursday workers added about 6.9 kg uranium
    from three buckets
  • Process

The Accident - Continued
  • Workers were most likely aware of the total
    accumulated mass Thursday
  • The resultant solution, or reflected slurry, went
  • One email indicates the solution was
    approximately 370 g/L uranium with, possibly, 1
    mole/L nitric acid
  • The system pulse between super- and sub-critical
    states for more than 17 hours.

The Accident - Continued
  • A stirring device in the tank and further U3O8
    dissolution might have contributed to the
  • Available reports do not indicate the number of
    pulses, their magnitude, or their frequencies
  • Fission yields are not yet reported for any pulse
    or for the reaction duration

The Accident - Continued
  • Measured radiation dose-rate values at the
    nearest site boundary seem fairly steady for
    hours, indicating pulse frequency was probably
    rapid enough to overwhelm radioactive decay
  • It took about 3 hours on October 1st to drain
    cooling water from a water jacket around the tank
  • Boron was added to the system
  • System safely subcritical at 0920 October 1st.

Response to the Accident
  • There is no indication that the process had a CAS
  • Presumably the areas gamma alarms activated, and
    everybody in the area left as quickly as they
  • The radius for this initial evacuation is not
    reported. Most plant personnel were probably
    first evacuated to the further plant boundaries
    if not to offsite locations
  • There are no indications that there were any
    emergency plans in the sense of our emergency

Response to the Accident - Continued
  • Although the building was not damaged, all
    fission products were released to the atmosphere.
    Room and building filters either failed or were
    not designed to handle fission products.
  • News reports indicate some 7000 people were
    checked for radiological exposure
  • Significant exposures were apparently limited to
    the three workers in the room, 36 other plant
    workers, three firemen ambulance crew?, and up
    to seven residents who were near site boundaries
    at the time

Response to the Accident - Continued
  • Firemen ambulance crew? were exposed when they
    entered the area without appropriate personal
    protective equipment. Apparently they were not
    advised of conditions or accident type before
    they entered
  • Plant personnel completed initial notifications
    to JCO officials within ten minutes
  • Some notification information was not clear
    because at least one company official did not
    understand they were dealing with a criticality

Response to the Accident - Continued
  • Apparently none of these officials instructed
    plant personnel to notify and/or establish
    communications with city or regulatory
  • City authorities were notified approximately one
    hour after the initial pulse. They apparently
    determined response actions for residents on
    their own, or with a little help from plant
    personnel Residents were notified up to 2.5 hours
    after the first pulse

Response to the Accident - Continued
  • About 160 people within a 350m radius were
    evacuated until the afternoon of October 1st.
    However, after a night in temporary shelters,
    some evacuated residents reportedly returned home
    to care for pets and/or retrieve fresh clothing
  • Authorities advised people within 10km to shelter
    (stay inside with doors and windows closed) at
    least until the evening of October 1st.
    Apparently others stayed inside as well because
    the city is said to have resembled a ghost town

Response to the Accident - Continued
  • Authorities also warned people they should not
    eat produce or drink milk from the area until
    testing was complete. That ban was lifted by
    October 4th. authorities may have attempted to
    scale reactor-accident guidance to this accident
  • It now seems responders were notified and
    activated separately from authority
    notifications. Notifications to offsite
    responders might have warned offsite authorities.
    Initial radiological responders were apparently
    from plant personnel but, as response continued,
    they might have been supplemented by personnel
    from other plants

Response to the Accident - Continued
  • Other in-field and city responders were from the
    civil police, civil firefighters, and army. The
    armys role is not indicated but their chemical
    warfare unit responded
  • Finally, the Prime Minister ate lunch made from
    local products to reassure residents

Results of the Accident
Results of the Accident - Continued
  • It is now widely accepted that the Chernobyl
    nuclear disaster has led to a massive increase in
    thyroid cancers in the three countries most
  • Already, 680 cases of thyroid cancer have been
    recorded in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Belarus
    has shown a 100-fold increase, from 0.3 per
    million in 1981-85 to 30.6 per million in 1991-94
  • Problems of the nervous and sensory organs have
    increased by 43 disorders of the digestive
    organs by 28 and disorders of bone, muscle and
    the connective tissue system have increased by 62

Results of the Accident - Continued
  • The yen fell Thursday (September 30, 1999)
    against other currencies for the first time in a
  • This accident will have a strong political
    impact in Japan, because (Prime Minister Keizo)
    Obuchi has always supported nuclear power despite
    strong opposition
  • Sumitomo, owner of JCO Co. Ltd. which runs the
    plant, will pay any compensation exceeding its
    insurance of one billion yen (9.5 million
  • Standard and Poor's warned Monday (October 4,
    1999) it was monitoring the credit rating of
    Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd. for a possible

Results of the Accident - Continued
  • Investigators from the Science and Technology
    Agency on Sunday began raiding the offices of JCO
    Co. Ltd., the operator of the uranium processing
  • The investigation started just after 4 p.m. Six
    agency officers entered the firm's plant in
    Tokaimura, Ibaraki Prefecture, and four went to
    JCO headquarters.
  • The European press on Friday splashed huge,
    emotional headlines about the incident, in which
    mishandled nuclear material went briefly into
    chain-reaction, exposing 49 workers to radiation
    and forcing the evacuation of local residents

Results of the Accident - Continued
  • Kazuo Sato, chairman of the Nuclear Safety
    Commission, said on Sunday that the commission
    would look into whether there had been lax
    supervision by the central government
  • "This accident is not about technical failure,
    but about a sheer lack of safety culture and poor
    morale at the plant," said Keiji Naito, an
    emeritus professor of nuclear engineering at
    Nagoya University

Results of the Accident - Continued
  • "The company lacks both fundamental knowledge of
    nuclear matters and safety measures and it is
    mind-boggling to think how both the JCO and the
    government allowed this to happen," Nobuo Oda, an
    emeritus professor of radiation physics at Tokyo
    Institute of Technology, said.
  • JCO "must have been run by amateurs," said the
    Tokyo Institute of Technology expert. The
    accident demonstrated "gross amateurism and low
    morale among plant workers," professor Oda said.
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