Title: History of Biodiesel in Kentucky
1History of Biodiesel in Kentucky Where
weve been and Where were going
2History ofBiodiesel in Kentucky
Started in 1993 Kentucky Soybean Board drove 1994
diesel Chevrolet to promote biodiesel Biodiesel
had to be trucked in from Kansas City, MO
3Local Manufactories and Distributors
Griffin Industries Inc. an international company
is located here in Cold Spring Kentucky Peter
Cremer North America, LP also internationally
known is located in Cinncincitti OH
4The Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition - a non profit
organization was established Partnering to find
funds United Soybean Board, Kentucky Soybean
Board, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Kentucky
Department of Energy, US Department of Defense,
US Department of Transportation, US Department of
Energy, Farm Bureau Federation, and many more
5The city of Owensboro was the 1st Kentucky City
to use biodiesel in a transit vehicle Louisville
was selected by the National Soy Diesel
Development Board now known as NBB National
Biodiesel Board as a Soy Diesel demonstration
site for 30,000-50,000 gallons used for 6 metro
6TARC Transit Authority River City for Louisville
used 5000 gallons of biodiesel to power 4
garbage trucks Mammoth Cave Park uses a B20
blend in all diesel equipment such as tractors,
backhoes, graters, and even ferries. They use
approximately 700-900 gallons a month to power
the equipment adding up to an astounding
10-12,000 thousand gallons annually. Awarded the
USDOE National Partnership Award for Leadership
in using alternative fuels-BIODIESEL
7Distributor Grants KSA gave 5 fuel distributors
1000 gallons to use the fuel free of charge to
pass the savings to the farmers. The original 5
are Fields Petroleum - Hickman, Max Arnold Sons
Madisonville, Royster Clark Hardin, Seay Oil
Hopkinsville and Paducah, and Valor Oil-
8 Murray State University
Began to utilize the profits of biodiesel in 2002
Runs all diesel equipment on a B20 blend of
9USDOE Granted 6 entities funds totaling more than
38,000 each. Murray State University East
Kentucky Power Cooperative School Districts
McClean County Campbell County Marshall County
Kenton County
10 Carmeuse Lime Mines
Located in Maysville, KY The nations second
largest lime mine reduced air pollutants in its
underground mines by 31 percent when it switched
its equipment and vehicles to a 35 percent
Biodiesel blend
11Seay Oil was awarded a grant for Biodiesel
storage and distribution at their Hopkinsville
plant. The storage tank is to hold 100,000
gallons of B100 Biodiesel Louisville Metro Park
began the use of biodiesel funded by a grant
awarded by the KDOE for 40,000.00.
12House Bill 40 Requires all diesel fuels to be
mixed with a 2 blend of biodiesel fuel made from
fats, oils, and soybeans. April 20, 2004
Governor Ernie Fletcher signs Earth Day
Proclamation Energy Efficiency in State
Government Energy Efficiency in School Buses
13The proclamation included these points pertaining
to biodiesel.
All Kentucky State Resort Parks
are mandated to utilize B20 in vehicles and
equipment. Funding (nearly five
hundred thousand dollars over two years) has
been secured for public school buses
across KY to utilize B20 Funding has
been secured for municipalities in KY
utilizing in their city/county fleet
Economic Impact Study The study states, that
using a 20 blend of biodiesel fuel would have a
total output impact of 2.16 Billion and tax
revenue conservatively estimated at 245 million.
University of KY Is conducting research
on the varieties to examine which variety produce
the most hydrogen for the use of hydrogen fuel
cells. They are also evaluating the effectiveness
of small farm scale size biodiesel production
15Joining Forces with Fort Knox and Fort Campbell
16 Its not just the bus coming down the road