Title: Radiosity Part II Form Factors
1Radiosity Part IIForm Factors
- Learn ways of computing form factors.
3Recall the Radiosity Equation
- The Fij are the form factors
- Form factors independent of radiosities(depend
only on scene geometry)
4Form Factors in Detail
- Expanding G, we get
- where Vij is the visibility (0 or 1)
5Alternate Formulation
- We have two integrals to compute
Area integral over object j
Area integral over object i
6Computing the Form Factor
7Computing the Form Factor
8Analytic solutions
- Only feasible for VERY simple scenes
- Visibility is hard to compute analytically!
9Numerical approximation
10Numerical IntegrationThe Nusselt Analog
This gives the form factor FdAiAj
11The Nusselt Analog
- Project Aj along its normalAj cos qj
- Project result on sphereAj cos qj / r2
- Project result on unit circleAj cos qj cos qi
/r2 - Divide by unit circle area
- Aj cos qj cos qi / pr2
- Integrate for all points on Aj
area Aj
sphere projection Aj cos qj/r2
second projection Aj cos qj cos qi /r2
unit circle area p
12Hemicube Method
- Approximation of Nusselts analog betweena point
dAi and a polygon Aj
Polygonal Area (Aj)
Infinitesimal Area (dAi)
- For convenience, a cube 1 unit high with a top
face 2 x 2 is used. Side faces are 2 wide by 1
high. - Decide on a resolution for the cube. Say 512 by
512 for the top.
14Compute Delta Form Factors
These are the inner integrals integrand, i.e.
- Store delta factors in table
- Use the cube symmetry to store less factors
15Hemicube Method
- Scan convert all scene objects onto hemicubes 5
faces - Use Z buffer to determine visibility term
- Sum up the delta form factors of the hemicube
cells covered by scanned objects - Gives form factors from hemicubes base to all
elements, i.e. FdAiAj for given i and all j
16Hemicube Problem Aliasing
17Method 2 Area Sampling
- Subdivide Aj into small pieces dAj
- 2. For all dAj
- cast ray dAj-dAj to determine V if
visible compute FdAidAj - sum up
- FdAiAj FdAidAj
- 3. We have now FdAiAj
- Several ways to find form factors
- Hemicube was original method
- Hardware acceleration
- Gives FdAiAj for all j in one pass
- - Aliasing
- Area sampling methods now preferred - Slower
than hemicube - As accurate as desired since
- Ok, we have the form factors
- How do we solve the matrix?
- Shooting
- Progressive Radiosity
- Meshing
- Cohen and Wallace, Radiosity and Realistic Image
Synthesis, Chapter 4.