Title: Come
The Theology of Come
2The Theology of Come
- (Acts 169-10) During the night Paul had a
vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging
him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us."
(Acts 169-10) After Paul had seen the vision,
we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia,
concluding that God had called us to preach the
gospel to them.
We must begin to grasp one of the greatest
foundational truths of the character of God
One of the great difficulties of humanity is the
ability to relinquish control
What we dont understand is that Sovereignty is
not about Gods need to be in control
This is called
and that is, that Sovereignty is about trusting
God with all that He says and with all that He
calls us to...
even in circumstances in which control cannot be
reasonably maintained.
The Theology of Come
The Theology of Help
It is about Gods calling for us to reverse the
Satanic deceit since the Garden of Eden that God
cannot be trusted.
And so, one of the greatest difficulties with our
relationship with God...
(John 1415) Jesus said, If you love Me, you
will obey what I command.
Sovereignty is at the heart of the Theology of
(1 John 23-4) The man who says, "I know Him,"
but does not do what He commands is a liar, and
the truth is not in him.
(1 John 23-4) We know that we have come to know
Him if we obey His commands
Sovereignty is at the heart of a love for what
God loves
Notice that Come to Macedonia to help us is not
help of social welfare or social injustice
Sovereignty is not just about obedience, it is
about a relationship of trust in God that is
based on a relationship of love for God.
The only effective way to clear the web of
injustice is to kill the spider of sin.
Because of the problem of the spider and the web.
is the difficulty with have with His
And the only way to kill the spider of sin is to
preach the gospel of salvation.
It is the call to preach the gospel of salvation.
Three aspects of the Theology of Come
1. God gives the vision
2. God intercedes for the lost
3. God calls His children
3The Theology of Help
Come and Help
- (Mark 23-5) Some men came, bringing to Jesus
a paralytic, carried by four of them
(Mark 23-5) Since they could not get him to
Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening
in the roof above Jesus
(Mark 23-5) and, after digging through it,
lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on
(Mark 23-5) When Jesus saw their faith, He
said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are
(Acts 31-8) One day Peter and John were going
up to the temple at the time of prayer--at three
in the afternoon
(Acts 31-8) Now a man crippled from birth was
being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful
(Acts 31-8) where he was put every day to beg
from those going into the temple courts
(Acts 31-8) When he saw Peter and John about
to enter, he asked them for money
(Acts 31-8) Peter looked straight at him, as
did John. Then Peter said, "Look at us!"
(Acts 31-8) So the man gave them his
attention, expecting to get something from them
(Acts 31-8) Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I
do not have, but what I have I give you
(Acts 31-8) In the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, walk."
(Acts 31-8) Taking him by the right hand, he
helped him up, instantly the man's feet
ankles became strong
(Acts 31-8) He jumped to his feet and began to
(Acts 31-8) Then he went with them into the
temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising
This is called
Whats YOUR theology like?
The Theology of Help
Three aspects of the Theology of Help
The only effective way to clear the web of
injustice is to kill the spider of sin.
1. The insight that Healing from Harm is the
direct result of the Forgiveness of Sin
2. The understanding that the gift of
Forgiveness is greater than the gift of Wholeness
3. The world that we live in is unaware of the
depth spiritual needs because of the size of the
physical needs
3. but we must not caught meeting only the needs
asked for and forget the need neglected.
And the only way to kill the spider of sin is to
preach the gospel of salvation.