Life Within Form - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Life Within Form


Link of Virgo ... California, New Zealand ... hmmmm... SACRARIUM SANCTUARY ... Purification of personality vehicles raises vibration level of physical, astral ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Life Within Form

Life Within Form
Each form, from that of the tiniest atom to that
of a vast constellation, is an embodiment of a
life, which expresses itself as consciousness,
awareness, and responsive sentiency ... Thus we
have the establishing of a universe of lives,
interacting and interrelated, all of them
conscious, some of them self-conscious, and
others group-conscious, but all grounded in the
universal mind, all possessing souls, and all
presenting aspects of the divine Life (EP I,
pp. 136-137)
Seven Kingdoms
Planetary Lives
Solar Lives
Man has his roots in all the three lower
kingdoms all have contributed to his equipment
he is the macrocosm of the lower microcosm he
is the link which unites the three lower kingdoms
to the three higher. (EP I, p. 231)
Kingdom of Souls
  • All sub-human kingdoms are constituted of lives
    progressing towards the human stage
  • Becoming human is the goal of the conscious
    element within the mineral, vegetable and animal
  • All super-human kingdoms are constituted of lives
    who were once human
  • Man is the essential inner structure of all
    being, which makes relationship and contact with
    other kingdoms possible
  • The human kingdom is a receiving and transmitting
    agent for the 3 sub-human kingdoms.

receiving and transmitting agent
Group consciousness
Evolution of Consciousness
Self- consciousness
Instinctual consciousness
Sentient consciousness
Inert consciousness
Identified with FORM aspect
Identified with LIFE aspect
Group consciousness
Evolution of Consciousness
Self- consciousness
Instinctual consciousness
Sentient consciousness
Inert consciousness
Identified with FORM aspect
Identified with LIFE aspect
  • Each kingdom is dependent upon and draws life
    from the kingdom which precedes it

Evolution Among Kingdoms
Each kingdom is a laboratory wherein are built
nutrients to build ever more refined
Demonstrate animal instinct as active
intelligence love/wisdom will. Demonstrate
self-consciousness as awareness of being a
separate entity indwelling and impulsing a
body. Goal intuition
Develop rudimentary intelligence embryonic
will. Goal intellect
Develop response to sensation. Goal instinct
Develop discriminative and selective
activity. Goal sentiency
Evolution Among Kingdoms
Expression Intuition
Expression Experience, growth, intelligence
Expression instinct, adaptability, emotional
Expression Magnetism, attractiveness, upward
growth towards light
Rays V II
Rays IV V
Expression Radio-activity
Rays II, IV, VI
Rays I VII
  • Points of contact between kingdoms are
  • through shared rays

SACRIFICE from SACRUM triangular (3) bone
at base of the spine consists of 5 fused
vertebrae. Venus Saturn, 5 and 3 SACRAL
1. Of or near the SACRUM 2. Relating to or
used in SACRED rites. SACRIFICE Giving up of
something valued or important for some one or
something else considered to be of more value or
SACRAL translation from Greek HIERON sacred
(bone), from the belief that the soul resided
there. Hiero prefix Holy, Sacred,
Hieroglyphics, Hierocracy, Hierophant, and
Hierarchy formally ranked group, members
arranged in ranks different members of a group
possess different levels of status Venus
school of 5 strict grades)
SACRAMENT rite believed established by Jesus
Christ to bring gracebaptism and communion
(penance, confirmation, holy orders, matrimony,
anointing the sick.) 1. The first step into
this kingdom (Spiritual or 5th) is through the
new Birth. 2. The second step is through the
baptism of Purification. It is a process of
growth in the characteristics of the kingdom, and
the gradual attainment of that maturity which
marks the citizen of that kingdom. BONUS what
is the Capitol of California? Link of Virgo
California, New Zealand hmmmm
keeping sacred things, shrine CONSECRATE
Declare place holy, set apart a place as
sacredCONSECRATION CEREMONY sanctification of
communion bread and wineas symbols of the body
and blood of Jesus Christ.COMMUNION intimacy,
connection, fellowship Sacrament that
commemorates Christs Last Supper. Refer to VSK
handout first initiation references
  • The Law of Sacrifice
  • the law which governs those states of being
    which grow out of the establishment of right
    human relations.
  • find out the meaning of group consciousness
    through the study of the law of sacrifice.
  • 7. The Law of Sacrifice and Death. This law
    links itself to the third law, that of
    Disintegration The Law of Disintegration
    controls the fivefold destruction of forms in the
    five lower worlds, and the Law of Death controls
    similarly in the three worlds. The Law of
    Sacrifice is the Law of Death in the subtle
    bodies, whilst what we call death is the
    analogous thing in the physical body. This law
    governs the gradual disintegration of concrete
    forms and their sacrifice to the evolving life,
    and is closely linked in its manifestation with
    the seventh Ray.

