Title: Milwaukee County Project for the Incarcerated
1Milwaukee County Project for the Incarcerated
- Presenter
- Lisa J. Marks, Deputy Director
- Child Support Enforcement
- 901 N. 9th Street, Room 101
- Milwaukee, WI 53233
- Lmarks_at_milwcnty.com
2Milwaukee County Demographics
Total Number of Cases
Court Cases With Current Support Order
Court Cases Where NCP Is Incarcerated
Long Term
Short Term
Average Monthly Current Support Order of
Incarcerated NCP
- Balance of sentence exceeds 6 months
- No substantial earnings/assets
- Not convicted of crime against custodial person
or children or non-payment of child support
4Status as of 09/15/06
5National Child Support Arrears FY 1987 to FY
Source Office of Child Support Enforcement,
Annual Statistical Reports. Note Data before
and after FY 1999 are not comparable. The
increase in FY 1999 reflects a change in the
reporting instructions to states regarding
arrears to include interest and penalties.
Arrears may be overstated because arrears
associated with interstate cases may be included
in both states Slide data provide by Elaine
Sorenson of the Urban Institute
6Distribution of Debtors and Arrears in Nine
States, by Amount of Arrears Owed
Slide data provide by Elaine Sorenson of the
Urban Institute
7Child Support Arrears, by States Interest Policy
No Interest
Source OCSE Annual Statistical Reports Slide
data provide by Elaine Sorenson of the Urban
8How Collectible are the Arrears?
- Estimate that 40 of the Arrears in these States
are Likely to be Collected within 10 years. - Estimate that Arrears will Grow by 59 over 10
years in these States if Policies and Procedures
are Not Changed.
Slide data provide by Elaine Sorenson of the
Urban Institute
9Letter to Non-Custodial Parent (NCP)
10Letter to Custodial Parent (CP)
11CP Stipulation Order
- Results
- Every 1,000 modifications increases Current
Support collection percentage about 0.5 - Hurdles
- Social Security Number not a prison identifier
- Tracking cases after NCP is released
- Lack of interface with corrections
- Communication with NCP/offender
- Politics
- Next Stops
- Continue efforts to get corrections/interface
- Regular presence at Institutions with heavy
Milwaukee presence - Work with local corrections officials
13QuestionsLisa Marks901 N. 9th
StreetMilwaukee, WI 53233(414) 278-5239
- lmarks_at_milwcnty.com
- Or
- markscse_at_yahoo.com