Title: Money and Morality
1- Money and Morality
- Applying Terror Management Theory
- to the Use of Money
Eva Jonas Ludwig Maximilians-Universität
2Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol
3Terror Management Theory (Greenberg,
Solomon, Pyszczynski, 1997)
A shared conception of reality that imbues life
with meaning, order, and permanence, and the
promise of safety and death transcendence to
those who meet the prescribed standards of value.
The belief that one is living up to those
standards of value.
4Underlying Process Death becomes
salient ? Immediate (direct) defense reactions
suppression / rationalization / denial
accessibility of death related thoughts is
decreased word completion task, e.g. COFF_ _, SK
_ LL, DE _ _, CO _ _ SE ? Death outside of focal
attention accessibility of death related
thoughts increases (unconscious) ? Distal
(symbolic) defense of cultural worldview and
self-esteem striving ? Accessibility of death
related thoughts is decreased
5Terror Management Research
- IV Accessibility of death related thoughts
(mortality salience) - Thinking about ones own death, e.g. Please
write down the first sentence that comes to your
mind if you think about your own death. - Subliminal priming
- Close proximity to a funeral home or cemetery
- DV Defense of cultural worldview or self-esteem
striving - Participants show increased liking for people who
praise their own culture and devalue people who
criticize their culture - Harsher punishment for people who behave against
cultural norms, e.g. prostitutes, and increased
rewards for cultural heroes - Increased financial expectations for ones own
future (e.g. salary, house prices) - Increased preference for prestigious consumption
6Terror Management and the Introduction of the Euro
- DM was an important cultural symbol
- The introduction of the Euro threatened the
cultural identity of the Germans - Mortality salience increases peoples striving to
maintain faith in their culture and to defend
their culture and its symbols against threats - Mortality salience should decrease liking of the
Euro and increase liking of the DM
7The Influence of Mortality Salience (ms) on
Germans Reactions Towards the Euro and DM
Evaluation of currency
June 2001 University of Munich
Jonas et al., in press, Journal of Economic
8The Influence of Mortality Salience (ms) on
Germans Reactions Towards the Euro and DM
Evaluation of currency
Dec. 2002 Cemetery in Munich
June 2002 Cemetery in Magdeburg
Jonas et al., in press, Journal of Economic
9Death and Morality
TMT posits that mortality salience motivates
people to believe that they are valuable members
of their own culture. Culture incorporates moral
standards, e.g. bible love thy neighbor as thy
self Parables such as the Good Samatarian Famous
figures such as Mother Teresa, Gandhi Does
mortality salience lead people to behave
according to moral standards?
10Mortality Salience and Materialism
Kasser and Sheldon (2000)? Of wealth and death
Materialism, mortality salience, and
consumption behavior ? Following mortality
salience more greedy behavior in a
ressource dilemma paradigm
11How beneficial, necessary, and desirable are
charities to society?
Attitudes towards charities
(some blocks away from funeral home)
(in front of funeral home)
Jonas et al., 2002, Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin
12Mortality Salience and Charitable Behavior
- 2 x 2 design mortality salience yes vs. no
(between subjects) charities national vs.
international (within subjects) - Introductory psychology students of the
University of Arizona (credits for
participation) - In the beginning distribution of 6 quarters
13Mortality Salience and Charitable Behavior
- Procedure
- Participants worked in individual cubicles on a
packet of different questionnaires, among them
Think about your own death vs. dental pain - After that the experimenter asked of whether they
were willing to support some specific charities - Donations were anonymous by putting money in an
envelope and putting the envelope into a box in
the cubicle
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16Donations for National vs. International Charities
Donations (transformed)
mortality salience
control group
Jonas et al., 2002, Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin
17Donations for International Charities
Procedure Same procedure as before Only
difference choice between two international
18Donations for International Charities
Donations (transformed)
identification with the U.S.
19Donations for International Charities following
the Activation of the Norm of Charity
20Donations for International Charities Depending
on Norm Activation
Donations (transformed)
charity norm Florence Nightingale
neutral norm Marie Curie
21Mortality Salience and Fairness
- Procedure
- Mortality salience manipulation
- Norm prime sentence unscrambling taske.g. That
was a fair decision. They had equal chances. vs.
The water boiled on the stove. Occasionally he
drank vodka. - Decision experiment Participants got an envelope
with 10 single Dollar notes and were asked to
distribute the money between themselves and an
anonymous other person ( Dictator game).
22Mortality Salience and Fairness
23Results of the Dictator Game
Dollars for the other person
24The Activation of Opposite Norms Common
Interest vs. Self Interest in a Ressource Dilemma
25Behavior in a Ressource Dilemma Paradigm
Norm prime
26Consumption Behavior when Choosing Drinks
Choice of drink(1 mineral water/Apfelsaftschorl
e, 0 Coca Cola/Fanta)
norm prime
- Mortality salience is a basic human motivator,
which affects - the evaluation of money
- handling of money - Mortality salience leads people to behave
according to cultural norms. - TMT provides an explanation why people are
motivated to behave according to salient
cultural norms ? because they want to be
valuable members of their own culture
because this helps them to cope with the
awareness of death. - There are different (sometimes even opposite)
norms in a society, which are part of
peoples cultural worldview to predict behavior
it is important to know which norm is
activated in a specific situation.