No. Exoteric Esoteric Name
Name Symbol Ray Energy 1. The Law
of The Law of those A rosy
Cross Outpouring fourth sacrifice.
who choose to die. with a golden ray,
at-one-ing bird.
energy. This law of sacrifice,
which is the first of the laws to be grasped by
the human intelligence, and is therefore the
easiest for man to understand (because he is
already governed by it Page 88 TCF and,
therefore, aware of it) came to its first major
expression during this slowly disappearing
Piscean age. The theme of all the world
religions has been divine sacrifice, the
immolation of the cosmic Deity through, the
process of universal creation, and of the world
Saviours, by Their death and sacrifice as a means
of salvation and eventual release and liberation.
this dominant world law governs the appearing
and the disappearing of universes, of solar
systems, of races and of nations, of world
leaders and world rulers, of incarnating human
beings and of revealing Sons of God. It was
this aspect of sacrifice which led to the
creation of the worlds and to the manifestation
of the divine Creator. a. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF
THE LAW OF SACRIFICE It means the impulse of
giving. The whole secret of the doctrines of
"the forgiveness of sins" and of the "at-onement"
lies hid in this simple phrase. It is the basis
of the Christian doctrine of love and sacrifice.
Hence the emphasis Page 89 laid, in the Piscean
Age and through the influence of Christianity,
upon just these two things, forgiveness and
1. Energy follows thought and the eye directs the
energy. Involves the physical plane. Relates to
the first initiation. Concerns the ajna centre
and the so-called third eye. 2. The will is an
expression of the Law of Sacrifice. Involves the
astral plane. Relates to the second
initiation. Concerns the heart centre, the
"advancing point of Light.
  • The Law of Sacrifice
  • Governs the death of that which is lower in order
    to release that which is higher
  • Governs the service of that which is higher
    towards the evolution of that which is lower.
  • Step 1 Sacrifice of Lower to Higher
  • Form purification
  • Reorientation
  • Identification of form with consciousness
  • Sacrifice of the form
  • Step 2 Sacrifice of Higher to Lower
  • Stimulation
  • Illumination
  • Direction
  • Service

Human Kingdom as Saviour
  • Preparation
  • rendering of the personality subject to the soul
  • development of an aptitude for service
  • understanding his part in the Plan

  • Stimulation of soul in all forms
  • Effects in mineral kingdom radio-activity
  • Effects in vegetable kingdom increased beauty
    and diversity
  • Effects in animal kingdom elimination of
  • The transmission of light to the soul in all
  • knowledge, wisdom, understanding
  • The transmission of energy from higher kingdoms
    to the lower kingdoms

Humanitys Influence as Saviour to Lower Kingdoms
  • Mineral Kingdom
  • Skilled utilization of metals
  • Alchemy - Metallurgy
  • Animal Kingdom
  • Stimulation of intellect
  • Purification of animal form
  • Initiation process changed from liberation
    through bloodshed to liberation through mentality
  • Through impact of 7th ray animals will be better
    understood, trained, considered and utilized.

  • Vegetable Kingdom
  • Foster perfume-producing faculty
  • Adapt and specialize plant life for use by man
    and animals
  • Evolution of new species
  • Production of nutritive forms

Humanitys Influence as Saviour to Animal Kingdom
  • Preparation for Individualization
  • Impressing agent
  • bonds of affection and devotion
  • bonds of service
  • mental stimulation
  • liberation through mentality
  • purposeful activity -- applied will
  • physical, emotional and mental relationship
    stimulates development of intellect (Ray V
    influence added to rays II, III, VI)
  • Effect of Mans Own Development
  • Purification of personality vehicles raises
    vibration level of physical, astral and lower
    mental matter, thereby enhancing vibration level
    and consciousness of animal forms
  • Healing radiation of Mans soul stimulates
    consciousness within animal forms

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