Title: Create a Country!
1Create a Country!
- ( The Coolest Project of All
Time!) - Introduction Task
Assessment Conclusion
2Have you ever wanted to just be the boss?
To make all the decisions, to say how things
ought to be run? Of course you have! Now is your
big chanceSoon you will be getting your
license to drive the earth. You will be old
enough to start making the decisions that will
affect others lives on the earth that you are
sharing with them. Why dont we practice right
now? If you could create the perfect place to
live, what would it look like? What would it be
like to live there?Here is your opportunity to
Create-a-Country! Weve been talking all year
about country characteristics. Your assignment,
should you choose to accept it (and by the way
you must), is to build a country from scratch,
using your imagination and the guidelines on the
following pages. Be creative and have fun!
- Introduction Task
Process Assessment
Conclusion -
3 TASKIn a few short years, YOU will
be the one to make important, life altering
decisions. YOU will be attempting to make things
perfect in the society that you live in. Create
the society (country) that you would like to see!
Present your country to the world in the format
that you think will be most effective (blow their
minds!) Utilize power point, posters, skits,
props, a news broadcast, brochurewhatever
(subject to teacher approval)! The following
aspects of your country must be addressed-
Its name
- capital- a flag
- absolute location- country history (how
did it start?) - government
type- size (square miles or kilometers)
- climate- imports and exports
- what is
economy based upon?- food types
language- clothing worn
- common vegetation-
- landforms- water
features You may work alone or in groups of two
(2). (Groups must also meet teacher approval)You
will be presenting your new country at the United
Nations (room 100) the week starting May 21.
- Introduction Task
Assessment Conclusion
4 PROCESSIf you choose to, you may utilize the
following sources to help you build your country.
There will be computer time available at the
school for you to work, however, this project
will require time outside of school as
well!(click on words to view available
source)- country flag- absolute location-
landforms- water features- square miles
(kilometers)- government types- climates-
imports and exports- languages- vegetation
types- foods- economy
- Introduction Task
Assessment Conclusion
- Utilize the hyperlink below for access to your
rubric. This link will take you to the most
complete, popular and awesome website ever! - Build-a-Country Oral Presentation Rubric
- Introduction Task
Process Assessment
- Congratulations! You are now considered one of
the great architects of all time! Not many can
lay claim to having built a country from
scratch. In doing so you have cemented in your
mind, what aspects it takes to make a country
run! Bet you cant wait to be old enough to
drive the earth and put this knowledge to use!!!