MS SQL Server - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MS SQL Server


Enables user to write queries and other SQL statements and execute them ... Cursors. Triggers. System Databases. By default SQL server has 4 databases ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: sql | cursors | server


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MS SQL Server

MS SQL Server
  • MS SQL Server is a database server
  • Product of Microsoft
  • Enables user to write queries and other SQL
    statements and execute them
  • Consists of several features. A few are
  • Query Analyzer
  • Profiler
  • Service Manager
  • Bulk Copy Program (BCP)

  • Monitoring tool
  • Used for performance tuning
  • Uses traces an event monitoring protocol
  • Event may be a query or a transaction like logins

Service Manager
  • Helps us to manage services
  • More than one instance of SQL server can be
    installed in a machine
  • First Instance is called as default instance
  • Rest of the instances (16 max) are called as
    named instances
  • Service manager helps in starting or stopping the
    instances individually

  • Each instance is hidden from another instance
  • Enhances security
  • Every instance has its own set of Users, Admins,
    Databases, Collations
  • Advantage of having multiple instance is
  • Multi company support (Each company can have its
    own instance and create databases on the same
    server, independent on each other)
  • Server consolidation (Can host up to 10 server
    applications on a single machine)

  • Bulk Copy Program
  • A powerful command line utility that enables us
    to transfer large number of records from a file
    to database
  • Time taken for copying to and from database is
    very less
  • Helps in back up and restoration

Query Analyzer
  • Allows us to write queries and SQL statements
  • Checks syntax of the SQL statement written
  • Executes the statements
  • Store and reload statements
  • Save the results in file
  • View reports (either as grid or as a text)

SQL Database Objects
  • A SQL Server database has lot of objects like
  • Tables
  • Views
  • Stored Procedures
  • Functions
  • Rules
  • Defaults
  • Cursors
  • Triggers

System Databases
  • By default SQL server has 4 databases
  • Master System defined stored procedures, login
    details, configuration settings etc
  • Model Template for creating a database
  • Tempdb Stores temporary tables. This db is
    created when the server starts and dropped when
    the server shuts down
  • Msdb Has tables that have details with respect
    to alerts, jobs. Deals with SQL Server Agent

Creating a database
  • We need to use Master database for creating a
  • By default the size of a database is 1 MB
  • A database consists of
  • Master Data File (.mdf)
  • Primary Log File (.ldf)

Database operations
  • Changing a database
  • Use ltdbnamegt
  • Creating a database
  • Create database ltdbnamegt
  • Dropping a database
  • Drop database ltdbnamegt

SQL Server Data types
  • Integer Stores whole number
  • Float Stores real numbers
  • Text Stores characters
  • Decimal Stores real numbers
  • Money Stores monetary data. Supports 4 places
    after decimal
  • Date Stores date and time
  • Binary Stores images and other large objects
  • Miscellaneous Different types special to SQL
  • (Refer to notes for more info)

  • Arithmetic
  • Assignment
  • Comparison
  • Logical
  • String
  • Unary
  • Bitwise

Select Statements
  • To execute a statement in MS SQL, Select the
    statement and Click on the Execute button in the
    query analyser or press F5
  • This is used to retrive records from a table
  • Eg. Select from table1
  • This will fetch all rows and all columns from
  • Eg. Select col1,col2 from table1
  • This will fetch col1 and col2 from table1 for all
  • Eg. Select from table1 where ltltcondngtgt
  • This will fetch all rows from table1 that
    satisfies a condition
  • Eg. Select col1,col2 from table1 where ltltcondngtgt
  • This will fetch col1 and col2 of rows from table1
    that satisfies a condition

Select Options
  • Aggregate functions
  • Sum(col1) sum of data in the column col1
  • Max(col1) data with maximum value in col1
  • Min(col1) data with minimum value in col1
  • Avg(col1) Average of data in col1
  • Count(col1) Number of not null records in table
  • Grouping Group by col1 Groups data by col1
  • Ordering Order by col1 Orders the result in
    ascending order (default order) of col1
  • Filtering Where ltltcondngtgt and Having ltltcondngtgt

Table management
  • Create table tablename
  • (
  • col1 data type,
  • col2 data type
  • )
  • - Creates a table with two columns
  • Drop table tablename
  • - Drops the table structure

Insert statements
  • Inserting data to all columns
  • Insert into tablename(col1,col2) values(v1,v2)
  • Insert into tablename values(v1,v2)
  • Inserting data to selected columns
  • Insert into tablename(col1) values (v1)
  • Insert into tablename(col2) values (v2)

Update statement
  • Update table tablename
  • Set colnamevalue
  • - This updates all rows with colname set to
  • Update table tablename
  • Set colnamevalue
  • Where ltltconditiongtgt
  • - This updates selected rows with colname as
    value only if the row satisfies the condition

Delete statements
  • Delete from table1
  • Deletes all rows in table1
  • Delete from table1 where ltltconditiongtgt
  • Deletes few rows from table1 if they satisfy the

Truncate statement
  • Truncate table tablename
  • Removes all rows in a table
  • Resets the table.
  • Truncate does the following, where as delete
    statement does not
  • Releases the memory used
  • Resets the identity value
  • Does not invoke delete trigger

Alter statements
  • Used to modify table structure
  • Add new column
  • Change data type of existing column
  • Delete a column
  • Add or remove constraints like foreign key,
    primary key

More table commands
  • Viewing tables in a data base
  • Exec sp_tables a
  • This gives all tables in the current database
    that starts with a
  • Viewing table strucure
  • Exec sp_columns ltlttablenamegtgt
  • Exec sp_columns student

  • Cross Join
  • Cartesian product. Simply merges two tables.
  • Inner Join
  • Cross join with a condition. Used to find
    matching records in the two tables
  • Outer Join
  • Used to find un matched rows in the two tables
  • Self Join
  • Joining a table with itself

Cross Join
  • There are two tables A and B
  • A has a column Id and data (1,2,3)
  • B has a column Id and data (A,B)
  • If I put
  • Select A.Id, B.Id from A,B
  • This generates output as
  • A 1
  • B 1
  • C 1
  • A 2
  • B 2
  • C 2

Self Join
  • There is a table called Emp with the following
  • empid ename mgrid
  • 1 A null
  • 2 B 1
  • 3 C 1
  • 4 D 2
  • If I want to print all managers using self join,
    I should write quey as
  • select e1.ename from
  • emp e1,emp e2
  • where e1.mgrid e2.empid

Inner Join
  • I have 2 tables Student(sid,Name) and
  • If I want to print the marks of all students in
    the following format,
  • Name Subject Score
  • Select Name,Subject,Score from
  • Student s join Marks m
  • On s.sid m.sid

Outer Join
  • Right outer Join
  • Print all the records in the second table with
    null values for missing records in the first
  • Left outer Join
  • Print all the records in the first table with
    null values for missing records in the second
  • Full outer Join
  • Prints all records in both the table with null
    values for missing records in both the table

Left Outer Join
  • I have a table Employee (Eid, Ename, Mid) and
  • a table Machine (Mid,ManufacturerName)
  • Employee
  • Eid EName Mid
  • 1 ABC 1
  • 2 DEF 3
  • Machine
  • Mid ManufacturerName
  • 1 Zenith
  • 2 HP

Left Outer Join
  • I want to print the employee name and machine
  • If I write a query using inner join, then the
    second employee will
  • not be displayed as the mid in his record is not
    avilable with the second
  • table.
  • So I go for left outer join. The query is as
    shown below
  • Select Ename, ManufacturerName from Employee e
    left outer join
  • Machine m on e.Mid m.Mid

Right outer Join
  • Assume data in the tables like this
  • Employee
  • Eid EName Mid
  • 1 ABC 1
  • 2 DEF
  • Machine
  • Mid ManufacturerName
  • 1 Zenith
  • 2 HP

Right Outer Join
  • If I want to find which machine is unallocated, I
    can use right outer join.
  • The query is as follows
  • Select Ename, ManufacturerName from Employee e
    right outer join
  • Machine m on e.Mid m.Mid
  • This yields a result
  • ABC Zenith
  • HP

Full Outer Join
  • Assume data in the tables like this
  • Employee
  • Eid EName Mid
  • 1 ABC 1
  • 2 DEF
  • 3 GHI 2
  • Machine
  • Mid ManufacturerName
  • 1 Zenith
  • 2 HP
  • 3 Compaq

Full Outer Join
  • If I want to find people who have been un
    allocated with a system and
  • machines that are been un allocated, I can go for
    full outer join.
  • Query is like this
  • Select Ename, ManufacturerName from Employee e
    full outer join
  • Machine m on e.Mid m.Mid
  • This yields a result
  • ABC Zenith
  • DEF
  • GHI HP
  • Compaq

  • Views are logical tables
  • They are pre compiled objects
  • We can select few columns or rows from a table
    and put the data set in a view and can use view
    in the same way as we use tables

  • Create views
  • Create view viewname as select stmt
  • Create view view_emp as select empid,
  • empname from employee
  • Select from views
  • Select from viewname
  • Select empid,empname view_emp
  • Drop views
  • Drop view viewname
  • Drop view view_emp

String Functions
  • Substring(string,start,length) Will fetch
    characters starting at a specific index extending
    to length specified.
  • Left(string,length) Fetches number of
    characters specified by length from left of the
  • Right(string,length) Fetches number of
    characters specified by length from right of the
  • Len(string) Returns the length of a string

String Functions
  • Ltrim(string) Removes leading spaces in a
  • Rtrim(string) Removes trailing spaces in a
  • Lower(string) Converts the characters in a
    string to lower case
  • Upper(string) Converts the characters in a
    string to upper case

Numeric Functions
  • ABS(Number) Fetches the modulo value (Positive
    value) of a number
  • CEILING(Number) Fetches the closest integer
    greater than the number
  • FLOOR(Number) Fetches the closest integer
    smaller than the number
  • EXP(Number) Fetches the exponent of a number

Numeric Functions
  • POWER(x,y) Fetches x raised to the power of y
  • LOG(Number) Fetches the natural logarithmic
    value of the number
  • LOG10(Number) Fetches log to the base 10 of a
  • SQRT(Number) Fetches the square root of a number

  • Indexes make search and retrieve fast in a
  • This is for optimizing the select statement
  • Types of index
  • Unique
  • Non unique
  • Clustered
  • Non clustered

  • Create index indexname on
  • tablename(columnname)
  • This creates a non clustered index on a table
  • Create unique clustered index index_name on
  • Student(sname)
  • This creates a unique and clustered index on the
  • Column Sname.

  • This creates an auto increment for a column
  • If a table has a column with sequence or auto
    increment, the user need not insert data
    explicitly for the column
  • Sequence is implemented using the concept of

  • Identity has
  • A seed
  • An increment
  • Seed is the initial value
  • Increment is the value by which we need to skip
    to fetch the nextvalue
  • Identity(1,2) will generate sequence numbers

  • Create table table1
  • (
  • Id integer identity(1,1),
  • Name varchar(10)
  • )
  • It is enough if we insert like this
  • Insert into table1(name) values(Ram)
  • Ram will automatically assigned value 1 for id
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